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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-08-14.



I never get tried of seeing the Dom in drag


Thanks to this movie, whenever I see poorly styled long hair on a guy I refer to it as "Goblet of Fire Hair".


Yeah...I didn't like Finnes' over-the-topness in this one. I really didn't. And maybe they wanted the Potter world as steampunk instead of medieval? Which would've been interesting, I think. and yeah, bad movie!maze! It should've been better

Anders Enggaard

So you have an entire part 2 for the stuff they left out? That seems like it's gonna be a hilariously angry rant!


Some of your best visual effects work yet! I was so impressed with the wand vs. gun duel that you had in there--the timing was spot on! It's also always hilarious to have you in drag, and this one was no exception. Goodness, just when I think there's no other ways you can improve, you go and leap up another several levels! LOVING this series, Dom.

Andrew Kilmer

I'm SO happy you pointed out that Fake Moody could have made anything a random Portkey instead of entering Harry into the tournament AND that nobody could see anything in the last 2 tasks. I've been saying it for ages but everyone told me I was over thinking it. Thank you Dom! :)


Oh man, I'm loving this! Goblet of Fire was my second favorite book, so the changes and omissions angered me to no end (almost as much as film three, as that was my favorite book), so I'm enjoying watching you flay this thing to the bone. Especially the part about Dumbledore being a jerk to Harry (I was dismayed when The Dom said he liked him, so I enjoyed seeing Terrance ripping him a new one this time) and Emma Watson's shocking makeover for the ball looking no different from how she looks in the rest of the film (while I adore Emma Watson, that was just a bad film choice). I'm also enjoying the abundance of more jokes for this Harry Potter review than previous reviews past. "Well, this. is. Rrrriveting!" I hope the next one is half as hilarious as this one!


As for Lord Voldemort, my thoughts were long enough to need their own post: The thing that bugged me the most was WHY DIDN'T HE HAVE RED EYES?! One of his most terrifying features in the books was his blood red eyes. They gave CG red eyes for Mrs. Norris, but not Lord Voldemort?? Between Harry not having green eyes and Voldemort not having red, they're really failing at BASIC adaption appearances. The lack of a squeaky voice also bothered me, if slightly less so. Maybe they tested it on a focus group and it didn't work... but then again Hollywood managed to make red eyes and a squeaky voice work for Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, so why not try it here? I also didn't like what a large ham he is in the film; it just made him look so silly and so hard to take seriously. As a kid I had recurring nightmares about his blood red eyes, high squeaky voice, skeleton-pale and thin body; a guy in monster makeup with blue eyes and a regular person's voice with hammy mannerisms just killed the horror for me. (Also, I promise this is the last super long post from me. I'm less passionate about books 5-7 compared to 3-4, so these long posts will stop as of now.)


... Yeah, this is my favorite book and least favorite film. While the book was always a great read and I constantly found new things I didn't notice between the lines, the film just felt unfinished and meandering. Almost every scene rushed to the next without pause, but without emotion, which made the film seem soulless.


The last 5 seconds of this video made me question my sexuality........


I liked Ralph Fiennes' performance. He's creepy and reptilian, but also has the distinct sense of personal pride that defined the character in earlier books. Still liked the film, if only because I'm a child of British boarding schools, and the atmosphere felt right to me.


I liked Ralph Fiennes' performance, he was creepy and reptilian. And smug.


Actually, I have to comment on the muggle clothes. We're two films in and you still haven't commented on films three or four changing it so witches and wizards wear muggle clothes every second they're not out of their school uniforms. It was especially noticeable for film four, since wizards not knowing how to dress like muggles was a plot point in the fourth book (like the man who wore a woman's nightgrown because he liked to have a breeze between his privates).