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My thoughts on The Silver Chair by CS Lewis.

I was hoping to avoid going back to sponsorships but I had a bit of an expensive month and have to recuperate some funds.

Edit: I've just noticed there's a clip missing from right at the end so enjoy disembodied ghost Dom I guess heh.


The Silver Chair



That title is so so true.


new vid lets gooooooooo

Tori Hawley

I’m sure that doing sponsorships isn’t that fun for you, but do whatever you need for you. We will live.


I wonder how I'd find the later books returning to them now. As a kid, I remember really liking how weird the later books got. I think I must have been as close to a hipster as an eight year old can get, being all 'Oh, you like the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? The series doesn't REALLY start until Dawn Treader...' Probably helped having a mum who loved all the books, mind.


I can't fancast this one because my heart only holds room for Tom Baker as Puddleglum. The Wonderworks version may have been goofy but it was effective for that part. He came off as the cheeriest and most mature depressive ever.


Also Dom and handsome sailor Caspian OTP


"no one is that straight" LOL relateable! But also please feel free to do sponsorships! they don't take away from the content and we're happy you are able to support yourself! :)


Love the Arcanine pin.


If you think these books have some heavy allegory and misogyny you should read his Space Trilogy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Space_Trilogy

Kat Deuchars

I can relate I much preferred "Magician's Nephew" to LW&W and "The Horse and His Boy" was my favourite of the entire series

Kat Deuchars

Seriously, am I in a minority of one for hating Ben Barnes face until "Shadow and Bone"? Don't get me wrong, I can now see he's attractive but I can't stand him as Caspian or Dorian Grey.


This might sound cliche, but what about Timothee Chalamet as Rillian?


Way to have fun with that ship!


I used to love the BBC adaptation of this one, Tom Baker as Puddleglum was awesome. Things are about to get super weird...


Casting Rilian: Felix Mallard. Check out his IMDB picture. (I'm not sure he's English but I think he is based on his casting roles.)


No worries about the sponsorship; if you need it you need it, and it's no bother to me(/us).


I don't mind the sponsorships at all. <3 Also I really liked the many different backgrounds (and cutscenes, and sound effects) you used in this video. :) Thank you for this video, I have read this book years ago and can now confidently say I forgot 99% of it.


Yeeeeah especially the last one. Some of the most intense Yikes I've ever experienced in a book.


This is my favorite book, I had no idea there was a film adaptation. Can't wait to see how they differ.

Matt Storrs

I'll admit having a soft spot for this book, or at least its BBC adaptation. Tom Baker as Puddleglum. What more do you need?


Silver Chair gave me the same vibe as HP Chamber of Secrets. Maybe it’s because they both involve sinister mysteries, subterranean eeriness, and snakes.


Oh, now I'm sad. You were so mean to my favorite book XD

Julia Krystosek

I don't remember 90% of the plot of this book but the gaslighting the witch tries to use on the kids to convince them Aslan isn't real absolutely *shook* tiny me.


I loved this book as a kid thanks to the BBC audio drama and because basically no ones read it I’ve been able to rip parts of it, mostly the chair, the green woman and prince William, wholesale for my D&D games.


“I know what you want is for me to cover *The Last Battle*.” Nah, even as a kid that was my least favorite. I’m here for *The Horse and His Boy*!


Horse and His Boy was my favorite. It was a good old road trip book and I think would have been the best to film

Paul ferancik

This one was always my favourite in the series. I love jill as a character, and her growth from whiny complainer to brave and intelligent adventurerer. I love puddleglum too. And the adventure I found very easy and fun to enjoy. My only problems with this book are 1- we never learn where the serpent witch came from (it’s implied she’s the white witches daughter or a living remnant of her soul but it’s never clear) and I really REALLY hate the passive sexism in this. I know it’s in every narnia book to an extent but it’s really glaring here. The only narnia book more sexist is horse and his boy, but the racist stereotypes make the sexism almost invisible. (And yes, I do like horse and his boy but… come on…you know there’s a line between goofy stereotype and racist caricature. That book crossed that line.)


I am so excited to see you reviewing the rest of the series. I was pretty disappointed when we hit the Dawn Treader and assumed that would be the end of it. As a side note, since it’s likely to come up again, I’ve generally found that referring to a religion that is still widely practiced as a ‘mythology’ instead of ‘theology’ comes off as a touch disrespectful. It’s a bad habit that I’ve been trying to correct in myself discussing Hinduism or Shintoism, and I feel like it’s below your regular standards. (Honestly, I might get some flak for this, but oh well.)


I'm SO glad you're doing this! As a child I loved this series but I was raised an atheist. I did not understand the biblical overtones haha


I had forgotten how much I remember about Silver Chair. . . Also, I suspect you called it a "snowball fight" for brevity's sake and moved on.... but we all remember it wasn't just a simple snowball fight, right? That snowball dance (literally called the Great Snow Dance) & ritual feasting to celebrate the first moonlit night of snow has been one of the most persistent images of Narnia for me - and shaped A LOT of my ideology about spiritual practices, celebratory community gatherings, and "the right way to live your life" in general. I think my disappointment that the recent Narnia movies got fudged at Dawn Treader had a very strong component of sadness that I won't be seeing a Great Snow Dance attempted IRL (even a Hollywood version of it). As for Rilian.... Adam Driver?


I still love the books though they are certainly weird/strange at times. The Narnia books are definitely of their time but I'm interested to see what you think of the follow up books. And if you're going to review some fantasy books, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE would you review/look at the 'Deltora Quest' series by Emily Rhodda? They're amazing fantasy series though the creatures Emily designs are terrifying.


yeah, I could see it... he's a tiny bit young tho (and in Hollywood don't they try to make 'em look even younger?) IIRC, Rilian was 20-something when he disappeared, and somewhere around 30-something when rescued.


Same. At that point in my life, I honestly had more belief in Aslan than in Jesus ... I was ugly crying at that point in the narrative. Edit to Add: as an adult, I've been happily living as a faithful pagan for decades now. Narnia was 100% my "gateway drug". Nobody mention it to my Catholic mother - she read the Chronicles to us as children to get us hooked on Jesus via fantasy allegory while we were still young.


*flips open her DM journal and starts furiously writing notes and ideas* thaaaaank yooooooou


all of what you're saying is the reason that, although the Chronicles were Very Important in shaping my life and ideologies.... I can never, and will never, read & share them with my little niblings now that I'm an Auntie. It breaks my heart - but at least, thank Aslan, there have been plenty of other sci-fi & fantasy worlds built without some of these problematic inclusions!


I’d like to see someone like Aneurin Barnard as Rillian (take a look at Aneurin Barnard in the BBC’s Wars Of The Roses to see what I mean). I could also see ways to cast someone like Dev Patel there as he tends to wear period costumes well

Michael T. Johnson

A minute in, "No! Dom, think of the people that love you!" A minute left, "Oo, a tribute to Prince. As a Minnesotan, I thank you."


I could be wrong, but I think Dom is actually using the word "mythology" in the correct way. Not all mythologies are religious in nature, but all religions have an underlying mythology.


oh my goodness - YAS!! thank you for this idea; I love it


Why are people always wondering about the last book? If you know what it's based on I think it's the most straight of all of them: Anti-Christ - Apocalypse - Everyone dies - End up in heaven - the end.

Sam Williams

Woah that's weird, the picture you used for the school is where my mum works...


That chair bit is a well done bit of "don't believe him" I'd file that up with the Simpsons aliens spraying Homer with rum.


PSA: About surfshark - sadly it is no longer true that you can use it to watch Netflix etc. 'from everywhere'. Since about a week or two ago netflix started blocking known VPN servers. They deadass pop up a screen that says 'sorry to interrupt, but you're using VPN, stop it or we'll take our movies and go home'. The same happened with IMDB player, and one other player... tubi, I think. So now you have to chose between protecting your data OR using streaming service. Yay (deadpan).


So, since you're going beyond the filmed universe, I was rather hyped with the prospect of hearing your take on the Horse and his boy... until a few comments reminded me that the last time I read it was a couple of decades ago +, when I was happily blind/oblivious to such things as sexism, racism, et cetera, and now I look back at my fond memories and... oh dear. Even through the fog of time this doesn't look good. So much cringe. Pray tell, might we turn that particular video, whenever it may come, into an excercise of 'what should be changed to make it edible again'?

Hedron Master

I remember this being my favorite of the Narnia books when I was a kid, although I don't think I could articulate why back then. Now I think it's because they have a big fight with an evil witch/giant snake without it needing to be some kind of moral lesson about greed or whatever, and then scare the shit out of some children at the end.


This was legitimately my favorite book out of the series as a child, and surprisingly still was when I reread them as an adult. Puddleglum is also my favorite character out of all the books. Although I guess it’s an allegory about blind faith, him saying that , “In that case, it seems to me that the made-up things are a good deal better than the real ones” was so affirming and moved me so that I cried.


I’ve it! Really want one for the Vampire Chronicles in the future too!


But... but the 90s BBC adaptation...


I know, right? The Last Battle is the book where CSL tossed "allegory" right out the window and just basically, literally wrote a fanfic version of the Christian End-Times teachings and beliefs!