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Forgot to make the last one a paid post lol.


Kiln people Mark 0



Huh. Kept being reminded of that Doctor Who episode from a few years ago (probably more than I want to admit). Seems a fun and interesting concept, I love when you share your favourites, especially sci-fi which I am a novice in. I'll put it on the to-read list but I tried a Dresden book a few days ago and...we'll give noir detective a pause.


Indeed a very awesome concept! My existential dread alarm is going off, though. Can't imagine living while knowing this iteration of you will be dead in 24 hours. On an entirely different note.. Do you know about the cultural and historical context of the word and the concept "golem"? It's quite a big deal for Jewish people, I've heard. I'm not Jewish, so it's all second hand, but I came across this a while ago: https://firstginger.tumblr.com/post/645021220522377216/things-you-can-use-in-place-of-cultural I take it the dittos are also called golems in the book, and not something you came up with. But I can imagine that the use of the term golem in this context can come across as insensitive to your Jewish watchers. I thought this might be something you'd like to know about. Other than that, great video! May add to my to read list, if I can overcome the existential dread.

Billy (aka siatabiri)

I'm actually reminded of the Roger Rabbit original novel with how the Dittos work! This seems like a really interesting book

Amy Poli

very cool. also, MORE KITTY!!!!!



stini Mondkatze

This book sounds really interesting! It goes on to my reading list. (Which keeps getting longer and longer in part because of you!) [On a related note: I just bought an e-book for the very first time: Raybearer. Usually I prefer paperbacks but it was not available at my local book shop as such. So... you are to blame for that, too! XD] I'm looking forward to reading it :-)


I've read this! Kinda blew my mind, it was such a neat concept. I also liked his book "Earth" where scientists try to cope with a micro black hole that's fallen into the core of the earth.


Ooof, my "To-Read" list just keeps growing and growing and growing, but I've got to finish "The Mill on The Floss," for Uni first. 😢 Oh well, at least I've got something to look forward to, as I can't wait to read this book! Reminds me a bit of the "In Name Only" review you did on "Who Censored Rodger Rabbit," but then again, deliberately creating a duplicate of oneself is highly interesting concept with a lot of traction.


Okay, that's SUPER compelling. I already like good PI mystery, but with golems? Sold.


Oh I loved the book version of The Postman


Sounds very interesting, might check it out!