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Hello my lovelies, BEHOLD: my co producer Kate and I are trying out making a podcast. It's hopefully going to be a monthly patreon exclusive reward.

Episode 00
Complaining about High Fidelity some more and a spoiler heavy discussion of Rayberer.


Postcast 00


DK Jones

I apologize for this pun in advance. Would you say this podcast is your aftercare?

DK Jones

Wait, I thought of an actual suggestion: There and Back Again


Are there any plans to be able to play the podcasts or download them without going through YouTube? I guess what I'm asking is if you'll be putting the audio on another platform like Audible or Google Podcasts.


Thank you for the spoiler warning! I'm reading Raybearer right now, so better wait a few days before listening.

Eustacia Vye

On the subject of men pestering women, girls must be taught to say "no" and not "maybe" (trying to be nice). Women need to beconfident to say "no" definitively and men need to listen. Really interesting podcast.


Hey! A podcast! Following up what ÆtherialTea and Amy said, I too would love to get it on a podcast player, but if you want it to remain a Patreon benefit, it has to go through Patreon. If you make an audio post on Patreon it will generate an RSS feed (the tech magic that makes podcasts) and give us unique links to add your audio posts to most podcast players as a private feed.

Erica Borgers

I do so hope this becomes a regular thing!

Billy (aka siatabiri)

Silly thought for a title, since there was a thought of referencing Lost in Adaptation: how about Found in Reflection, since you're finding even a bit more insight in further reflecting on your work?


Lost in Reflection could work as well, since it's possible we might all end up lost in thought.


Fun podcast! I look forward to the next one.


Love that you two are doing this. I very much enjoy these sorts of conversations


I loved Raybearer thanks for reccomending it. You could really see the Gail Carson Levine influence and that was great plus afrofantasy is so cool to explore. My one nitpick with it was I wanted to get to know the other council siblings more. More scenes like the braiding night would have been a great way to flesh out these characters. I'm hoping for a spin off book with Kira in Songland


The thing about this is sometimes saying no puts you in an unsafe situation and you have no way of knowing if this person you directly say no to is going to accept that at face value or if they are going turn violent. I agree knowing how to say no is important but it's also important to recognize that it's also OK to teach girls it's also OK to go with your gut and make up an excuse or something to get out of a situation if you feel unsafe. (I wish having to make up a boyfriend or something as an excuse for my no wasn't something I felt I needed to do but sometimes it is.)


YAY! I like this and I hope you guys decide to do more! I love the casual conversation with the two of you and I would definitely listen!

Ly Jalao

Yes! Please complain more about High Fidelity!


Loved the pod, I'm eager for more! A reading suggestion I have for you is The City of Brass, a high fantasy exploring mideastern mythologie! I absolutely love it and your description of the balance and originality of Raybearer made me think of that. I tought about the Noble bookclub for the name of the pod, but maybe something that would also include Kate, so maybe I'm not much help 😅 anyway, thanks the two of you for the content, keep at it 💕💕💕


How wonderful! Will it be available as audio only? on apple podcasts etc?

Amy Poli

Some feedback that is me being silly and picky: Please for those of us with hyperekplexia (easily startled to an extreme) please keep the sounds of pet collars and other back ground noises down or acknowledge when they happen. I have jumped several times and looked if someone was behind me.