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Yeeeesh this one was a lot of work XD


Eragon, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

The book was written by a 15 year old and the film was backed by the same distribution company as Percy Jackson... What could possibly go wrong?



I forget about it all the time until i see the book in a store or library.


very good as always dom, still waiting on a cirque du freak lost in adaptationj



Kim Huett

Man, after that I think you really deserve a good adaptation to review.


....and suddenly I realize that I only saw the ending fight...and had no interest in seeing the rest of the movie. That's how bad it was. So now, you deserve a better book and adaptation!


You are right about forgetting Dom. I paused the Eragon video looked on Facebook and was surprised when I brought up this video again. Now Bladerunner and your commentary on the movie much more memorable. :)


Even though I never got around to reading the book, I thought it was really cool that the author was a teenager when he first started writing it. Being 13 and an aspiring author, I decided that I was going to have my first book out before I graduated high school as well. In retrospect...yeah, I'm glad the stuff I wrote back then never saw the light of day. Also, I saw the film on TV when there was nothing else on and was unimpressed with it. In spite receiving a rant from my friend at the time about what a terrible adaptation it was, I think that played a part in me never picking up the book. Looks like I didn't miss out on anything.


I actually read the first 2 books before becoming sick of it. I hated most of the characters, especially Eragon, and I couldn't believe I made it that far. The movie I actually saw before reading the book and it was my sister who got me to read it. My opinion on the film is the same as it is on the book. They both suck.


Awesome video, Dom! This brought back some memories of watching the movie, though it still feels pretty fuzzy. I must have turned it off before the end or fell asleep, because I don't remember that final battle at all.


This review brings back memories. My mom is a huge fan of this book series and we went to see this film in theatres. After it was over my mom talked my ear off on the ride home about how different it was from the book, but I personally didn't like the book that much either (much like you, Dom), so I wasn't offended by the changes so much as annoyed that the film was SO cookie-cutter from every other Hollywood cliche-storm.