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Just in case you were missing it I re-uploaded the LiA Watchmen episode and also combined parts 1 and 2 together. Will make it public in a month or so when the copyright police lose interest in me.


Watchmen, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-02-26.



You can blame Linkara for my hair looking so bad btw. He had to delay his cameo for a few weeks to deal with the death of blip so I couldn't get a haircut between episodes.


Glad you reuploaded it. I've only read the graphic novel but it kind of convinced me to not bother with the movie. Onto other subjects - I think I've only requested horror books/movies from you, haven't I? Hm, I really need to think of something else that's a little more lighthearted. So - no Woman In Black even though that's one of the few times the movie is actually better than the book. (The book is SO BORING!) Oh, and you'll have to remove "Harry Potter" from your description of "Forget The Never List" since you are doing that.


I have to point this out here, the book was good, the movie was good, it told the same stories that the book did with out the wandering side stories. The Squid was stupid and using it would have felt like a brick wall to a movie goer. Further more Linkara needs to pull the stick out of his ass, or work on his acting. I loved this review, its what convinced me suport you Dom, thank you for that

Rialla Sheng

I'm glad you re-uploaded this as it was one of my favorites... although (and this mostly hails from my being hard of hearing) the music was very distracting and I had to rewatch several sections to figure out what was being said :/