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I hope you enjoy this review/discussion of The Charmed Wife by Olga Grushin. Trying something a little new this time ^^


The Charmed Wife, Cinderella Gets A Divorce


Alan Michael Cumbess

This was a wonderful video. I think its one of your best. I need to read the book now!




That was really fun to watch, I liked it! The audio was a bit quiet, perhaps it's harder to keep out background noise when it's two people.


Great video! I have to side with you on this Dom. A lot of the time I read books for escapism and the book's ending would have been a bit disappointing for me. I like reading about someone succeeding and thriving beyond just getting out of a situation (though that is good of course). It gives me hope for my life.


Things to think about now.


I really like this format. But it was a little strange not to see either of your faces frontal (I hope I use the right word). I’m so used to seeing youtuber facing the camera even when they’re talking to someone next to them. But anyway I would love to see more conversation critique video from you two.


I liked the format! It worked really well for this book and I liked getting to see both opinions. The book sounds really interesting!

Verdant Range

I will say, this book doesn't sound like it would be my cup of tea. It sounds good, but just not really a book I could get into. Still, I really liked the gradual transition between old style fairytale stuff with the two hosts, their setting and glasses as the video progressed to reflect what happens in the book. That was very subtle and clever.


So... book is Russian? I joke, but after taking a semester-long course called "20th Century Russian Drama," you get the sense that a lot of Russian writers are working through a LOT of issues. I do love how you and Kate slowly evolved into modern clothes, in keeping with the book's twist.


I *adore* this format for pure book reviews not least because of Kate's wonderful insight and her delivery. Also, SQUEAK! Where you get t-shirt, man?


Interesting new format for book reviews! Are you thinking of doing more reviews like this? Overall I like it a lot. Great to see so much more of Kate. The aspect that I think might be problematic if you do this for other books is that we get all of your opinion, and absorb that, and then Kate's opinion, which can make me feel like I'm already on one 'side' and then need to be convinced rather than being a blank slate learning about a new book. Maybe if you come in having both read it and go back and forth on points from the start? Also love the sky backdrop changing. Though it took me ages to get why the clothes were suddenly changing.


Loved this video's format. It worked very well for explaining the book. Also, after watching this video for the second time, only fully consciously noticed the subtle changes throughout the video. Well done on that.


I was gonna joke that once he mentioned the author was Russian, the misery totally tracked.


That was cute and a good deconstruction.


Love this format!


Really enjoyed this! Great to hear two points of view on a work. Prop and costume changes made it more engaging for me.

Caitlin Harrington-Robinson

As someone going through a breakup Kate's words on finding yourself got to me.


I loved it...wonderful work.


Love the new format and the something new! Also that fading into modern day settings/costumes. Well played Dom and Kate. Well done.

stini Mondkatze

That's an interesting new format! I liked getting two different perspectives on the book and it sounded really interesting to me so...I skipped to the point where I saw you in front of your usual background, so as to not being spoilered. :-D I really want to read this book now. It's going onto my reading wishlist on goodreads :-D P.s. I THINK you played it for laughs BUT it came across as a bit bossy when Kate told you to be quiet so that she could read... (Just so you get what I mean: If the roles were reversed I still would have found it bossy.) Somehow it was funny for me nonetheless, when you jerked awake at her clapping the book shut :-) Thank you for sharing this video! I'm looking forward to reading this book!


...I didn’t love the new format. At all. I enjoyed the discussion and content, but the new format really grated on me. I’m sorry. I feel really bad.


Good choice in costumes, you two!


Well that was a treat! Immediately after the end I watched it a second time, just to find all the moments where backgrounds/costumes/props changed, and I had a second helping of glee with how neat it all was. The moment in particular when Kate talks about how the two worlds slowly merged and the cityscape slowly emerges behind her is just 'cheff's kiss'. One thing I felt a little jarring is the way the dialog was structured. The first half of the video felt somewhat like: 1) Dom's block of text 2) Kate's block of text 3) now discuss A little more 'discuss' from the beginning might improve the overall (already excellent) experience. Also can I just say that with that hair and that prince'y outfit you could fit on any romance novel cover of your choosing? :D (Heck, add in your cats and some swords and we can make it action/adventure/fantasy novel - "the witch prince and the bookwyrm" or some such) ;D

Ly Jalao

I really enjoyed this video! The discussion portion was great, and the transition from ancient to modern times was hilarious once I caught it. I do get why some folks didn't like this discussion type format, as a former stage kid, we were taught to always directly face or semi-face the audience, that way they can connect with your performance better. Something about eye contact and when your body faces the audience, it feels like you're talking to them. If you and Kate were to use this format again, I recommend doing a bit of that! Otherwise, I really liked enjoyed this video.

Celltj Jones

I love this format! Especially the fancy drinking glasses and costumes. I think the conversation aspect worked really well.


Actually yeah, now that you say it, it didn't feel as connecting because they weren't looking at us.

Kelley Runyon

I really enjoyed hearing the two perspectives on the novel and thought the costuming/props/set changes were a lot of fun. I love that you "do what you do", but aren't averse to trying out new things to see what works. Thanks!

Leslie Helwig

While Dominic was explaining his side regarding the ending and closure, my mind kind of drifted to Don Bluth. He is known for saying that you can show children anything as long as the film has a happy ending. Do you think that might affect us in some way even as adults, that we put up with so much in a film or story and will hate the ending if the closure is not satisfactory enough? Closure like Kate said doesn't have to be a happy ending, closure can be survival and trying to move on, and with our "happy ending" culture, that may be a concept we might have to unlearn? Maybe?

stini Mondkatze

A few years ago I had piano lessons and my piano teacher told me something interesting. There are certain combinations of notes in music that we want to be followed by certain others so as to have a feeling of closure of fulfilment. And then there allgedly was a concert where the composer did NOT fulfil this subconscious yearning. The concert ended and the people were in foul moods without knowing why. My point being: Maybe we are a little "conditioned" regarding happy endings, as there mostly are happy ones. The expectations could be so strong, even subconsciously that we are completely lost when they aren't met.


I really enjoyed that format! The gradual shift was really well done, both technically and thematically!

Salvatore Cucinotta

Is it weird that the ending as described fits some of my preconceived notions regarding Russian literature?


Seeing a discussion is interesting, but I will say I'm not a fan of the way it was used. I'm not a fan of the sentiment "you were wrong to have this opinion of the book." Which Kate outright states after reading it.

Nathaniel Muscharaf

as an added feature for controversial books, i think this format has a great future, but i would not like to see it replacing the old format completely. also you could maybe even make the first part scripted with your stated opinions about the book and drift off into a more free discussion, though that would probably impact the length of the video.

Eustacia Vye

I both liked and disliked the new format. It felt a bit like watching a well mannered undergraduate book club discussion, possibly because Dom and Kate were feeling a bit self conscious? The background and costume changes were subtle and really added something.

Eustacia Vye

However I did feel that it was less engaging than the standard format, possibly becuase KAte and Dom seemed quite subdued and they also were facing and talking to each other rather than the camera. Because the ameras were fixed on a locked off wide shot it didn´t draw you into the conversation and it lacked the immediacy of the "straight to camera rant" style. I think there is a place for this format but I also really like the straight to camera discussion.


Thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to exploring this book. It was very interesting hearing multiple perspectives.