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Title says it all I think.


Immortal Highlanders Vs The Roman Vampires, A Time Travel Romance


DK Jones

I mean, its no vampire viking angel romance but few people have Sandra Hill's vision.


Okay so when he started mentioning ableism in detective pikachu I spent a solid 20 minutes trying to figure out what he meant and it didn’t come to me until I was eating ice cream. No real meaning to that story it was just funny to me 😆


You really earned your Starbucks that time eh

Ioana Sofonea

❤ thank you for sharing!


I really don't think it's a stretch to write that someone who lost the use of significant body parts and then something happens to gain their use back again would be super hesitant to go back to not having that ability again. Yes, I get the whole "someone would do anything including being evil to get it back" thing is cliché, but it's also true that having the use of your legs beats not having that. Also, glad to see some of the humor back, the "from behind" joke was a good one.

D'Arcy Arden

Is it just me, or is he getting more and more invested into acting out the female characters.


It always irks me when there's a disability in a character not for the sake of the personality or depth but for plot reasons or create easy pathos. You can do better than that as a writer and if your character needs that quick-fix pathos to work, how strong is your character? It isn't a problem in itself to have a disabled who wishes to be abled again, if you explore it and give it weight, but the prevalence of the trope is a big part of the problem in how disabled are viewed, and its use (Me Before You springs to mind) where suicide is preferable to being disabled is, I'm sorry, fucking disgusting. It might be because I have TBI, of course, but fuck, it annoys me. Also when people get major injuries but are able to walk it off in days in fiction...sorry.


Anyone taking bets on how long it will take to hit 10K likes?

Tofi Stigandr

Cast resurrect--- is this dnd now

Kris Olsen

Thank you for the shoutout to ableism! As someone who's spent most of her life working with disabled adults and children, it just drives me nuts when I hear people whisper about how "sad" it is to have a disability.

Verdant Range

Uh, Dominic, I have issue with how you described the protagonist of this book's choosing to remain in the past rather than returning to the present and being disabled. The way you phrased it came across as, "How dare this veteran who suffered from something as traumatic by losing her mobility due to war?! She should be fully adjusted and instantly accepting of her present state instead of choosing to go with her magical option out!", however, as you said, your results may vary. I found you were really dismissive of the trauma those events would have on Kingly and would take time to work through. I say this as the nephew of someone who recently lost foot and must always walk around on crutches. He's still adjusting to this and has depression over this, despite it being over a year since the amputation. I will admit this is not the best, but I just felt like bringing up how you were so dismissive of Kingly's trauma/PTSD/depression that she would be suffering through due to her injuries. Because of this... I don't think I'd be comfortable giving this video a like when it goes public. I know you were trying to stand up against ableist writing against those with physical disabilities,, but in the process, you made yourself look ableist against those suffering though mental health issues brought on by physical trauma and combat. While how she was handling herself in story wasn't for her best interest, it sadly is similar to what those who do suffer through depression go through. Often times, those with depression will blow off any attempts to help them, whether it be by friends, family or doctors trying to help them. Even more sadly, a doctor has to respect the patient's wishes and cannot do something to them against their will.

Leslie Helwig

Can you help my herpa-derp self? Where is the abelism I can't remember?


The blooper regarding Dom's fake breasts made me think "You know, with how often you depict a female character in these sketches, you should probably just get some cheap breast forms, Dom."


Hey Verdant. I always try to be receptive to feedback and I'm not saying your discomfort is invalid, but I feel I was pretty explicit that my complaint was directed towards the author for attempting to use war injuries and PTSD as a tool to elicit an emotional response in the reader (and as a result blundering into ableism) and did not at any point chastise Kinsly the character for feeling trauma or for feeling relief that she had a miracle cure.


Oh man, something similar happened to my mom with the American Gods audiobook. She had her car cleaned or repaired or something, and when she got it back, the audiobook location had obviously been backpedaled quite a bit. And then she listened on and realized that *that* scene had been just about happen when she’d dropped off her car. Whoops.

Hedron Master

The (strangely handsome) vampire Centurion yelling "Cheese it, lads!" made my day.


While I enjoyed the review I will admit I was disappointed to find it was a review and not the fanfic crossover sketch I was expecting from the title and picture. (I really enjoy your sketches, they are the reason I bothered watching all your Twilight Saga reviews.)

Curtis Charles

What was the name of the song at the end??