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Hey y'all. Important question for after Earthsea is done.

After years of putting it off I'm about to tackle Twilight but I find myself indecisive about how to go about doing it for a ton of factors.

The original plan was to just over the FIRST book and film but the more I look into it the more it seem apparent that the Twilight saga really doesn't get ...."interesting".... until later the books. The first one is just "meh" and I fear only covering that will be boring.

I also don't really think that the differences in the film adaptations is the most interesting part of the Twilight phenomenon (partly because they're for the most part pretty similar) BUT... There's been a million and one hot takes on Twilight as just books or just films before now. Adaptations are kind of my thing.

I only have so much time set aside for Twilight related content. I can probably do a review and then a Lost in Adaptation regarding just the first book, or I can do 4 short episodes about the 4 original books and skip Lost in Adaptation (for now).

So I guess the big question I could use help with is: Right now, how interested are you guys in hearing about Twilight as an Adaptation vs hearing about ALL the books i.e. when shit gets really weird.

I can't promise to abide by the result of this as more things might come up but getting a room check would be much appreciated.

(Also pleeease could you restrict yourselves to just choosing between these two options. I don't need any other combinations suggested right now lol)



I was perfectly fine with you never subjecting yourself to this torture after the horrors of fifty... that-which-will-not-be-named. but I suppose after that... Twilight will just be... nauseating to watch and read. I only used that book as a cover to pretend I was reading when we had mandatory reading time at school and I didnt have a book. That's all it was good for.


Do yourself a favor and don’t read “Midnight Sun” which just came out because...good GOD it reads like a serial killer crack fic


Can we have both? I haven't read, and do not plan on reading the books. I love "Dom Notes"

Diego Valdes

I LOVED your take on the 50 shades books. The adaptations were good, but the real gems were in your reviews. Also I am DESPERATE to see you react to breaking dawn clusterfuck pedophilia.


as a former middle school twihard, the fandom has always talked a lot abt the content of the books (especially the wild later stuff) but most of the talk around the movies as adaptations i’ve seen centers on catherine hardwicke being excellent and later directors failing to live up to her; it would be super interesting to see your take on twilight’s adaptation from a more non-twihard perspective!

Diego Valdes

I actually read all the books as a kid and loved them. They are objectively terrible, but they were entertaining. Fifty shades is much, much worse.


I was wavering between exploring the setting of Forks in the first film and the realationships that spiral out of control in all 4 books. I picked #2 because I think that will have more interesting content. You seem better at pointing out relationship problems anyway.

Sebastian Canino (Cinemageddon Reviews)

If I may add my two cents, the Twilight franchise as a whole may have been the subject of controversy back in the day with both sides either condemning it or glorifying it. The first movie personally is just an awkward and poorly put together film, while admittedly being a better adaptation of its source (yes I read the book and believe me, the movie was the better version). I honestly would like to see a Lost In Adaptation of the first book/movie and judging it in a more calm and insightful fashion rather than just another “Twilight sucks and here’s why” video. Whatever your planning on doing though, I’m excited to see.


I agree with Diego; I LOVED your takes on the 50 shades books because of the depth of research you brought to it (and how you took the author to task). I'd love to see something in that vein for the Twilight books


In the long run, reviewing each book individually is better. People will prefer to come back to those types of in-depth analysis. Plus, each reviewer's take is different. You and KrimsonRogue certainly had different approaches and insights to Fifty Shades of Grey.

DK Jones

If I recall correctly, the adaptations actually stick pretty close to the books and only heavily diverge in the last film, so I'm more interested in what you have to say about the series. Especially, as you have in the past shown a great effort to not "shit on this thing young girls like" and call it criticism. It's one of the reasons I enjoy your work.


Assuming he's off that rock in the middle of the ocean, I'd rather hear Terrance's take.


Thank goodness I never read the book then if the movie is better by comparison. I watched 30 minutes of the first film and absolutely felt like one of the only 2 times in my life that it felt like I wasted time watching a sorry excuse for a movie. I never finished the film and I am glad for it.


Teenage me was obsessed with the first 3 books. Then I rage quit the 4th lmao so... if anything I thought they went from more interesting to just stupid as they went on. Though as a grown man reading them for the first time I suspect your experience will be very different with the first books, ha. I love your lost in adaptations so I voted for that but I'd be equally happy to just see book reviews! Tear my shameful teenage years apart~


I think it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the books, especially considering all your Fifty Shades content. I remember the one and only time I read FSoG, it was so painfully obvious which FSoG character was inspired by which Twilight character. Not that I’m asking it to be a compare and contrast. The back half of the books do get truly WILD, and I think it might inspired some truly hilarious reactions from you.


This will be interesting. I was like 13 when the first movie came out, so of course, I became obsessed. It's one of the few series that I've read more than once. I'll be really interested to hear your take on it.


I had to read them all for work related reasons and I remember the first 3 being basic harlequin romance style writing minus the sex, but book 4 was likely the plot took a galloping run off the cliffs of crazy town. It was just insane, I usually compare it to reading a mediocre fan fic that suddenly goes balls to the wall crack fic insane in the last chapter when talking with friends. I remember ending it and just feeling stunned. So much crazy in that last book.


I have never been a Twilight fan, although my sister has added it her her favorite 'so bad it's good' category. I felt a little bad about my open derision for the books after seeing Lindsay Ellis' breakdown of how Stephanie Meyer got vilified for having written them, but I stand by my initial criticisms: Stephanie Meyer is not a bad person for having written a set of wish fulfillment novels or for allowing them to be published. The publisher should be ashamed of themselves for marketing the book to teenage children as an example of a strong female protagonist. The novels are SO problematic when it comes to handling relationships, personal boundaries, and self-care. I appreciated your take on the Fifty-Shades nonsense, and am looking forward to your break-down and perspective on these.


I definitely a LOT more interested in the look at adaptation cause, like you said it’s been done again and again as a stand-alone. If we get BOTH if you review the books on their own then heck yeah! One of the later twilight movie adaptations has a really fascinating adaptation change that I’d love to hear you talk on especially.


I’m interested in your thoughts on how weird and stupid you thought the books were


When you’re doing this video, you should talk about Meyer’s shameful treatment of the Quileute tribe. They were never consulted, their legends got twisted in the books, and they never received any proceeds from the Team Jacob/wolf pack merch. A lot of Twilight fans have actually gone out of their way to either download PDFs of Midnight Sun or buy it and then donate/match the price of purchase towards the tribe. They are in dire need right now to relocate due to the effects of global warming. It would be super cool if you dropped the opportunity to donate in your video description: https://mthg.org/


Yeah, I think I could almost classify them as “so bad it’s good” also, but only if viewed as satire or something similar. Also mainly due to the insanity of book 4, the first 3 were pretty meh for me.


as someone who has never read the books but bingewatched all the films last year for the first time as a 23 year old grown-ass man, i'd be really interested to see if your thoughts on the story overall w the books matches up to my thoughts on the story overall w the films lol


Bella is an entitled, self- righteous, horrible person who strings Jacob along for the ride. But... the actors had a field day with the commentary track , they knew it was shit. I think b Twilight is the first instance I ever heard of an actor actively hating on a movie they were in before it hit bargain bins.


I'd prefer a LiA (even if just the first book) for the reason you said: I've seen/read billions of takes on both the books and films, positive negative and neutral. I've never really seen anyone discuss them as adaptations. I can only think of one (major) change I'm aware of: the one at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 2.


I'd love to see it done as a Lost in Adaptation episode! I've read and watched both versions (unfortunately), and seen plenty of reviews and video essays on both, but never a comparison between the two, so I think it'd be really interesting


I'm more interested in hearing about your takes on the books


I’m more interested in the books— Halle already brought it up, but the shitty approach Meyer took to writing BIPOC is now what I consider the worst part of the books, followed by the terrible romances, and introducing side characters with lives and personalities far more interesting than the leads.


I voted for doing all 4 books, but TBH I never read the books and never saw the movies, they aren't my thing, so I'm not really championing either way.


I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how awful the books/films are, so maybe the more interesting route would be to approach the film as an adaptation.


So I chose the books, cause I'm really curious on your thoughts. But I'm gonna be a rude beautiful watcher cause I know you really don't want suggestions, and you can totally ignore this, buuuut hear me out. So what if you did a hybrid? And did one video on the books as a whole, cause I agree with what you said about it getting more interesting later on. And one video about the adaptation as a whole. That way you'd only be making two videos instead of 4, and you'd get to address everything you wanted to address. I'm sorry, I'm done now I promise, and again, you can really just ignore this, I just think it would be a best of both worlds?


If you did want to make a Lost in Adaptation on each of the books, I think you'd want to get a crossover like you did with "The Hobbit" because on their own much of the books aren't interesting and you'd need a dynamic going to keep thing interesting. There bad books and movies, but enough time has passed for other books--Fiffty Shades--to be bad in other ways and worse. For now, I'll accept a long essay on the series.


"I'm really am interested in hearing about how well Twilight adapted to film." Insidious choice of wording there, Dom! I'm not interested in this ...thing... at all (someone who's opinion on books used to mean a lot to me tried to convince me to read it, but even for them I couldn't stomach it past mid chapter five) so the less content about it the better. There are many project on your to-do list I'm looking forward to, this is not one of them.


I, personally, selected hearing your opinion on all four books, because I’m already well acquainted with how Twilight was adapted into a movie (decently) and would LOVE to hear how you feel about it as it goes from “kinda cute” to “batshit crazy”

Exquisite Williams

This is such a difficult choice for me because I love both the books and movies just for comfort movies but I am also aware of just how like ridiculous they both were. At the end of the day tho I think I am more interested in what you think of it as a KIA even though I really wanna hear your thoughts on why you think it created 50 shades


Oh this is tricky. I spend my formative internet years on sites going over Twilight. I guess option two,


So, if I understand correctly the choice is Twilight (1st book only) LiA or Review of the Saga? In that case I'd rather have the saga.

Katrina Trigari

I only read the first book (a long time ago) and stuff only happened in the last 50 pages. I'm not sure there'd be much to sink your teeth into. I've watched all the films (morbid curiousity) and the later ones definitely seemed much more interesting. If you'd said 1 LiA for the whole saga (doesn't seem like enough happened to need 1 per book to be honest) I'd have gone for that but I know that's an insane amount of hours for 1 review.

Danielle Clarke

A lot of the "changes" in the films are by omission, and are frankly improvements on the source material (the third film neglecting to go into detail about Quil and Emily springs to mind). There's an infamous section in one of the films that goes completely off-the-rails in terms of adaptation, but again it's generally viewed as an improvement in regards to the source material.

Lana Hands

Voted no 2. But would have picked both if avalible


I don't think I will ever read any of the books or see the movies, but you do what you think is right for you.

Leslie Helwig

I picked number 1 but either option would be really great. I barely made it through the first movie even with the Riff Trax guys. So whatever the majority rules, with DN at the helm will be great :-)


I feel like Twilight should be done as a whole thing. Plus I'm interested in hearing you talk about some of the weirder elements.

regina burks

Honestly, I'd prefer to see it done as an adaptation. Twilight's crazy (and Problematic Themes) have been done to utter death. It's been nearly a decade, I think, and I still remember just How Bad It Was to this day. Besides, I found the movies to be a vast improvement on the books from a tonal perspective if nothing else. The biggest improvement being you didn't have to listen to Bella think (good lord was she dumb as hell).


Personally id love a LIA on all 4 movies. So cover the books for now and then do videos when you can


It would be really interesting to see you compare the books and the movies in terms of how the did as an adaptation since a lot has been said about the story itself and the positive/negative sides of it already. A comparison between the films and the books (Like a Lost in Adaptation episode) sounds more interesting than just an analysis of Twilight.


I watch the LiAs, not the book reviews, so definitely more interested in the comparison, particularly as I'd read the 1st book before it became a phenomenon, so was able to form my own opinion of it without any preconceptions and while it's not great that sort of style and level of writing for teen romance aimed at girls is just a thing. The fantasy angle isn't even new, it just gets cycled round every so often, when I was actually in the demographic it was all angel romances, the vampires came round for when my sister hit the right age group.


I picked the second option because my opinions of the books are as followed: first, okay; second, boring; third and four hilarious for corn/cheese/bad melodrama reasons. In short: I want to hear your opinion on the two books I had the most fun reading.

Kimberly Weekes

Thoughts on books first. If you feel like doing a comparison with movie adaptations and maybe have a guest on show, that is up to you.

Amber Pearce

in your thoughts on the books, any tie in to the source of much suffering the every crappy 50 shades, and how the worst parts and problematic elements were magnified

Matthew Foweraker

Give us your thoughts, but ultimately remember we cone to you for adaptation critique.


I was OK with the books and that, to some, made me 'OK' with the 'unhealthy and abusive relationship between Edward and Bella'. And I should have been rooting for Jacob...? I never really gave much thoughts to the relationship between those two while reading, seemed very common to the the genre of vampire novels geared towards the female audience so I was quite unprepared when the movies came out, vampires were again mainstream and everyone had a strong opinion on everything including abortion. I stayed out of that whole mess as I, apparently, read very different books than some people. Grant you, of course people who had been in unhealthy relationships are going to have different perspectives but... honestly, if they thought Twilight was horrible I hope they never found the Anita Blake series. So I would be very much interested for your view on the books and voted accordingly.

Ioana Sofonea

thank you for the options, i would like to see the details about the adaptation, but i am willing to wait. :D


I'm also interested in how you feel about the 50 shades series in reference to Twilight.