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Posting this for the new joiners. Just found out you can pin stuff on patreon now so won't have to do it again after this lol.

An episode that can never go back to being public on YouTube due to a copyright dispute with Studio Ghibli.... Well I say dispute, it was more of a takedown notice and channel strike, not much room for disputing that alas.

Bit of a dated performance now as you'll be able to tell from my glasses. I was still in my shouty phase before my throat issues developed and I was oddly aggressive about my preference for subs over dubs for some reason that has since chilled with age.


Howl's Moving Castle ~ The Lost Lost in Adaptation

An episode that can never go back to being public on YouTube due to a copyright dispute with Studio Ghibli.... Well I say dispute, it was more of a takedown notice and channel strike, not much room for disputing that alas. Bit of a dated performance now as you'll be able to tell from my glasses. I was still in my shouty phase before my throat issues developed and I was oddly aggressive about my preference for subs over dubs for some reason that has since chilled with age.


Jennifer Lupo

The book helped me make sense of some of the scenes in the movie that had me head scratching, but this is possibly my favorite Ghibli. That or spirited away (though the boy and the heron may be vieing for that position. I'll have to have a rewatch)


I suspect a lot of Tubers and the like with clear public record of their mindsets have moments like that. It was deeply important to you at the time. And everyone else was wrong.


I saw Howls Moving Castle in theaters and I loved it. I then found out Howl was played by Christian Bale and couldn’t “unhear” it. As a result I avoided watching Nolan’s Batman for over a year until I had enough distance from Howl to not have it potentially ruin my enjoyment of it. In either case, knowing Howl is voiced by Christian Bale has damaged my ability to enjoy the dub a little.

Sebastian Canino (Cinemageddon Reviews)

Great to see the video was put back in, though I’m not gonna lie, that whole sub over dub bit kinda soured the rest of the video for me at the time, but I eventually got over it. Still I’m glad to see it’s back on so I can rewatch it as it’s one of my favorites, and I’m curious about whether or not you’d like to review Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, since while the movie was phenomenal, the film and the manga are almost day and night by comparison.

Anat (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 20:50:35 It's your passion back then that drew us in, and it's your calm intelligence now that keeps us coming back. You were great then and great now. <3 Always good to see where you came from and learn where you're going.
2020-07-30 04:34:06 It's your passion back then that drew us in, and it's your calm intelligence now that keeps us coming back. You were great then and great now. <3 Always good to see where you came from and learn where you're going.

It's your passion back then that drew us in, and it's your calm intelligence now that keeps us coming back. You were great then and great now. <3 Always good to see where you came from and learn where you're going.


thanks! never knew you did this one

Leeber Snowy

Funny thing, when I saw this video I got a little freaked out because Howls Moving castle was on upstairs.

Leslie Helwig

Awwww Baby Dom, I love it :-)

Bethany Mauden

Love both the movie and the book. Dub or sub both are good although I do have a preference for the sub. I thought it did a pretty good job matching the mouth movements of the characters which is so distracting with some dubs.

Stevi Grega

I had to delete and start this comment over due to technical issues. Here is my mildly interesting story about Howl’s Moving Castle. When the movie was released to theaters here, I went with a friend who was very excited because she was a huge fan of Diana Wynne Jones and had read all of her works. I had a vague recollection of having read some of DWJ’s work but had no memory of reading this particular novel. After the movie ended, my friend was certain that I hadn’t read the novel because otherwise I would hate the movie just like she did. That’s not necessarily true for me. I find Dom’s videos so fascinating in part because I typically consider an adaptation of a work to be a completely separate thing from its source and judge each of them by their own merits. Maybe it’s because it’s much more likely for me to have read the book after seeing the movie or show, maybe it’s just how my brain works, but most of the time, I don’t really mind even significant changes and might not even notice many of them. It’s remarkably interesting to me to watch Dom talk about adaptations with sources I’ve read because inevitably there is a long list of things that flew right over my head. Anyway, time passes and I’m watching the movie again only this time at home with my phone at my side when my friend’s words pop up in my brain again. I decide to look up the difference between the book and the movie and find a handy site with a detailed summary. How detailed? So detailed that in reading this summary I realize something – not only had I read Howl’s Moving Castle in novel form, I’d actually read one of the sequels, too. I just hadn’t realized that after seeing the movie because it really is THAT different.

Tofi Stigandr

Howl made some very elaborate and self-indulgent fanfic of himself with this movie. I love the Howl books and I love the movie but they are definitely completely different, even before they veer offon their own separate ways. Book Howl is superior to movie Howl. I've never watched the dub, only the sub. I think growing up with so much stuff dubbed into Swedish with voice actors with skill worse than amateurs and the soullessness of a massproduced spoon has made me sort of allergic to dubs overall.

douledamn (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 20:50:34 Howl's Moving Castle? What's this? The third or fourth time you've posted this video?
2020-07-31 16:37:23 Howl's Moving Castle? What's this? The third or fourth time you've posted this video?

Howl's Moving Castle? What's this? The third or fourth time you've posted this video?

Elspeth Cowie (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 20:50:34 There are actually two sequels to HMC (sort of sequels? same universe, and Howl &amp; Co appear in roles of varying importance - I prefer House of Many Ways to Castle in the Air, personally). Howl and Sophie are married with a son, Calcifer hangs around with them being snarky, and Lettie and Ben Sullivan/Suliman are married with at least one kid as well. I don't think Michael and Martha get mentioned? I'm not normally a fan of "they argue because they like each other", but I do know a few couples who bicker and insult each other in a way that's playful to them but looks horrendous to outsiders, and that's what Howl and Sophie seem like to me once they have an established relationship in the sequels.
2020-07-31 18:29:53 There are actually two sequels to HMC (sort of sequels? same universe, and Howl & Co appear in roles of varying importance - I prefer House of Many Ways to Castle in the Air, personally). Howl and Sophie are married with a son, Calcifer hangs around with them being snarky, and Lettie and Ben Sullivan/Suliman are married with at least one kid as well. I don't think Michael and Martha get mentioned? I'm not normally a fan of "they argue because they like each other", but I do know a few couples who bicker and insult each other in a way that's playful to them but looks horrendous to outsiders, and that's what Howl and Sophie seem like to me once they have an established relationship in the sequels.

There are actually two sequels to HMC (sort of sequels? same universe, and Howl & Co appear in roles of varying importance - I prefer House of Many Ways to Castle in the Air, personally). Howl and Sophie are married with a son, Calcifer hangs around with them being snarky, and Lettie and Ben Sullivan/Suliman are married with at least one kid as well. I don't think Michael and Martha get mentioned? I'm not normally a fan of "they argue because they like each other", but I do know a few couples who bicker and insult each other in a way that's playful to them but looks horrendous to outsiders, and that's what Howl and Sophie seem like to me once they have an established relationship in the sequels.

Danielle Clarke

I don’t get why Miyazaki decided that he wanted to do an anti-war and environmentally-conscious Diana Wynne Jones movie, and therefore did a barely-recognisable version of Howl’s Moving Castle, when Dark Lord of Derkholm is right there. It’s like someone thinking that Oliver Twist is a great book, but deciding during production that they’re more interested in making the focus of their movie be a redemption story where Mr Bumble is shown the error of his ways by some ghosts.


As someone who two of their favorite movies are Howls Moving Castle and Scott Pilgrim, and as someone who two of their favorite novels are Howls Moving Castle and Scott Pilgrim. I can absolutely say both are TERRIBLE adaptations but there's so much love and thought and amazing cinematography put into the movies that I can't be mad at them and the movies and books are some of my favorites but for completely different reasons.

Lady Charon

I became a patron just to watch the video, I don't regret it one bit.


I love both the movie and the book. I totally agree with everything the Dom said in the review. I still love the movie, it's that one I can put on anytime whenever I have a bad day.


Agreed! At a shallow level it's easy to write off their bickering as trope-y and boring as a romance, but when you take a moment to look at the characters it's pretty easy to see why they go so well together and would actually be attracted to each other.

Michael Drzyzga

Pausing at the sub vs dub comment: Well, for an adaptation review, it does kinda make more sense to review the actual adaptation rather than the adaptation of the adaptation. Mind you, unless you're fluent in the original language of the adaptation, subtitles are themselves still an adaptation of that adaptation - just one it's easier to lose sight of. Me, there's a few things that draw me to sub over dub: - Borderline central auditory processing issues - I miss less reading subtitles. - I can't tell apart a good vs a wooden voice actor. - I am actually learning random bits of Japanese this way.


I love both book and movie so much, but the movie is basically a fanfic au of the book. The movie is just so pretty and dreamy and romantic, but the book is one of the funniest things I've ever read! She really subverts and plays with so many classic fairytale tropes, and it's an excellent book to re-read because you pick up so many subtle things you missed the first time around. And Sophie and Howl's bickering is just so funny to me, I love their dynamic!


I'm so glad I got to watch this! After going through the backlogs of Lost in Adaptation (btw really enjoyed The Prisoner) and seeing the trailer for this video I DESPERATELY needed to see this. So happy I now have! I watched the film years before I read the book so I'm pretty biased towards the film as I love Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi and it's in my top 3 Studio Ghibli films, but the book is absolutely good on its own with its worldbuilding and take on fantasy tropes.

Camille R

There was a lot of... randomness in the film. I saw the film first, subtitled and then in English, and found it hilarious and heartwarming both times, but the book had a far more...firm anchoring, both in its world and between its parts, if that makes sense? Howl's War Scenes in the film never quite came together cohesively.

Camille R

Also it never ceases to amuse me how basically none of Miyazaki's heroines (except, I think, Chihiro?) gets through a film with her hair intact.


I liked the film when I saw it, but then I read the book and I can't get into the film anymore. I just think the book is so much better, especially with the characters. Some people I LOVED in the book like Martha, Percival, Howl, and Sophie, were either missing or so radically different. Howl and Sophie were both opinionated loud mouth obnoxious people to each other and they had some hilarious back and forth and I LOVED their friendship! They were equals and partners before they were a couple.

Amanda Lawless Wasteland

The most accepted standard of beauty in Japan has a few highly valued requirements: Pale, unmarked skin, naturally black (or very dark brown) hair, a slender yet healthy frame, and yes, the hair is to be long, usually worn down. So for a female character to cut her hair is a big deal. A very popular actress once grew so tired of this standard that she cut her hair into a very short pixie cut suddenly. It made headlines, that's how big a deal it is.

Dollia Maraka

Im just getting back to the book since I never got to finish it due to family issues but I got through most of it and know that the book and film vary wildly. I love both as separate entities. One is a wonderful fantasy novel and the other is a Ghibi film that formed a lot of my childhood. I adore both for different reasons but I will agree the film is not even remotely close to the book

Odayin Gold

Wow, I just became a patron and this is the first thing I see! Awesome! I love both the book and the movie in their own right, but there are parts I like more in the movie, lile the moving castle and calcifer and in the book, like the witch. So I wish there was a hybrid somewhere...


The book is pretty widely accepted in aromantic circles as a very good depiction of an aromantic love story. The same can be said for the sequel (House of Many Ways). Since you're not in the lgbtqia+ community, I understand you not getting that, but also aro erasure is not cute.

stini Mondkatze

Dianna Wynne Jones once said she and Hayao Miyazaki wer both affected by the second World War as children but express it as differently from another as it could be. She liked the movie, though. (I think she wrote)

stini Mondkatze

I LOVE that you made an episode about this! The book is my all-time favourite book (and that says a lot, because for years I could never decide on just one book and I read a lot. XD) I watched the movie years before I even knew there was a book. I watched (and rewatch it a few times a year) in German, (my mothertongue) so I cannot really say anything about the english dub. And I must say I LOVE both versions. Usually I do not like adaptations that stray from the source material too much. (In fact that goes for most song covers as well!) But this is a case where I can (and do) enjoy it thouroughly. Hearing that you had made this episode and that it was only available on patreon in all honesty gave me the last little push to join patreon and to support you. (I have never done something like this before but I know I won't regret it!) But back to the topic: Although I completely second your opinion in that this a terrible adaptation and I also think that this is a very good film, I think that even though a lot is left out of the movie there are many little details from the book that are referenced. The walking through the air at the start is what they did when they fled from the witch in the end of the book e.g.. In my Howl's moving castle book there is a short "interview" with Diana Wynne Jones at the end where she states that she likes the movie and that she and Hayao Miyazaki both suffered under WW2 as children but chose different ways to handle that in their work. Sadly I read that she passed away a few years ago, which really shook me but whenever I read one of her books or watch the movie, or now your video I am happy. So thank you again -so much- for making this!


This anime was my introduction to DWJ - who immediately elevated to my personal "Favorite Author of ALL TIME" pedestal. (and I even discovered that I had already read a book by DWJ unknowingly in my childhood - it was one of those books that you never quite forget, but were too young to remember any details about)... I always like to say that I would *love* to read a book version of the anime... and likewise I'd *love* one day to watch a movie version of "Howl's Moving Castle." Book Sophie is such a wonderful character, an especially good example of what people actually want when they ask for "strong female characters" - and extra brilliant because she predates the era of Strong Female Characters (a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer). As a member of the queer community, I definitely adore the depiction of one possible type of aromantic relationship. It always seems more plausible to me that two people might come together and develop affection for each other over the course of shared experiences, mutual acquaintances, meeting each other's friends and family, and occasionally helping each other defeat evil witches.


... and my personal "mildly interesting Howls Moving Castle story" is about the movie - Saw it in the theaters with basically all of my closest friends. After the movie ended, and the theater lights came up, I discovered that my companions had all turned to stare pointedly at me for some reason. My best friend is known to have said rather loudly, "Well that was pretty much Amata: The Movie." A sentiment that has relentlessly clung to me despite it now being nearly 20 years later.

Special Agent Washing Tub

I always assumed she was a witch in the movie, too. Now that I know it was an actual thing in the book I just accept it as mavoe canon as well XD


Funny that you mention Barney Stinson since I think NPH would’ve made a better Howl than Christian Bale.

Teague Wilson

Not sure how to send a DM here?

Teague Wilson

I joined to ask if he could please cover "black cauldron"?

Rod Gonzalez

I would love for Dominic Noble to do a Lost in Adaptation for Battlefield Earth.


So you're doing video on the Narnia books that weren't adapted into a movie now. Any chance you'll do the same thing with the two sequels to Howl's Moving Castle.

Vanessa P

Oh god, just looking at the title makes me scared for you. I am a big fan of Studio Ghibli (having watched all there films), with Howl's Moving Castle being my second favorite movie of all the Ghibli films, but I'm not mad. I now see how different the film was from the book and though I still love the movie, I feel bad for the original author who had their story taken and changed to fit another artist's views. Personally I prefer the movie Howl, but I chalk that up to the romantic in me that fantasies about a gorgeous magician whisking me away, seeing the true beauty in me and solving all my problems. But I can still understand that having a flawed character is much more interesting and relatable then a "perfect" (to some) person.

Ellie C

This one breaks my heart. I positively adore the book, but with this "adaptation" being so iconic, the odds of ever getting a faithful adaptation are NOT in my favor. I've always loved the roguish book Howl as well, and while I think he was definitely a womanizer already, I always figured that giving his heart to Calcifer made it pretty much impossible for him to fall in love for real. I like to think that once he got it back, he’d be more capable of personal growth and a real relationship with Sophie. I also think that the relationship develops subtly, but that it is there before the end. And have you heard the audiobook for this one?! It’s FABULOUS. 😍


The greatest tragedy to me is that Christian Bale is actually Welsh. We could've had Welsh Howl by proxy!

Nope More nope

I was looking for this. I've read all 3 books but I don't remember it being that different from except for a few of your points.... I've got to back and read them

Charlotte Savage

I feel like I forgot this was a thing, I'm so glad I joined the Patreon! I accidentally started quoting some of your comments from this video at a recent viewing with a group of friends who are "anime watchers" but had no idea the books were a thing, I own all the Dianna Wynne Jones books, so good! The interaction between him and the Guards / Sophie was the first thing I pointed out to them as "Ah yeah, he's not like this super awesome sexy guy he's actually kinda creepy yo"

Heather Daniel

I loved the movie so much, I read the book, not realizing it was a book. And then I read a post that someone suggested the movie was from Howl's perspective and the book was from Sophie's and it made sense - Howl is such a whiney boy in the book and Sophie is so disgusted with him. Either way, even though it wasn't a true adaptation and I would love to see a true one, it was a wonderful movie and it got me to read the book, so that's a win for me.

stini Mondkatze

The change of perspective is an interesting take, I never thought about it that way! I love both the movie and the books to pieces! (Yes, there are two more books in which the moving castle crew makes an appearance, although they are not the main focus Castle in the sky and House of many ways are also wonderful books!)

Bye in Halfling (Micha)

A very good video once again, Mr. Noble. If it anyone whom is interested in more in depth analysis of the film (not the book), there were some excellent academic panels on several Studio Ghibli works, particularly Howl’s Moving Castle by panelist, Lady Librarian (an actual librarian and researcher) at a Convention I used to attend. I have her old blog with copious research materials if anyone is interested in them. This was a passion project of hers so corrections/comments/dialogue are encouraged but please civil and don’t flame her. Research can be found here: https://ladylibrarian123.blogspot.com/?m=1


Glad to finally get to watch this! It's been haunting me for quite a while... I wish I could sit here and be like "well, maybe I'll read the book sometime!", but people being whiny and creepy about it on tumblr has pretty much destroyed any possible patience I could give the book for the time being. I know that's not very fair, but I'm just going to have to wait until I don't remember the things that upset me, so I can actually give the story a fair chance without just deciding I don't like it out of misplaced spite. As for the magic, I think I honestly assumed that Sophie had her own magic, or at least an incredibly strong force of will, when I watched the movie. It'd be neat to find the script and see if it mentions anything about her potentially still having magic, and it just went not-outwardly revealed in the end...

Sarah Miles

I love both the book and the film for different reasons. I enjoy the deconstruction of fairytales and fairytale logic of the book, and I enjoy getting swept away by the visuals and emotions of the film. But as much as I like the film I can't refute any of the arguments about it being a bad adaptation.


Oh, thank you for pinning this! I frequently share this video with people. 💞

Alex Walsh

I like to think the movie is less of an adaptation and more of a temptation to look for the book yourself. I never even heard of the book before I saw the movie and after reading it I love the book for the book and the movie for the movie.

Ronja Addams-Ramstedt

Watching this in November 2022: could Studio Ghibli have finally relented? Cinema Therapy has had an analysis of Spirited Away out publicly for almost a week, with seemingly no ill effects: https://youtu.be/n5Et9MA8gC8