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Warning: You will need to have read the book, or at least know the story well to participate in this.

Ok so this will take some explaining so bear with me.

Die hard is still on but I wanted to give you guys plenty of heads up for this one.

Trying something new again. Theres way too many different versions of A Christmas Carol to choose from, and I don't want to do a top 10 list (because everyone does those) so I'm gunna do it as a Oscar-esk thing where I accept nominations and judge which movie deserves the prize.

So, if you feel so inclined please let me know your nominations for the following categories:

Most accurate story

Most accurate Scrooge 

Most accurate ghosts (Past Present and Future)

Most accurate supporting cast (Everyone else)

Best use of original book dialogue

Most loyal adaptation overall

Best adapaption overall

All Patreon levels welcome. As the title of the film will almost always be the same please include the year it was released in your nomination.




Only two I can remember seeing are the 1951 one with Alastair Sim and A Mickey's Christmas Carol. The first being more accurate cause it's not Disney.

Serpen Thrope

Bizarrely, out of the versions I've seen (which, admittedly, are a minority), I'd say Jim Carey's version wins in pretty much every category in terms of loyalty. This is mainly for one reason: He's the only version in which they keep the scene where Scrooge calls out Christmas Present on the hypocrisy of people who celebrate while denying others charity (specifically, members of the clergy who won't let the poor bake their bread on Christmas).

Serpen Thrope

...oh, and he also wins on Ghost of Past and Present. Ghost of Present goes along with my earlier comment, and I've yet to see a version of Future that WASN'T accurate.

LS Greger

Ok, the best for me would be the 1984 tv movie with George C Scott as Scrooge. It may not be as accurate plot wise but George C Scott is the standard I hold for the character of Scrooge.


Fantastic idea! Hmmm...let me think a bit and I'll get back to you!


You know, I don't know if this is possible, but could you set up some sort of poll which lets us go down each category and pick from the available movies to "cast our vote"? Did that make sense?


I like the idea, but it's been so long since I've read the book, and seen ANY movies, that I don't know what to suggest. It might be better to save the most accurate stuff for next year and focus on something a little different this year. Like try something with the other versions of A Christmas Carol. The three Christmas Carol movies I remember best are the Muppet, Disney animated, and Flintstones versions, which I know can't be the best, but they're all I can remember. So maybe do something with those kind of movies on which is the best/accurate version even thought it can't be. Do you get what I mean?


One of my favorites is the one with patrick stewart. He's my favorite Scrooge.


The pole sounds like a more feasible idea. I'm sure we all saw the movies throughout our lives so I think the answers will be based on feelings/memories. Not to say it shouldn't count. I think it will go to the heart of that respect the filmmakers showed the original material, if the viewers feel it's accurate.


Most accurate story- Disney/Jim Carrey version Most accurate Scrooge- Scrooge McDuck Most accurate ghosts (Past Present and Future)-I'll get back to you Most accurate supporting cast (Everyone else)- Muppets Best use of original book dialogue- Disney/Jim Carrey version Most loyal adaptation overall- Disney/Jim Carrey version Best adapaption overall- Muppets


All categories are a "don't care" but best overall, which I give to Scrooged


Mmmkay im gunna put you down for one "best Scrooge" and one "best over all" thanks


So you wanna nominate jim for everything? Even "best over all"?


Most accurate - Scrooged or Muppet Christmas Carol


GAH, hit ENTER too quickly. Most Accurate Scrooge - Scrooge McDuck Most Accurate Ghosts - Scrooged Most Accurate Supporting Cast - Muppet Christmas Carol Best Use of Original Book Dialogue - can't think of the name of the one with George C Scott... Most Loyal Adaptation Overall - Scrooged Best Adaptation - Muppet Christmas Carol or Scrooged


Most accurate story : A Christmas Carol 1984 Most accurate Scrooge : Scrooge (1951) Most accurate ghosts (Past Present and Future) : Muppets Christmas carol Most accurate supporting cast (Everyone else): A Christmas Carol 1984, though goodness that tiny Tim was quite eerie. Best use of original book dialogue: Muppets Christmas carol Most loyal adaptation overall: A Christmas Carol 1984 Best adaptation overall: Mickey’s Christmas Carol – I know this is a weird pick since I can’t in fairness says it’s the most accurate in any of the other categories. But this is the adaptation where I really care about the characters, and where the book is distilled down to its core emotions. Where the feelings the book was aiming for is felt, as least by me. I cry every time - spoiler warning ; - ) Tim dies. And the final scene always gets me. It seems to best convey the warm joy of a family without being corny which is where a lot of the other adaptations fall a bit short. In short this scene seems to best encapsulate the Christmas spirit, including the music that the story is trying to teach. That’s just my opinion.


This really is going to be a nitpick battle between Scrooge 1951 and 1984, and both add scenes that are not in the book, but i would say 1951 has the best scrooge. 1984 is likely most faithfull, most accurate and probably the best use of original dialogue though Disney's 2009 with Jim carrey MIGHT use more book direct dialgoue (but not best use) and might win for accuracy if only because it adds on the least (not counting the dumb over the top slapstick). I know a lot of people are saying muppets for a lot, because gonzo serves has an ongoing narrator of original book dialgue, but that movie doesnt mention scrooges sister once, so it shouldnt win for faithfulness. However I would vote Muppet for best adaptation into its own movie.


I feel like I can't be completely competent in voting since I haven't seen all of the adaptations but wanted to through my two cents worth in here anyway. The 1951 version with Alaster Sim takes the cake in almost every category from what I know. The other version that is dear to my heart is one that I don't think has been mentioned yet, Scrooge The Musical 1970. Although I'm not sure it could beat out the others as an adaptation it brings a great deal of energy to the story and I love the songs. Albert Finney is a great Scrooge. I would probably put him as most accurate Scrooge and the 1951 version as best in every other category. Thanks for this unique opportunity!


Most accurate Scrooge- Alastair Sim Most accurate ghosts (Past Present and Future)-Muppets, but Goofy was the best Marley Most accurate supporting cast (Everyone else)- 1984 Best use of original book dialogue- 2009 Most loyal adaptation overall- 2009 Best adapaption overall- Blackadder (nah just kidding that one is good though) 1984


This is going to come down to a three way dog fight between 1951, 1984 and The Muppets version. I really would like to give some love to the 2009 version, which is slowly turning into my favourite due to how visually gorgeous it is as well as the amazing performances. Also, the version that I always think of first is the Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck one. Hard to decide, but they both deserve a watch.