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I'm considering finally updating my patreon plug in the video credits (been subjecting you to the same 6 jokes for years now and I call myself "The Dom" in each one) but I was just wondering if I could ask you all:

What made you decide to become a patron? Just curious if the credits sequence had any influence, or if any perticuler reward was a big draw.

Thanks <3



I like your content quite a lot and wanted to support you


It's been a while so it's hard to remember, but I believe it was taking part in the survey about having read the book/seen the film.


A combination of wanting to be able to support your work and the chance to pick an adaptation


Early videos and the survey, plus I wanted to support you because I really like your stuff.


I liked the content and had the funds. You also had something I really wanted to see up on early access and I'm impatient. Lol

Sarah-Beth Jones

What drew me to becoming a patron was genuinely wanting to support the channel after enjoying you for a couple years now and finally having the means. Your humorous plugs at the end have always made me laugh, though. I’d love to see them continue!


Participating in the surveys convinced me to be a patron, I wanted to be part of that number 😅

Diego Valdes

Credits and rewards didnt matter to me because the reward I want is honestly too expensive for me. I love your work and think you should be paid for it. Additionally, if this pays your bills then you can make more content, making it more likely that you will eventually do the books/movies I want you to

Bethani Prittie

I just wanted to support you (and seeing videos a week earlier was a big draw).


Simply liked your content and wanted to support you as a creator


The prospect of choosing future episodes is what made me pledge. It helps that I got into Phantom of the Opera and your channel at around the same time.


I like the content.


Basically, my particular reason to become a patron was simply because I wanted you to make a LIA of my choice.

Louise Rigg

Honestly? It was your fifty shades reviews where you actually took the care and time to use trigger warnings and give thoughtful and empathetic insight. Just how much care you put into your work, and the quality (and humour) of the reviews, made me want to be a patron. The after messages are hilarious, but it was you and your content that made me subscribe.

Sebastian Canino (Cinemageddon Reviews)

Between you and a buddy of mine who’s also a YouTube content creator/voice actor, I wanted to be able to help you guys out in any way that I can. He is in the middle of a move since he’s from Puerto Rico and had been planning to leave ever since the quakes happened but due to the COVID-19, he’s been unable to do so until today. Both of u make some of my favorite content and I wanted to help u guys out, even if it’s a small donation. Plus, I’m secretly hoping one day you’ll review Legend of the Guardians and see how Zack Snyder completely shat the bed with that adaptation, ironically by filming this in a not so Zack Snyder style (insane given what he’s done with the DCEU but there was a time when he was still considered a great up and coming director and imo still is, if you ignore what he’s done with Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman)


Well, I'd been after a request for a while and the $25 dollar slot finally opened up. Also, I have a possible joke. "My goodness, Dominic, I can't do that. I wanted to unlock all the characters in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and... well, now I need to refinance my house."


I have been watching your content for years and you are without a doubt my favorite content creator. I love your outro because it is funny and doesn't make people feel guilty for not becoming a Patron (which I wasn't able to financially for a long time), but a change might be refreshing.


I like your videos and you seem like a good person and you’re supportive with warning for triggering subjects. Not everyone does unfortunately.


The credits reminded me you had a Patreon and I'd enjoyed your content for awhile. As a smaller creator I wanted to make sure you could keep making your videos


I just like you. :) i love the videos and your personality. And that you don't kink shame. And the trigger warnings are very appreciated. So I thought I should support you so you can create more content. :)


I wanted to support a creator I thoroughly enjoy and take part in the surveys


I was interested in getting to vote in the survey, but I also just enjoy your content and wanted to support it

Jake McNulty

Honestly, I enjoy your work. And even though the tier required to do so is currently unavailable, I hope one day to be able to request an episode.


I almost never watched the end credits. I wanted to give you money because you're funny and I enjoy your videos and I just outright assume that all youtubers these days have a patreon.


For me it was just the amount of time I have been watching you. I figured it was time to give a little back lol. I like the idea of the Discord even if I am bad at checking it and I like taking part in the survey.


I will say the credits do always remind me to like, definitely got the subscription! And as for the Patreon clincher, it's really just because I've never disliked a single video of yours, and I rely on them often to rewatch and keep my brain occupied while my job is mindless. You do great work, and I wanted to give back. I enjoy what you do, Dom! Always! (And it sure is nice to have someone else just as bothered by all the adaptation deficiencies in the HP movies as I was!)


Bit of an unhelpful answer, but it was mainly just getting round to it after being subscribed on yt for a while. For some reason I really like the early access too.

Robin Isomaa

Early access and getting to take part in the survey. The vague hope of maybe getting the chance to contribute in a more substantial way in the future.


For me it's a combination of wanting you to actually make money for the decent quality of videos you make, and finding the "my goodness, the Dom, I can't do that, [insert ridiculous reason for not supporting Patreon here]" bit at the end to be really, really funny. So when you make a new end of video spiel, keep that part, even if you have to drop the Dom bit.


I really just like your content. Out of all the book YouTubers you do something unique and different. You're passionate about what you do and I want to support that.


I wanted a chance to access your Patreon chat and talk with you because I love your channel. I would love to be able to increase my level someday and request a personalized video.


I wanted to be able to vote in the survey, and to be able to support a creator whose content I enjoy.


Participating in the survey and getting the videos early. I think I upped my pledge after you went full time. I like your work and want to support it.


I like to watch exclusive content! Plus it's always nice to support creators


I think your videos n your passion is so good that I want to support you.


Many things made me want to support you! I’ve been watching you since the second half of the Half Blood Prince, and there has never been a moment when I said “I disagree with your views”. I’ve watched at least 1 video of yours everyday for the last 3 years and now that I finally have the funds, I wanted to be more than a view on your videos. I wanted to support you as a person and as a creator. Cause it’s not just your videos I like, you’ve shown me what an amazing man you are, and you deserve the support I can give. One day when I have even more, I can support you more. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and I cannot wait to see what you do for the rest of your career!


I think being reminded about patreon works and I do like the jokes in a ' o I remember that" kind of way. The rewards mattered more after I became I patreon


I like your jokes. I’ve found I need a (positive) push to contribute to creators that I like. The poll also helped, since I like those sorts of things.


I love your videos and love for excellent writing and adaptation, and that’s why I pledged. To support you :3

Amy Poli

I have been a fan since day one and found you on Channel Awesome. I think your mention of support in a video reminded me to help you but I already thought you kicked ASS. Other reasons I became a patron are: - you nicely wrote back to me on Facebook once and it was the first time someone I was a fan of responded to me - I really liked your content - I wanted to take part in the survey of who had seen what and read what - I wanted to send some suggestions


I like your work and wanted to support it a little as I am able


I was gonna pledge either way but the choose a review convinced me to go at a higher tier. We could always write new jokes for you if you want.


Well... I considered it for a while and when I saw you taking one of my favorite childhood books (Artemis Fowl) it tipped me over, but that was from Twitter... The jokes at the end of your videos are, at least for me, more fun to stick around for the end of your videos, so for watch time it helps... But the short answer: I always considered it from the first joke but interest pushed med over the top

Julia Krystosek

I have a Patreon myself and pledged to as many of my favorites as I could because I know how valuable it is to me.


Simply because you make great content and you deserve support and also so I could make a request (which I’m patient for).


I think the humor value of the credits sequences definitely had some influence on my decision to become a patron. But overall it's just that your content is that damn good. Your production values are impressive compared to your obvious budget constraints, and you're consistently entertaining and amusing.


I just really love the show and wanted to support where possible. It’s nice to see my name in the credits, but the main thing is that the show goes on - the reviews are thoughtful, incisive, and very funny! Hope you’re taking care of your voice and getting proper rest where you can 💖


I didn't know what Patreon was until you put it in your videos. I was like "that's a brilliant idea. Why didn't I know about this before?" It just makes sense that if you want content then you help produce it by contributing money.


I would say the opportunity to participate in the polls was a big incentive for my becoming a patron.


Well, you and a few others are pretty much the reason I can keep my job. ADD makes it hard to focus on my job and listening to you in the background keeps me on track, so I just wanted to give back a bit. That and I really wanted to watch the episode on Howl's moving castle.


I liked the effort you put into your reviews to make them entertaining, including the skits with you alter egos and guests. I would like to see that come back more actually. I think you've gotten away from the fun parts more in favor of straight review and analysis instead. That's fine, but what made you stand out was the fun you (seemed to) have and the effort that you put into each video.


The read/watched/both survey was a big plus for me. But a main reason for me was the YouTube algorithm parameters. the number of views in the first 5 to 12 hours are extremely important for the visibility of your channel. But I work a lot and can't watch a new video right away. Or even the same week. So I feel uneasy - your content is great and should be watched by more people. It will make them kinder. So, insdead of praying to the algorithm, I use patreon :) Also costumes. The costumes and wigs are great. Do you have a tier for new wigs?


Mostly I wanted to support the channel. I love your content. It's informative. It's usually hilarious. I loved the idea of taking part in the survey that initially was just among a group of your close friends. Early access videos is a bonus I forgot I'd get, honestly. Also, the Llama King said that becoming your Patron was a necessary step in ensuring his reign continued forever. The Llama King would have been so very disappointed if I didn't. I can't disappoint the Llama King.


Wanting to support quality content and be part of the survey. I always liked listening to the credit sequence though.


For me, the credits DID influence, but only inasmuch as it let me know that a Patreon existed. I don't really care (personally) the verbiage creators use to let me know. As soon as I decided I liked your channel enough to support, I jumped on the Patreon and would have regardless. On a semi-unrelated note, what really DID have an impact on me is your reminders at the end of videos about the algorithm. Lots of creators say "like/sub/etc" but you're the first one I've come across that spells out exactly why its so important to you every time. This always reminds me to take the time to 'like' your videos at the very least, even if I rarely comment. Hopefully that helps some!


I try to support all of the content creators I particularly enjoy and your 50 Shades’ series really killed it. I’ve also loved all your other romance content, including exploring the oddities. That’s been the major draw and as long as that’s there, I shall be contributing. Your patron pitches are very funny too though.

Leslie Helwig

I had been struggling for a long time wanting to help a lot of reviewers I love. There are so many reviewers I wondered if I could afford it. When Mike Jeavons lost his job during COVID I decided "screw it," I need to help. I know I can't do much but hopefully I help even a little


I like rpg's with stories in them, and a behind the scenes look at the adaption process sounded cool. As for why I picked Narnia first, it's because I don't really like Father Christmas either! ;)


One of the reasons I like the videos and became a Patreon was the lack of advertising. No lengthy messages about sponsors (short ones I don't mind, but I dislike 2 minutes of a 6 minute video being about skillshare or some other nonsense I will never join BECAUSE of this). I also appreciate the humor in the message about Patreon and your non pushy way of letting people know and asking for likes as a valid alternative. I never felt pressured or guilt tripped. And I wanted to be in the survey and possibly influence new videos. And of course in general, I really like the videos. They are well put together, in a clear format, they are informative and I love your attitude towards your beautiful watchers. Always respectful and positive. I wanted to be a part of that positivity. It also doesn't hurt that a lot of stuff you talk about falls within my preferred genre (fantasy). Also, I suggest including at least one cat in your new message because the last video didn't have any cat bloopers and since we know you have cats you need to pay your online cat tax. Sorry Dom, that's just how it is now...


Your content is what made me want to become a patron. I don't care about credits at all. You create engaging, funny and clever content that I always look forward to. I hope one day to have more money so I could support you more.


I really, really enjoy your videos, and when you emphasized that YouTube's procedures were making it more difficult to do your job I decided I ought to put my money where my mouth is and support you more concretely.


Yes, well... after the 30th time I had the credits rolling, while I was working on some art... I decided... it was time. XD


No influence whatsoever, I just like your content so much I had to see it early. That's... basically it, honestly. I don't think I even used it for the patreon link, I just came to patreon and searched your name. Also, possibly because I actively dislike the llama king one, I skip the whole thing just in case. It was really fun for awhile, now it just seems like a quirk of the show that inflates the run time enough that, especially when I watch here, I just skip the rest even if I might be inclined to watch it otherwise. Sorry. :(


I really enjoy your videos, and I love the concept of comparing adaptations to their books as that is something I'm personally very interested in (and often complain about haha) If I remember correctly I decided to become a patron when you said something to the effect of, "If you have a problem with trigger warnings, you can eff off!" The outro let me know that you have a patreon and where to find it. I also really laughed at the jokes every time, especially as a new viewer! They are very charming &amp; funny.

Ashley Laduranteay

None of your rewards other than the survey interested me as I know requesting episodes was a lost cause as the waitlist was too long. I chose to support you simply because I want to support you. Also don't you dare get rid of the Fremin joke or the three jet packs.

Lord Byron

The credits did warn me about the unfairness of the YouTube algorithm, but your quality of work is worth my patronage.


I just enjoy the videos you make. I had the money and like supporting people where I can. Also I really wanted to get on the survey :)


That said, I did always like the "the" in "The Dom's final thoughts." Even though you don't use "The Dom" anymore, it's just sort of a formulaic end to your standard LiA format, and oddly I find the structure of it comforting, if that makes sense.


Your quality content mostly, though I have liked the jokes. I was glad to snag the chance to request a video, but I was going to get a lower tier of patronage if I wasn’t able to.


As a semi-professional adapter myself, I enjoy critical analyses of what works and what doesn't (and most importantly WHY) in the adaptation process. I'm in a fairly good financial position and therefore able to aid people whose content I enjoy (which obviously includes you). I don't usually even listen once people start in on their "like, subscribe, patreon, etc" blurbs - I only support content developers that I feel meet my own arbitrary criteria for quality (again, this obviously includes you).


The promise of flory and fame, obviously. No, for real, I just really like your content, your earnestness, your performances and your entire concept and I wanted to support that. It was definitely mostly your personality that made me decide to support you on Patreon. Honestly, it didn't have anything to do with the end credits, to be honest. I usually even skipped those, haha. (I don't anymore. Watch-time helps satisfy that pesky algorithm, right?)


I mainly became a patreon to be able to request an episode. That I give a lot and keep supporting you is just a bonus


I really enjoy your videos and I want to do something to support creators I like.


I did start joining Patreon because of the changes in how YouTube monetizes it’s videos, but that isn’t how I decide who I support. I also don’t base my support on the rewards that are offered because I often fail to take advantage of them. My support is based on how often I watch someone’s videos, how consistently I binge their videos, and if I believe they’re providing quality content. Then there’s the rather nebulous how much joy do they give me factor. Clearly, I like your videos quite a bit.


Your content. The quality, the thought you put into your work. It's been a learning experience, seeing more of the differences between books and their adaptations, and what a broad spectrum there is in terms of book loyalty and such. And the outliers, where sometimes the movie adaptation has outstripped the book, even if they have little in common (Die Hard and The Shining come to mind). The analysis you do is a unique thing, and I adore the fact you give your feelings on the book and movie individually before moving into the adaptation. Getting to be a small part of that (with the survey) is wonderful! I also have a great deal of respect for how you handle sensitive topics (as with your EL James LiA episodes) and how much respect you give more niche genres (your Omegaverse video was an unexpected treat). Finally I must confess, the early access to videos has been a real treat as well.


Well, I liked your channel and 'discovered' Patreon as a means to give (albeit a tiny bit) something back. :-) sorry, if I wasn't any help


I like doing polls 🤣


Mainly because I enjoy your work so much - so I thought to myself I could contribute to actual content by creators I enjoy than pay for stuff I don't really like (for example by visiting a theatre to see some truly wondrous new remake). Yep. But hey, the jokes are good in any case. And everyone is waiting around for the cat bloopers anyway.

Nathaniel Muscharaf

i always loved the different patreon plugs and was disappointed that you did not make more of them. My motivation for becoming a patreon is just that i enjoy your content, but i use an adblocker and this is my way to compensate you for that and show my appreciation of your content, even though it may not be much. I like the fact that you try to be as objective as possible with the books.


I read a lot and often get annoyed with movie adaptations. I like hearing your analysis on the differences between books and movies. I wanted to help you out so you could continue making content. You're also pretty funny so that helped.


I became a Patreon after The Hobbit review and saw that your Lord of the Rings was a goal. The Hobbit was my favorite episodes of yours. Plus, I like supporting content creators, especially ones like book reviews because those take longer than merely just commenting on the latest movie/game/show. Comparing and contrasting takes time.


I liked the channel and wanted to suggest adaptations :)


I did always get a chuckle at your little end sequences but they didn't really influence my choice. I wanted to be a patreon because i loved the way you handled your work. I first stumbled across you when your fifty shades video was recommended (I did think you were that kind of dom so it was more curiosity than anything that got me to click) and I liked seeing someone with such a clear passion for books. I chose to be a patreon because there are so many books/movies i could think of that i would love to hear your assessment of (watership down, we need to talk about Kevin etc). I also found that your videos calmed me down when i was upset and the way you do synopsis (synopsises?) was helpful when I was writing my own stories because i could imagine you describing my books and it helped me find plot holes! I thought that since your videos made me feel so much better, the least i could do was support! I just waited a while until the tier i wanted was available :P


Eh, wanted to support ya. I was in before the bits, but found them a delight. TBH it took me a while to notice they still had The Dom after the rebranding. I just hopped you make a new batch now and again.


I've loved your content for a long time, and I really wanted to be able to request a subject for a video. You're definitely one of my favorite content creators; I love that you also prefer stories with happy endings. Plus, if you ever do another review of other people's stuff, maybe you'd be willing to take a look at my stuff. But really, I just want to support you and help you do something you love.


The clip introduced me to the concept of Patreon and let me know that I had an option to support you. Your excellent content sold me in the idea. But without that section breaking it down, I wouldn't have known about it. I've seen other creators who have Patreon and barely mention it or don't at all and I always think that they should probably have something more like yours to emphasize it's helpfulness to you and benefits to us. Hope this helps!


I became a Patron mainly to support you. I spend a lot of time watching your videos, and had been doing so for a long while before I took the plunge and joined Patreon. It just seemed fair you get some recompense for my many hours of entertainment. Although I did choose my tier based on the "commission a review" reward, and would probably have given you less money if none of the higher tiers had a reward I wanted. As for the end credits, they helped inasmuch as they reminded me you have a Patreon. It's not something I think about, so if you didn't keep bringing it up I might not have thought to look you up on here and throw money at you.


I appreciate your funny patreon plug 😊 it's definitely more imaginative and amusing than a lot of other YouTubers. I decided to become a patron because I really enjoy your work and its been a pleasure to watch it evolve over the years. I never base my decision on whether or not to support someone based on their patreon pitch but it is a good reminder that the patreon is there if you do want to support. I think the video that finally got me to pledge was the mystery method one actually. How much you cared and how offended you got was really good to see, not in a 'i want to see you suffer' way but more in a cathartic 'someone gets it and rants about it more eloquently than i could' kind of way. I had been wanting to pledge for a while before that but wasn't in the position to, but that video coincided with a new job and I guess that was that.


I've been a fan for years, and I'd wanted to for a while, but I finally started Patreonizing you when I managed to get my finances to a place where I could afford to.


I became a patron because of your end tag, it's very good at reminding me that there was a patron option but also no pressure and funny and makes a very good point about YouTube being unstable for revenue. I don't personally care about the rewards or credits, I just wanted to help out a little so you could keep making content.


Well said. I appreciate the sensitivity and effort to be at least a little bit educated on difficult or niche topics. I think he handles it very well. Better than a lot of YouTubers who just don't talk about certain topics at all and definitely better than a lot of big name movie makers. It's a refreshing joy to watch and definitely worth supporting.

Helen Dingo

I really love your Patreon plugs, but yes, you REALLY need to update it. I lost track of how many times the Llama King wouldn't allow it. Lol


I pledged because I enjoy your reviews and appreciate your humor and genuine attempts to find merit in everything you read and watch.


I became a patron very recently because I enjoyed your content for a few years and I have seen the slew of videos explaining the difficulty YouTube is to make a living off of nowadays. It's easier for me to pay money than to spread comments, likes, shares etc. I suppose I decided to be a patron of you because you are very consistent with your content and the quality of it and I always am eager to see more. This probably doesn't help you much in terms of an alternative ending for your videos, but it might be helpful to mention that $2 is the minimum tier and that limits can be set up for tiers.


My hubby and I are blessed enough to be able to give some financial support to YouTubers. We like to help out smaller YouTube channels that we genuinely enjoy. I particularly chose your channel because I enjoy your videos - finding them well put together, informative, entertaining, genuine, with an extra twist that makes it your own. Sending love from NY, keep up the great work ;)


I have took notice of more reviewers some time ago along the lines of the channel awesome apocalypse, and I really liked your wry humor and intelligence, and you felt like someone who feels about books and adaptations the same way I do. I then had a pay raise, and decided that instead of another coffee or an unnecessary purchase I would rather help someone create some cool stuff and be able to live freely and feel safe about what hey are doing. And the ability to participate in a questionnaire about who watched what was compelling also. Still love your credits though. My favorite is the unusual currency one!


I have some affection for that old joke, but I pledged pretty much just because I really enjoy your videos. Also because there was a particular video I was really itching to see early XD But I stayed on because I wanted to support your content.


I became a patron after I pretty much binged all your videos on youtube, about the time of the Ella Enchanted video, so I guess it's been a couple years. Most of the things you have now you didn't have then so they didn't really influence. But I recall I loved the character of Terrance Boot and just how completely arrogantly obnoxious of a Ravenclaw he was. I just thought you did really excellent work and I generally liked the humor and I just wanted to help make sure you could make more videos.


I chose to become a patron because you deserve to be paid for your hard work, and for all the entertainment you provide to your audience. Youtube isn't doing that enough, so I felt helping out was the least I could do. I love your videos, and what them to continue. As for the plug, it reminded me that I was in a place where I would feel comfortable adding another monthly deduction to my bank account, but otherwise wasn't the reason I took the plunge.


Recent subscriber/patron here. Of all videos, the first of yours I saw was the Omegaverse video, which popped up in my recommended videos... for whatever reason 😅. Anyways, the second you explained your identity/position in the following, you won me over as a subscriber: "...this video is not an expert's insight into this concept; this is a sheltered, straight, cis male exploring the genre for the first time and floundering way out of his depth for your amusement." From there, you just kept winning me over with your positivity and compassion for others. Participating in the polls tipped me into becoming a patron, but I want to support lovely people such as yourself anyways.

Paweł Kacprzyk

I was a fan of your work and wanted to somehow support what you do, so when I started to earn some money I just did it, the rewards weren't really a draw (especialy as it will be looong time, if ever, until I can afford any of the higher tiers)


I decided to become a patron because I wanted to support your work. I checked out the rewards available at the time, but they were sort of underwhelming if I'm keeping it 100 percent real. Particularly given that the higher levels are always sold out (this is not intended as a complaint, just an observation). But I didn't care about that because what I'm getting out of this deal is trying to contribute toward more future videos by my favorite YouTuber. Having a funny reminder to become a patron at the end of each video certainly didn't hurt. It planted the idea in my mind, but I think I probably would have made the same decision even with a slightly less elaborate one.


I became a patron just because I really enjoyed your work and wanted to support it


When I started watching your videos about 3 years ago, I thought the outros were hilarious! I loved it when there was a new crazy reason why someone couldn't donate and was actually just a little disappointed when they started repeating, so I usually skip them now. My decision to donate is simply that I really want you to be able to keep making videos and any little bit I can do to help makes me happy.

Stella Bella

I... I wanted to watch the Howl's Moving Castle LIA repeatedly.


Personally I just try to support the people who make content I consistently enjoy. The credits sequence at least made me aware of your Patreon account so there is that. But beyond that I don't tend to care too much about the rewards and in order to try to spread my money around more I limit how much I pledge to each creator.


I became a patreon because I enjoy your work and I wanted to support you, and I decided for the $5 tier video 'cause I wanted to vote for the read/watched :)


Honestly, I really enjoy your work and wanted to support you. Though you're Patreon outro is a bit bland, I'll admit.


I like those six jokes, but a little variation/fresheness would be good. There was no particular reward that drew me, I just like supporting where I can, and yours is the first YT channel I loved enough to subscribe, and eventually be a patron of. My favourite extra is always the bloopers (and the cats).


Just wanted to support you and your content

Melanie Klump

I'll admit I initially joined to see the Howl's Moving Castle LIA (I love both the book and movie and was sad I couldn't watch it on Youtube), but I also like being able to support someone whose work I always look forward to watching. I wish my cats would let me cradle them the way yours do!


I thoroughly enjoy your humor and take on things. I support so the Llama King doesn't devour my sanity.


I simply enjoyed your videos and that's why I decided to become a Patreon. The end credits are entertaining, tho.


I became a patreon because every video you make brings me joy, entertainment and knowledge and you deserve something for your work. That said the credits are funny (the llama king!!!)


I became a patreon because you were nice, you cared about your job and the people who were your fans. Also I accessed way too much of your content to not pay for it.

Micaela Sparrow

I became a patron because I really enjoy your content and your videos are always well made and well thought out. I can't say that the credit sequence influenced me in my decision to become a patron.


I became a patron after considering how many hours of entertainment you had given me, and wanting to give something back. I think your rewards are good, but I was almost more drawn to your goals, and I'd love to see you make some new ones.


To be honest I have been watching you for years (by the way I love the content) and I promised myself that if I got a raise I would contribute to some of my favorite creators. You were at the top of my list when my finances improved😁.

J. MacGillivray

I became a patreon because I enjoy your videos and style of humor and also how you don't try to shame people for things they enjoy. I will admit your jokes at the end of the video for patreon finally did nudge me to go "Yeah, I should go and support this guy since I do enjoy his work." Plus, they always did make me laugh.


I just enjoyed your content and after you did a movie/book I particularly liked (sorry I can't remember which one!) I became a patron 🤷 your skits are funny and cute, I'm sure whatever you replace the current patreon request with will be equally be effective.


I don't care in terms of credits. I try my best to pay for the service I use. And your content is a service I use and enjoy.


When I found your channel, due to the 50 Shades videos because of Youtube's algorithm, I found myself binging through every single video. They are like potato chips. I couldn't stop at one. I appreciate your sense of humor, your honesty in your opinion, and your attempt to bring order to the madness which is the book publishing, writing, and media industries and what they manage to birth into the world. Plus cats. How can I not support a creator who adores his cats? So I signed up to support you in making more videos. The end credits didn't prompt me to do so, but they did tell me where to go to do it.


The quality of your content was what held me at your YouTube channel, but the credit sequenz brought me here :)


I became a patreon, because I love supporting someone who is doing what he loves. I fell in love with the channel and your work ever since I happen to stumble on your videos about FSOG and your hatred for this dumpster fire brought you my subscription- and I stuck around ever since. I have to admit I miss the old THR DOM but get why you wanted the change.


You wore me down and my Jewish guilt kicked in.


I became a pateron because I love reading, I like movies, I adore your reviews, and you're just an all around nice dude.


I stayed a subscriber because not only were your videos informative but they were funny. I joined Patreon after dozens of your end-tros talked me into it.


I really wanted the cameo and chat room opportunities XD


mostly just became a patreon coz I wanted to support your work.


I came for the minecraft server I think? It's been a while actually.


That is because the llama king won’t ever allow it. The llama king is unchanged. The llama king is eternal. The llama king is our gracious ruler. THE LLAMA KING


I love your videos, they're well informed and hilarious, it was the plug at the end that helped convince me to be a Patreon


I really enjoy your videos, and I generally use adblockers, so I became a patron to offset that.


I personally became a patron because I so enjoy your videos. I would like to add that I love those jokes in the Patreon plug and they made you stand out to me, as a viewer. I understand your desire to change with the times, but I would hate to see them all go the way of the dodo. The Llama King is a personal favorite.


When I find myself constantly watching a creator, I feel obligated to support them. The recognition is not my focus - although I like the ability to vote in polls and suggest topics.


I like supporting creators that make content I enjoy, and I like being able to vote in the polls. I personally like the patreon plug, and it's actually seeing it in all your videos that made me want to become a patron. After a while, I thought 'yeah, I should become a patron!' Thanks for all your hard work!

Ben L.

I do find the credit sequences amusing and they did put me in more of a mood of "Sure, why not?" But ultimately what made me decide to pledge was just that I appreciate your work and wanted to support it.


I honestly only joined to make a request, with the plan of ending once I'd made it to free up a slot for someone else. Though I may simply downgrade to just the $2 level instead. I mean, I can afford it right now, so why not? That's a couple of months away though.


Don't care about rewards, just like supporting people who do good work.


I really love your videos so I joined to support your work. Though I do find the jokes at the end pretty funny.


Honestly the plug wasn’t the reason I chose to support you. The proof is in the product not the ad so your content is the reason I ultimately chose to support you. Just keep giving us that English charm and I witt as well as great book comparisons and discussions and you should be fine


Full disclosure: I am a 63 year old Australian grandma so.... not your usual audience. I became a Patreon supporter after I saw your 50 Shades of Grey reviews. I thought they were clever and witty.


I got money and went “fuck yeah I’m gonna financially support my favorite YouTuber” and I never looked back


I supported your work because I enjoy your insight on the material and the wit and humor you show in your jokes. I love the jokes at the end, because they're kind of an extension of your work, but they aren't the reason why I started supporting you. Though they are the reason why I knew about your Patreon page in the first place.


I just think you’re neet


I became a Patreon to support your show because I find you content enjoyable and can watch the videos multiple times. Also I wanted to help you make a living out of this.


I signed on because I find myself watching almost all of your videos (except the ones I miss during those 50-60 hour workweeks), but I admit the credits sequence made an impact. It's not entirely intentional (some baggage of half a life spent in poverty comes in), but I find myself more willing/able to donate to those YouTubers who have some kind of "no pressure" message along with their donation ask.

David Durant

Mostly cat related out-takes :-)


Yes but I had been added support to anyones channel that I really wanted more from that seemed to not be super well know and not already fully of backer.


Started watching the lost in adaptation videos during the harry potterathon. Found that your voice soothes my anxiety which is good because I cycle through anxiety straight to depression. So I watched them for awhile and decided to support you because in a round about wat, without even knowing about it, you support me. Only fair lol.


The credits didn’t have any influence. I had been watching your channel for a while, and then after bingeing the Potterathon, I realized that you had gotten me through an entire afternoon of boring tasks and thought “I’d like to give this guy some money.”


I decided to join your patreon because I'd watched several of your videos, knew I was going to watch more, and since I wanted to support you but didn't want to turn ad block off, here I am! I do think it's worth mentioning you have a patreon at the end of every video, just like a "Hey, just in case you've been considering it, here's a gentle reminder that patron exists".


Both the silly credits and the survey tempted me to become a patron for a while, but the actual tipping point was how sensitively you handled the 50 Shades reviews.

regina burks

Because I think you do great work, and your suffering through some truly horrible books and movies gives me life. Figured you deserved something for your pain.


I believe in paying for products you consume. Particularly as I'm in the entertainment industry myself and having to contiously fight that "paying you in exposure/but you enjoy your work so we don't need to pay you as much!" exploitaion. The jokes at the end do make me watch your credits.

Yvonne Hanafee

I joined for the private Discord and the LIA quiz, but I do really enjoy the Hyrule joke, that one always gets a laugh out of me.


Honestly, the idea of being able to make a suggestion on what book-&gt;movies you might do was the thing that got me over the hump of just *meaning* to go to Patreon and sign up "at some point", and actually *GO* to Patreon and look up your page. I wasn't able to donate at that reward tier, but I appreciate your content enough that I wanted to give you something for the terrific work you do. So to answer your question, yes - your spiel at the end was an effective call to action.


I came to make a suggestion for lost inbadaptation i stayed for voting in the poll at the start of episodes


I started to support you once I realized that I was expectant and excited over your videos. I figured, if I support music I like and art I want on my walls it only makes sense to support an independent creators. I don't watch any of the credits on any videos I want but I think it's a good idea to update it anyway.


Finally got a good enough job I could afford to support the creators I like. Nothing to do with the credits, I'm afraid. :-)


I don't remember when I started supporting you, but I do remember that your video on creating a Patreon page you made a while back got me to seriously consider looking at the site more thoroughly. Initially it was to make my own page, but then one day I was like: "Y'know what? I should support some of my favourite creators," and you were one of them.


Ive been watching sence Homeworld 2 and I just love your show. I love watching all your videos and I must watch......because the LAMA KING CAN NOT BE OPPOSED!!!!!


The end credits helped reinforce how much this support helps and put me over the edge.


I've been watching a while. Not sure how long exactly. I loved the 50 shades videos so much I decided to at least give you a little more support than I had been. I love your trademark wit and loveable (at least a "squish" *friendship crush*) attitude. Take care of you, Dom!


The credits definitely helped plant the idea in my mind, and I love the cheesy jokes. When I finally got a real job and had a regular paycheque I decided it was time to support those who got me through an incredibly rough jobless year with free entertainment. If you are updating them (hopefully with new cheesy jokes for those without means to imagine ridiculous scenarios outside of just plain old being broke!) the one teensy thing that bugs me is when you refer to content creators as they and them instead of we and us. You are part of the group, I would prefer to hear inclusive pronouns. But that's my one quibble. I'm very glad the Llama King finally granted me permission to support you!


The credits told me you had a Patreon. I try very hard to support creators I watch/read because people deserve to be paid for the work they do. I mean, I don't go for big tiers, but I spread my support around. I love your work, so you get my money.


The credits were one reason but I just find your videos to be quite charming. Need I say more?


I was totally binge watching a bunch of your videos and the repetition of the end credits definitely contributed. I love the Llama King! He is everything! It helped me reflect on how much I have genuinely gotten out of your channel and made me want to contribute! We love you, The Dom! I particularly wanted you to keep making movies as you are a white man who is also an advocate. Particularly when you point out problematic gender issues. Thank you!


I really enjoy watching your videos and the fact that you are willing to sacrifice yourself by reading and watching some horrendous pieces of literature for your viewers


I decided to become a patron because I realized how much time, work, research &amp; energy goes into making your videos. Your videos are always entertaining g you spend a lot of time going in depth with your synopses &amp; reviews. I appreciate the content you provide &amp; wanted to contribute financially so that you can continue to produce videos!


I don't remember exactly, I think I was just adding a bunch of Youtubers I like to Patreon. However I did want to be in on the voting on who read the book/watched the thing, so that might be a good note to keep in the plug.


I feel like I became a patron before you started doing the credits jokes. At any rate, I became a patron to see the videos early and to participate in the polls (not that I remember to check most of the time OTL)


"consider becoming a patron", and just really enjoying the hard work that you do. It also helped you to explain that you could continue to do what you love if you had the support. It also helps to have the option to pay per month or per show.

The Narrator

Ultimately, what finally pushed me to start supporting a few of my favorite creators on Patreon was the pandemic. I knew that funding would probably be drying up because of the economic fallout, and since I still had steady work when so many others did not, I figured I should start contributing to help make up for it.


Got a New job which allowed me to support some artist. Your video were regular and always high quality. I enjoyed watching them and rewatching them. Felt like I should do something as a thank you for the content :-)


They let me know that your patreon existed, and they had enough effort in them (actual jokes/skits and not just a bland "Support me on patreon!" tag) that they caught my attention.


I became a patron when I considered binge-watching your shows for the fourth time. You gave me too much joy, I had to give something back!


I just liked your work and good work deserves to be supported.


Because your videos are awesome ;D


A project I wanted to support was about to be financed through Patreon and I wanted to test everything. You are the lucky one to be my guinea pig. Later I upgraded my pledge so I can vote.


You are an awesome creator who seems to care about your work and audience, it simply felt right to support you (plus the credits sequence Is always funny so I guess it helped)


i became a Patron for exactly the reason you've been listing in the ad: it's a wonderful website where you can directly support the content providers you enjoy. One day i hope to eventually support literally every content creator i currently watch.


I'm not sure where I heard it first (maybe Amanda Palmer, she talks about it a lot in live shows) but creators I like started and/or kept mentioning it.


Once I got the concept I was hooked. Then it took me way too long to actually join because that's how I am, but then I did it and started pledging to a bunch of you at once. I for one like the way you talk about and explain it and it hearing it over and over again helped me to finally do it. :)


Mostly I just wanted to support a creator that I enjoyed content from. It's also nice to get to participate in the polls :)


I became a Patron after your Willy Wonka episode because the Patreon Plug was hillariouse and after that I didn't want to wait on new episodes ever again

Matt Storrs

I was going to support you no matter what once I had a stable income, but I must say I particularly enjoyed the "Oompa-Loompa" sketch


You as me have dyslexia and we both fined books amazing.


Personally, i fucking hate that every youtube video's last 10% are now a list of patreons. And i don't feel like a special boi because somebody reads my name out loud in theri video...I'm here to support content creators, not to pollute their videos.


I patreon'd because after binge watching your whole catalogue in a week I decided you should be made to review every adaptation ever made for my enjoyment!


I just liked your videos and wanted to do my part to make sure you can continue to make them.


Finally realizing that you indeed have a patreon and wanting to support you / thank you for producing those awesome videos I enjoy ^^


Honestly, at the time I first found you you were on Channel Awesome, and I was becoming uncomfortable with a lot of the rumors about them (prior to the big doc dump). Youtube at the time had also been weird in not paying creators in a clear manner, so patreon seemed to be the best way to directly support 2 or 3 channel awesome creators I really liked without supporting CA.

Camille R

You were one of the YouTube shows that reliably amused and cheered me when I was in a extremely bad mental place. Furthrer, you seemed to be a very ethical person. I felt I should support that.


I just (like literally a few minutes ago) became a patron, it was in big part because you make me laugh in every single video you post. Your fantastic rants, ethics, cats, and the bloopers are also things I love about your videos. I have to admit after a while I began to skip the patreon section, knowing you had one is good but in all honesty it doesn't need to be as long as it was in my opinion. :)


I like the mention in the credits, but ultimately I became a patron because I enjoy your work


Your work is entertaining and helped remind me why I love books so much. There are a million gamers but books are slowly being forgotten. I can't support you as much as I want to, but what little I can share, I wanted to make sure went to a worthy place. While we don't always agree, your take always makes me look at things differently or remind of a story I had all but forgotten. Your critiques also help me when it comes to writing, which I hope will serve me well in the future.


found the videos on youtube and enjoyed the content and wanted to take part in the vote shown at the beginning and help support you as i really enjoyed your videos


I was looking up analysis of Clock work Orange for my Behavioral psychology class. The way you explained how it was written and how it helped readers with the worst bits of the book helped me so much. So,becoming a patron is my way of saying thank you for helping me get an A on my project!


The passion and mirth that you bring to your analysis makes the books and their adaptations come alive in new and exciting ways. It's a hoot to see your take on old favorites and titles I've never heard of. From a selfish POV, investing in your art seems like a small (but disproportionately rewarding) investment in my future happiness.


I appreciate the credits, but they didn't make me want to be a patron. I primarily just want to support your creations - I love lost in adaptation! - but I do enjoy getting early access to videos and being able to vote in the polls.

Utaku Beta

I love your content and when i realized how hard Youtube is screwing you over I patron'd up... also I wanted access to your minecraft server for Lols. As a very amateur writer and youtuber, I like seeing where I can improve myself. I've learned a lot from you so far.


My son introduced me to your youtube channel and I really enjoyed your content. It was both funny and extremely well researched, which is quite rare with a lot of youtube creators, and when I find a quality channel I like to support it.

Marie Velasquez

I actually was motivated by the credits. I loved the idea of being able to participate in the survey. I originally wanted to request a video, but I think that tier was gone by the time I came around. Overall, I just enjoyed your attitude in discussing adaptations. Particularly your take that something could be a bad adaptation but a good movie or a good adaptation but a bad movie.


I found out through the comments sections on one of your more recent videos that you did Lost in Adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle. I haven't canceled yet because I enjoy your work want to support you for a little bit. I also don't take advantage of early access.


I became a patreon because I appreciated your way of handling the 50 Shades Videos and because I thought that you had things of value to say that more people should have access to. keep up the good work!


I've watched and enjoyed several of your videos, and I've been pushing myself to recognize and financially reward creators whose stuff I like. that's about it. :)


For me, becoming patron had more to do with loving and wanting to support your videos than with any particular messaging or reward. It was sufficient motivation to know that you had a Patreon which I could support. I did really like the idea that you have a Patreon tier which allows patrons to request a specific video, but for budget reasons I didn't wind up subscribing at that tier, so it wasn't a determining factor in whether or not I became a patron.


I just decided I'd been getting a lot of fun out of your videos and wanted to support them.

Keith D. Jones

Vicarious empowerment: I don't have enough to help myself, but I have just enough to help other people a little bit each day

Traci CD

I love your videos and wanted to be able to vote.


The credits sequences always made me laugh, I liked them. I became a patron for early access to videos and to vote/participate in surveys, but mostly I just wanted to support your content

Gerda Strobl

The credits did not influence my decision to become a patron as such, but 1) on your channel it was the first time I heard about patreon and 2) those credits were entertaining, which induced me to listen carefully enough. Marketing-wise, it is a good idea. What made me want to be a patron is simply the fact that I find your content massively entertaining as well as educational, and you as a person very likeable and easy to respect. There, you asked, so now you know. :D


I really love your videos, a few in particular were personally meaningful to me but I just think you do excellent work that I appreciate and enjoy. I only support a few other you tubers but they’re all ones that I feel the saw way about, that I feel I’m getting a lot of free quality entertainment and I want to become a patron if I can afford to. I did think the credits were funny and unique, but did not influence my decision to become a patron. Having my name in credits is nice but not something that would influence me to become a patron or not; I do like the ability to vote in polls, but again, would not have been a deal breaker for me either way.


I’ve been a patron for a while now. I didn’t sign up because the end slate convinced me but it did the job of making me aware you had an account. I signed up purely because I really enjoyed your work and wanted to give something back. It’s embarrassing the amount of hours I’ve spent watching your content (I have a habit of rewatching stuff) and I really like to try to “pay” the people who I spend the most time enjoying. Whether that be buying merch or supporting on Patreon. I semi-regularly take advantage of the early access perk but honestly I would have signed up without any of the bonuses. Like others have said it feels like I’m getting a hell of a lot of entertainment for not a lot in return! Thanks for everything you do!


I became a Patreon yesterday. I have been subscribed for a couple weeks now, since I stumbled upon your channel. Though I appreciate that you have bonuses for you Patreon subscribers, I do try to support channels I like when I can. I also enjoy sci-fi books and movies so I get a lot out of your content. Keep doing what your doing and I’ll keep watch. Thanks.

Erica Borgers

I became a patron because I enjoy your content and I wanted to help you continue to do so. You make great videos and I’m happy to help you keep going. Thanks for your hard work.


I became a patron entirely to be a part of the poll. Your end credits shtick definitely helped push me to do it though.


I waited to become a patron when I was financially secure enough to do so. I think the main draw was being more involved in the process


I wanted to join the discord and take part in the polls.


Initially it was the surveys and the minecrack server. :)

Your Librarian

the surveys and chatting with you and links to unlisted videos


Will the Llama king make the return? The Llama king sees all


I always wanted to support my favourite content creators, I just didn't have the means. Now I can afford spending a little amount and I juggle that among the ones that gave me the most content when I needed distractions.


I mainly joined because I enjoy your content and find you very funny. I buy books, dvds, games, etc to support the people who made them so they can make more so since I want you to be able to create more, it was the logical decision to do the equivalent for a youtube creator. Biggest contributing factor was seeing how respectful you try to be towards certain subjects in your videos as you seem to be a genuinely nice person and I would rather support someone like you over an asshole with equally good content. With regards to your credits, I wouldn't say they were a huge factor but I appreciate that they are entertaining, fairly short, and the plug is at the end of the video instead of the beginning. Following it with bloopers is also great.


Getting to take part in the poll was a big motivator. And I really like your lost in adaptation videos and wanted to support you to continue making content.


I'm actually pretty particular about the people I support to this level. I love your content, you seem like a very genuine and good person, and I felt like I should make up for enjoying the 50 shades videos so much lol (also, to help you feed those precious kitties!). while I do like the end credits, changing things up wouldn't be bad in my opinion. you can never improve things if you don't change them.