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So by now you've probably gotten an email telling you Patreon is being forced to add sales tax to SOME pledges. I don't really have access any more information on this than you but if you want to DM me to clarify anything I'll do my best to talk it over with you.

Much love



Actually, I don't mind sharing my question--so videos are considered something being "paid for" and so they're considered taxable?


No worries. Sucks that Patreon is dumping this on you guys "Hey creator, explain to your patrons what we're doing, k thx bye"


In general, tax law varies from state to state. You would need to see what items in your state are considered taxable, but in general, physical, tangible rewards are far more likely to be taxed (since it's Sales and Use tax being applied here, fairly sure) so most things on Patreon are not considered taxable as they are donations, and/or something covered under income tax. Since these videos are being made available for free with or without Patreon (aka, via youtube ad revenue, as much as it still exists) "early access" doesn't seem like it's anything that could be taxable. It would have to be defined under law as a taxable item or service. (Disclaimer: I am not a tax lawyer, I just run my own business)

Caleb Pickett

Dom is used to explaining the BS of our corporate overlords, he does work for Youtube after all.


Doesn't seem to affect Europe.

Diego Valdes

Hey man, I just got charged today and I didnt get taxed.


I just checked my bill and I haven’t been taxed for it yet. Maybe next month?


I live in Delaware, so no sales tax :)


I do get taxed, maybe it has to do with changing the currency, I'm from the netherlands