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I hope you guys like 50 minutes of me barely sinscally answering questions O_O


Putting off Reviewing Fifty Shades Freed Patreon Q&A



Whoa, 50 minutes! Awesome. Time to tuck in! Stores and sales tax: It's so national chains don't have to worry about the ridiculously complex sales tax system in the US. You can be taxed at the state, county, *and* city level, so it's completely impossible for a national chain to properly deal with that with their advertising (e.g. the $1 menu at McDonalds would not work at all). And since national chains don't, smaller places tend not to, either. The thing about Hogwarts students relieving themselves? That's historically accurate, to some degree. Royalty would do that up until the around 15th century, I think. They'd have servants that followed them everywhere to clean up after them. Yes, it was disgusting. Cats and distress: my kitties do this, too! It's so sweet that they'll notice when I'm frustrated or really annoyed and come crawl on me. I loves them! RE my own question about what you miss and like: Yeah, we really don't have anything that's quite like a proper English pub here in LA. It's too bad. I would guess that it stems from the Prohibition days, where alcohol and "proper restaurants" were forced to separate, and they never really came back together. And I find it mildly ironic that you're praising the LA weather in a video that came out mere days after the largest rain storm that LA's gotten in a decade. :)


Thank you for answering my dyslexic comment. I certainly understand how hard you have to work on it. I couldn't read or write until I was around 10 but now have a history/english degree and my own library. Auto books are a bitch for me though, hence my curiosity as to whether you were taught how to use them to your advantage or not. Also, Farscape was awesome, and I'm pretty sure Australia has that salsa you like too. If tomatoes give you bad reflux try mixing a little sugar into your tomato dishes as you cook them. It'll take the acid out of them so you'll have less reflux.


I actually like your silly skits.


GOLDEN KAMUY!! Aw, I'm a little sad you didn't like Golden Kamuy, I love that show/manga. By the way, it's set just after the Russo-Japanese War, a while before either world war. Sorry, I don't mean to criticize you for not getting that right (why would you when you're speaking off-the-cuff about a series you didn't even enjoy?). It's just I don't really encounter period pieces set in that period, or series with Ainu protagonists and so much Ainu culture, so it's all pretty fascinating to me. Stay strong against 50 Shades, The Dom. You can defeat it! Death to your enemies!


Me too. Rebecca is one of my favorite episodes of LiA because of the skits. "*I* should not be the one freaked out by this conversation!"


Also, The Dom, you brought up your backlog a few times, so as a patron with a request that's been on the list for almost two years now, I want to say unequivocally: I DO NOT mind waiting. I became a patron of yours because I love your work and want to compensate you for the delight it brings me. That you have gotten so many patrons and viewers that you can hardly keep up with the volume of paid requests only makes me glad that you are getting so much success and that so many other people love you and your show like I do. In fact, I would feel bad if you felt you had to *only* do requests and couldn't pick any adaptations for LiA just because they interested you. Much love, The Dom.


You like Pern and the Vorkosigan Saga! I also would not want a crap adaptation of the the Miles books but I have to say I'd relish hearing you do an episode about it. Maybe an excellent one will happen one day, it seems like a series Netflix or Amazon could get its teeth into and do properly.


So glad you gave a shout out to Ella Enchanted! I remember being really happy in your Lia that you said you liked the book because it was a favorite of mine as a child but it didn’t get much recognition that I was aware of. I remember when I was a teen and the movie was coming out I was so excited, but it’s so different from the book I ended up really disappointed. I would love to see a more accurate version! And, I saw have dyslexia that primarily effects my spelling and I swear most people don’t believe that I have it at all because I read a lot. My reading is maybe a little slower then some others but, otherwise unaffected. It really is a struggle to sound out words and get the correct spelling, especially if I’m hand writing it!

Matthew Foweraker

I agree with the Vorkossigan saga, but it's a risk I want someone to take. Probably animated considering Miles' physique and the amount everyone ages.


I agree with you about York. It's a great place to be and there is so much history here. Though as someone who lives here I have to say tourists occasionally drive me up the wall. I'm from the south of England and grew up near Bath. The Roman baths that the city is named after are really worth a visit.

Alyssa G

I’m sorry that my question was so hard 😰😰😰😰


I don't mind waiting for my request to be done. I do, selfishly, wish that 50 Shades Of Bullshit didn't have to come before it. Partly because I would still protect you from that shit if I could like a big sister taking a bullet for her baby brother. Partly because I can be a selfish, impatient bitch and I want to see if you enjoy this one from my childhood more than The Bad Seed.

Jo and Gareth

My suggestion: get an anger translator like Obama.