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Hey all. For personal reasons I'm having to put my review of the next season of Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events off for a week or two. Apologies.

I'll let you know when I've decided what to work on instead.



no problem if you have personal things take care of it.

Matthew Abbott

It's all good. No need to jump on it immediately.


Don’t even sweat it. We have a backlog to entertain us. Your personal life always takes president. Hope everything gets squared away and settled. 💙


I understand take your time


You could upload a 10 hour loop of you raising your eyebrow and I would still pledge. Actually do that tho. Seriously. But in all seriousness, take your time, nobody is asking you to prioritise video making over your personal life. We can wait either way. SPOILER ALERT!!! Season 2 is better than season 1.


Real life should always take precedence. We love you and want you happy, healthy, and sane. If that means waiting on reviews for awhile we will.


Well fair enough.


No worries matey! Take all the time you need. :)


Sorry to hear you're having troubles. Take care and the time you need.


I will support you in your Channel and Patreon, whatever choice you make.

Robin Isomaa

Take all the time you need. I just hope that the delay won't affect your finances too much.


Its cool dude, take what time you need


It is totally fine. Take care of yourself first. Hope stress will pass soon, good luck with that. Stay awesome (p.s. sorry for my clumsy English, my first language is Russian)


No problem. I hope your personnal issues get resolved quickly. Take care. All the best

Gerda Strobl

I'd rather wait than perhaps see you compromise regarding quality, let alone your personal life. Good luck with whatever it is. :)