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I was working on the first two of theses simultaneously so I finished the second fairly fast as you can see. Last installment should be done early December.


Total Recall (1990), Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



well I would hope you would understand it more then I do. you 3 wrote the script.

Chris Hewson

The Quayle name change is probably because of Dan Quayle, the American politician. As for the ambiguity of the ending, I seem to recall from a commentary that Verhoeven thinks it was all a dream, while Schwarzenegger thinks it was all real. Or maybe it was the other way around. Or maybe I'm just crazy and imagining this commentary track. That might be a possibility too. xD


Austrian biceps, one of the greatest powers known to man. I like this sort of look for science fiction.


Michael Ironside, not Jeremy Ironsides. I can't help but think you somehow managed to confuse him with Jeremy Irons... And I'm pretty sure in the movie, it's pronounced "Rick-ter".


Well early December starts tomorrow, so that's not saying to much ;)

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

Now realized that I saw that movie when I was younger but didn't know it was total recall! O_O


Jeremy Ironside? :D nice amalgam


Mars has an atmosphere, but it's so thin that it basically would act like a vacuum. See: that part of The Martian where the Hab ruptures. No biggie though, and great review!