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The beginning of the end for the November Nanos is the beginning of the beginning of the Total Total Recall three parter.


We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

The Lost in adaptation November Nanos conclude with a three part episode covering both Total Recall movies and the short story they completely ignored.



it's a shame you are reviewing all 3 I miss that squirrel


Well the first bit, is kind of similar, but the similarities end when he returns to the apartment.


Tiny aliens makes me think of Hitchhiker's Guide. Not a great similarity, perhaps, but to me it's what comes to mind.


I didn't see the ending of The Sixth Sense coming...

Kim Huett

Dick had a thing for tiny aliens.


Not having read the book I really probably can't comment too much, but I have a couple of thoughts on some things you said - Misogyny or okay with nudity - why can't it be both? I've known plenty of men (and even a few women) who think fat women like me shouldn't even wear anything low cut, let alone be nude. Unless the receptionist weighed 300 pounds and her bra size was a 40 long, there's no reason not to assume people no longer had a problem with nudity so long as you were society's standard of an attractive female. Why would he risk his life if he was the only one keeping the earth from being enslaved? Maybe because he thinks earth deserves to be enslaved but he doesn't want to kill himself so he's trying to die by other means.


It's okay, I didn't see the twist in 6th sense coming either and I watched it about a year after it came out.

E. P. Haury

Funny thing was, when I read the story, I interpreted the fact that his fantasies did both get confirmed as (possibly) meaning that something was up. I saw the story itself being altered by the memory implants in surreal way. No one raises the question of what's real, but the aliens scenario seemed so implausible that the entire text being an unreliable narrator made more sense to me. I can acknowledge this could be influenced by the question being raised in Total Recall, though.