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Maybe we can put the movie itself in the notebook...


Death Note - The Dom Reviews

The Dom takes a look at Netflix's attempt to adapt the popular manga Death Note to western cinema.



"If it's ALL of those things and you STILL decide to do an in-name-only adaptation, may the gods have mercy on your dumbass soul." LOL This is gonna be a good one, I can tell. XD


That's still some pretty good fan credentials The Dom. Seen most of the media and own merch. In a similar vein you might wan to try Junji Ito's Uzumaki.


PREACH! ^o^/


WHy? This film is about a decade too late, and people if they wanted Death Note could just watch the anime, or the Japaneses movies.


Now I'm tempted to read Death Note. Never was tempted before. Also, I really want to hear your thoughts on the news they're going to make an all female Lord Of The Flies. I think besides the fact they're missing the point of the novel they're also being extremely lazy.


It was definitely a great review. I personally had a different takeaway from Light's original character, but then he's kind of meant to be open to interpretation. But otherwise, yeah. Your observations and insights were spot on. I especially liked your theory on how this film could have been saved--just making it a sequel would have cleared up so many plot holes and explained so much OOCness to some returning characters (like Ryuk and Near instead of L), and it would have just fixed so much. Hollywood is really missing out by not having you around to consult the adaptation process.


Man I'd watch your version of Death Note.


This is literally all of my thoughts about this movie. I really can't get over how they missed the entire point of Death Note. Just watching the anime entros gives you enough information about what this story is supposed to be about. It's like they didn't watch the anime, read the manga, or anything. Someone just mentioned the story and they ran with it.

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

Soooo agreed :D You are so right with this stuff, I can't state that enough!


Oh The Dom. The Dom, The Dom, The Dom... How did you mispronounce "manga"? It's not may-nga, it's mah-nga. I'll give it a pass, though, since it's the only manga you've read, so you may not be familiar with Japanese pronunciation rules. Awesome review and ideas for an improvement though. That was an extremely entertaining ending, and I haven't even seen/read Death Note!

Robin Isomaa

During the very first scene with Ryuk, I realized that they didn't make him a 'God of Death' - they made him a demon. He tempts Light to use the note and has telekinetic powers. The last line of the film, when he comments on how interesting humans are, makes no sense, other than as a callback to his original character. Also, I really missed all of his facial expressions from the anime; in the film, he's basically wearing the Green Goblin mask from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man.


Damn. I really want to see The Dom's Death Note now. I can easily see Jeff looking through the Death Note, seeing the various names written down, thinking 'Is this Kira's?' flipping faster and faster as the music swells, and then it stops. And he sees that page. The most public of Kira's killings, that one page taken up by single name scrawled across it in english - Lind L. Taylor.


I do beleve I pre-warned you of my complete lack of fuck giving in regards to this.

Alyssa G

I really do want to see the Death Note squeal you were talking about. I would love to see if he could figure out the tricks Light found out about the Death Note, like writing down the cause of death before the name will actually work and using Ryuk to play a part in a guys death