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My thoughts on episode 4 of season 1 Game of Thrones.


Game of Thrones S1 E4, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Yeah the small details on the visuals of certain items was always a bit disappointing for me. Ice (the Greatsword, not frozen water) for one, said to look as though it was made out of smoke, forced into the shape of a sword, constantly shifting patterns as it moves through the air. In the show? Big sword. And that's it. The dragon bones too, I mean, how hard is it to buy some black paint?


Considering how dark the lighting is where the show has them, if they were black you wouldn't be able to see them clearly.


The title of the post says Episode 3, but this is the video for Episode 4.


We need to get you the same number of titles as Daenerys by the end of this series.


I need to sit down and watch the rest of Season 1 now. I've just been lazy about it


In regards to the Iron Throne. I remember reading that Martin likes the version created for the tv show as one 100% accurate to the book would be almost unfilmable because of size. Especially as the throne room in the book is around the same size as saint peters basilica in comparison. So while it would have been completely awesome to see the iron throne from the book. The change comes from a completely practicle stand point. One that Martin himself completely understands.


Another great review, The Dom. I'm totally with you about Catelyn Stark. I had a stepmother who treated me like shit growing up because I wasn't one of HER children (my half-siblings), so I have NO patience for how she treats Jon. To those who say, "But it's a reminder of Ned's infidelity..." a) She should take it out on Ned, not Jon. b) Ned himself says that he hoped she'd be a surrogate mother to Jon because he's of her husband's blood, but she tells him point-blank as she pressured him to send Jon to the Wall, "He's not MY son!" which I think says it all. She also constantly feels jealous of Jon because she feels threatened that some other woman's son might inherit a scrap of her husband's lands and titles over HER children, which I think makes it pretty clear that the deepest, core reason she doesn't like Jon is that he isn't of her body. She loves her children deeply because they all come from her body and look like her (except Arya, who isn't as close to her mom because a) she's not a son like ambitious mommy wants, b) doesn't look like mommy unlike all her siblings, c) isn't "ladylike" like Sansa, and thus like Catelyn herself), and can be used to gain advantageous matches and titles (hence why she pressures Ned to accept the Hand of the King position even knowing it'll make him miserable, because she can already imagine giving her daughters advantageous marriages and her sons advantageous titles along with Rob becoming Lord of Winterfell) because it would reflect well on HER that she gave birth to queens, kingsguards, lords, etc. I really don't like Catelyn.


As for the direwolves attacking Tyrion, the impression I personally got was they were reacting to their owners' feelings. None of the Starks trusted Tyrion, so my impression was the direwolves saw him as a threat and attacked him due to the emotional bond they shared with their owners. (Kind of like when Tyrion started heckling Jon about how much he would hate life in the Wall until Ghost finally attacked him in response to Jon's growing distress.) My impression was if the direwolves distrusted somebody the Starks trusted then you knew that person was up to no good, but if the direwolves distrusted somebody that the Starks already distrusted then they were largely reacting to their owner's emotions (much like when my real-life dogs got wary around someone I felt wary of). But... yeah, now that you mentioned it, this is the one time they were definitely off the money. It also sounds like a shame that the show left the direwolves out so much, and changed the reveal of Sandor's backstory. *sigh*


This epiosde has what I consider the most baffling change in the entire season. Why have Litttlefinger tell Sansa, Sandor's backstory? I guess if you thought the point of that scene was learning his backstory, but it also showed Sansa trying to cling to her romantic ideals, and humanized Sandor....a bit. Also their explanation they couldn't film it due to rain, seems kind of weak.


Maybe it was because they were planning on Sandor explaining it to Arya in a later season and didn't want to do the same monologue twice.


Next time the Dom uploads, I'm going to put a timecode in whenever he says something that could be put on a shirt. I'd do it now, but I'm too busy procrastinating.