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A Dom of Ice and Fire begins.


Game of Thrones S1 E1, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

A comparison of the first episode of Game of Thrones to the opening chapters of A Game of Thrones, the first in the Song of Ice and Fire Series.



WOHOO!!! I've looked forward to this! And you didn't disappoint! That was brilliant! :-D


I've read the books but honestly have no interest in the show. I don't think I can take watching horse hearts being eaten on screen.


I had an interest, but was mostly disappointed by the show. Not as interesting to see as it is to read imo.


Ooh, nice! What is this, an LiA episode for every episode of the season? That's totally radical, man! Hope the episodes will deliver, and not pull any punches.


Whoa, that is a terrific start for Dom of Ice and Fire, right there. Really superb. Loved it! Hope the quality remains this high, though the same might not be said for the tv-show.


As someone who has zero interest in Game of Thrones, I hope that we aren't getting one video per episode. I don't want to have to tune out for several months. One per season would make it as long as the Harry Potterathon. If you do insist on doing it this way, maybe intersperse the reviews with other stuff for those with zero Game of Thrones interest?


Pity they couldn't get the Ice visual right. Nice cloak, The Dom. Will Terrance make an appearance once the magic comes back with the dragons?


I wish I'd started with the show over the books, because I think it's better done. Sorry, Martin, you're depressing as hell and spend way too much time describing feasts. Oh yeah, but I'm still looking forward to the rest of the LiAs...


I really HATED Kat too. Just could never like her all first book.


First pateron early video i get to watch AND WHAT A VIDEO


Each episode is like its own mini movie. Dom, what have you gotten yourself into? That said, I quite enjoy the show. Perhaps I'll poke the books.. now if only JRR Martin would FINISH THE DAMN SERIES


IT IS A GLORIOUS DAY, FOR A DOM OF ICE AND FIRE IS UPON US! I'm soooooo glad that you're devoting an entire episode to each episode of the show, although I agree with others who have posted on here that you might want to mix it up with reviews of other works so as not to burn out on Game of Thrones. I'm also just so incredibly glad that you covered what is, in my opinion, the worst possible decision they could have made: turning Daneryes' wedding night into a rape. I remember reading that scene and being terrified and captivated and slowly, along with her, coming to realize that Drogo wasn't as frightening as he seemed and wouldn't hurt her, and the sense of freedom and safety that gave her was what really got me stuck on the books, so it BROKE MY HEART when they changed that crucial moment in the show, especially because her abiding love for him and devotion to him is such a huge part of her character going forward. That said, I think you're absolutely right that the show was deliberately crafting her as slowly gaining control of first her marriage, then her own household, then stepping into the role of khalessi. It's very much the kind of power progression that medieval queens often take--all of their power starts in the bedroom, in their intimacy with the man who swings the sword, and goes outward from there. Which is as much as to say, I am ENJOYING THIS IMMENSELY.


Yay. This should be good. On a related note I found this graph which shows what book chapters an episode is based on. <a href="http://joeltronics.github.io/got-book-show/bookshow.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://joeltronics.github.io/got-book-show/bookshow.html</a>


The show does a much better job of making the women actual human fucking beings than the book does. Even when I found myself agreeing with book versions of Catelyn or Cersei (the two most awfully written book women) the book did so many backbends to prove just how wrong and stupid and awful they were that it just became frustrating. Especially Cersei in the last two books. The show I think does a much better job of showing how much of their behavior is caused by a restraint in society on their gender and their love for their children while also assuring us that they are clever people even if they don't always do the right thing (or even the smart thing.)


I'm happy that there will be lots of videos on this! But also sad that means it will take lots of time waiting for them all.


EDIT: Sorry , got so excited when I first saw this episode that I typed the first thing that came to mind. What I should have said was this was a fantastic episode; I love it. A Dom of Ice and Fire is off to a strong start, just like the series. I've personally never seen the series (except the Danaerys parts of season one), but what you said about the books is spot-on. (Love that skit. "What's the point in anything?!" XD) I also share your reservations on the change to Dany's wedding night, and your loathing for Catelyn. (I try to be understanding, but *groan*) Great start, great energy, great analysis; can't wait for future episodes. ^^


Excellent stuff, ive been a fan of your channel for awhile now, and im thrilled about A Dom of Ice and Fire. This will definately feed the fire that usually steals the O2 from my friends that have only watched the show. In other words it will keep me from boring/annoying them by being like "ya know in the books, it actually happens like...". Its great to find a channel that agrees with me on a lot of the adaptation fails that plague my existence and im happy to be a new patreon. Thanks Dom!