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The conclusion to the pre books saga with plenty of treason.

EDIT: If anyone notices an issues with clipping or focus on this let me know.


A Very Brief Recent History of Westeros

The Dom talks about the history of Westeros that took place just before the start of the books.



Burn them all! Burn them all! Burn them all!


I do hope you'll reuse that mad king act again one day XD it was really funny. Maybe you could have him come in and say it during another LIA or dom review as an occasional thing.


:D This is marvelous! You have a future as a teacher of history if this whole online critic thing falls through. ;)


I didn't think that it would be possible for there to be a funnier running gag in this series than 'FUCK OFF!' or 'MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS!! (Stock footage of Dragon roaring)', but dress me up like a pig and send me to the butcher if I didn't laugh my ass off every time he said 'TREEEEASONNNN!!!!!'. If you keep one-upping yourself like this I swear to god you'll hit a million subs before 2020, if not 2019. God knows you deserve it. Well played, sir. My 'the dom' themed day of playing on your MC server and binge watching LiA has been ended by the funniest thing I've seen since the Lego Batman movie.


Great video Dom. I liked the disclaimer at the beginning, although it kinda goes against how you told the details of Jaime's king-slaying. Like, all that the people of Westeros know is that he killed him, at the same time as his father sacked the city. The tragic details of Jaime's inner conflict and crisis of familial duty vs. knightly duty as well as external honour vs. the internal sense of right and wrong, and the whole part of Aerys' plan to Cersei the whole city is more of a surprising reveal in the third book, not really something that anybody had any knowledge of. Also, maybe the Iron Isles should have gotten their own mention in the start bit about the Seven Kingdoms. I mean it's not like they are bannermen to the House Tully, after all, and they have their own Lord Paramount. But anyway, really fun video. 10/10 on that Mad King voice! Wish Roy Dotrice's would have sounded more like that.


maybe you're having a bit too much fun with the Mad King there.

Courtney Rayle

I want that ending as my phone's ring tone. XD "Burn them all, burn them all..."


Yay now I know the backstory.


Yeah... I was also surprised he mentioned the Mad King's decision to order Jaime to kill his father and his decision to burn down King's Landing, since no one knew that was Jaime's TRUE motivation to betray and kill the Mad King. This is why he got unfairly stigmatized as an oath-breaker and kingslayer by the public at large (especially the Starks). Also in the eyes of the reader for two and a half books, until the confides this detail to Brianna Tarth. EDIT: And then when Brianna asks him why doesn't he just tell everyone what he told her, he basically says everybody already made up their minds about him being an oath-breaker and kingslayer (especially Ned Stark), so why bother?


"Very brief" Heather. "VERY BRIEF" Its in the title O_O For real though, that stuff is revealed in a Clash of Kings so wouldn't be in keeping with the disclaimer I gave at the start. I broke that rule a bit for Jamie but I tried to stick to it as much as possible.


Another great and hilarious history of Westeros video, The Dom! Just as funny as the last one, and very informative! ^.^


Would you want us pointing out typos?


Holy crap, you had fun with the mad king.


I like to think your impersonations were dead on.


Dom, I think we need the mad king to do cameos in other vids. That character needs more time in the spotlight!