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the apartment i was supposed to sign the lease, has been rented out to someone else...

i feel so betrayed because he said if i still wanted it, we would sign the lease, but he just left me on "seen" after i said i am still interested, and i sent him a bunch of messages since he never replied or saw my other messages in almost 2 weeks...



Omg Leto, that is so messed up! I’m so sorry to hear that! You were so happy about this too. I hope this can be solved

Kenny Stimson

Aww man, sorry to hear that

Rex Wolf

Oh, that sucks! :( So sorry to hear that, Leto! *hugs tight*


That's a good sign for you not to live there. Imagine how many other problems that person wont reply to. I use to work with alot of renters like that.

Diesel Weasel

That's BS. :( If you had his original statements (texts/e-mails), you could push for breach of contract. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, dude. Hopefully you can find another one soon.


I've dealt with similar before... in the experience I've had with this the next place is going to be better than the first


I hope you can find another one. :< *cat hugs*

Futrzasty Mefju

What a SOB? For Gods's sake... Thats rly bad news. But i hold my fingers cross for ya.


That's pretty whack. We have a similar situation where my gf was accepted for a job after the interview and on the day she was supposed to stay, they gave her job to someone else and sent her home. It makes no sense to say never mind when everyone is ready to commit.


Oh, that sucks 😕


Id welcome the new renters and let them know how crappy that renter was. Homestly its a bullet dodged, theres plenty of places out there and i bet youll find a nicer one =)


Should come to my town and say the same sentence "there's plenty of spaces out there" again... Takes literally years for a chance like this to happen again.


Oh no I’m sorry Leto, that blows. Im sure your perfect place it still out there for you


What an asshole he is mate. I’m sorry you have to deal with this and I hope you can figure something out soon.


Ow...what a douchebag. At least you won't have someone that dishonest as a landlord now, though..


i'm sure you find an better one >_>


Aww no 😔 !!!! Hope can find somewhere else, bit crap of the landlord though


That sucks and that guy is a douchebag. I'm so sorry.


Don't give up hope Leto! Keep looking! ;A;


*hugs* that’s shitty. I’m so sorry that happened. Even if it was an error they should’ve given it to you.


If that landlord did that to you now, imagine what he would do, or not do, if you actually got that unit. Might be a blessing in disguise. Sorry about the long wait. Keep looking!