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FERGAL - "What do we have here? A little bird who flew too close to the fire?  Time to stop yer squawking."

AMANDA - "You don't have to do this! I won't tell anyone..."

FALLON - "Look at her squirming Da... it's making me hot."

FERGAL - "She's all yours.  You can have your way with her after she's out."

AMANDA - "No.... wait.... please!"

FERGAL - "Nap time, Sweetheart."

AMANDA - "Someone help!"

FALLON - "Now....this may come as a shock to you Amanda..."





"You can have your way with her after she's out." - Fergal is being rather generous with his offer. Perhaps he, like us, likes to watch. I'm sure Amanda understands the significance of what Fergal just said, but she is powerless to stop it from happening.

Mena R.

I'm sure she can keep a secret. Though...best not to take any chances though. ;) Great images!