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D&D is back in the news now there is this new movie out.  I think I will actually go and check it out in the 'cinema' (which is British for Movie Theater).

It probably felt like I abruptly stopped on the fantasy theme after posting those promo images of Princess Katherina.  Not so!  Actually I downloaded a whole load of fantasy models and props because I wanted to create some more characters to actually form a party. This particular blondie is someone I have been working on in the background since New Year. I did imagine this lady initially in a contemporary setting, but then I got into trying various armour pieces on her. I didn't want her in trope armour (chain bikini or combat wedges) and wanted to make an actual practical set.  Then the idea struck me to model her on Aleena the Cleric from the original D&D Basic Set, as drawn by the great Larry Elmore.

You will have to be middle-aged to recognise this reference, but you can even now use the power of the internet to do an image search for 'Aleena D&D Basic Set' and I think you will understand the inspiration. I managed to get her armour pretty good, I think, but couldn't work out a way to create the skullcap or loincloth in combo with the rest. I have given her a shield. Apart from that, she's pretty close - the mace she has is exactly like the one Aleena has in the pictures.

One of the things I always tried to get across when I was making Gwen Archer is that form-fitting chain mail can be sexy!  I hope I can prove this point further down the line.  Now we have Aleena, she can accompany Princess Katherina and help out with turning undead, Cure Light Wounds spells and other Cleric-ish skills.

Let's just hope she doesn't run into Bargle and his Magic Missile spell.  That was the end of her in the D&D books...



Mena R.

Looks great! I remember playing DND a lot in my high school/college days. Always liked Clerics in that they were pretty versatile. And always nice to have one in a party. Especially one as gorgeous as her. Great job!


Aleena Adventures Again! She looks great, and everything looks quite the part. Shame about the missing tabard, but she's good without it. I love her armor and her boots. Her weapon looks great too. Her hit points do seem a bit low, but that may be more a signature character trait than an oversight or bad roll. I'm looking forward to the future adventures of Aleena.