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Amazingly, Amanda survived her brush with the Mummy, by pretending to be unconscious and sneaking off when it wasn't looking left her alone on a stone altar.

Now she's emerged into the bright sunlight with a egg-sized lump on her head and a splitting headache from being knocked out.  She didn't escape with any treasure, but at least she's alive - which is a good thing as I have her booked in for a modelling shoot soon.  Amanda now faces a long walk back through the desert to reflect on the folly of exploring with no preparation and no equipment other than a flashlight.  Which she learn from this setback?  Of course not.



Mena R.

Clever girl. :) Hope she makes it out of there. Not without some possible additional perils of course. :)

Dawn Meadows

These are wonderful. Love the bright sunshine & her lovely legs of course.