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I know I have a sparkling new Genesis 8 Amanda but what with the conversion projects I have been doing recently, 'New Amanda' (my revised V4 version) was crying out for some love.

As soon as I revised her into iRay, I decided it was time to get her into the sort of gorgeous environment I always dreamed of.   But no sooner did she get into this mansion with these mysterious people than she fell victim to a drugged drink!  She tried to make it to the door but didn't make it far before she passed out flat on the floor.

Write your own story for this one.  Who are this nefarious couple and what dastardly plans do they have for our heroine?

I was relatively pleased with how this one came out, as an initial effort.  The lighting is super diffuse and does however produce something of a grainy image.   I am looking at ways to make it render for longer and improve the crispness, but for this one I addressed the problem with post work.  One of the effects that using reduce noise filters does in Photoshop is to produce a very soft focus look which is a style I actually rather like.  Anyway let me know what you think, and also your ideas for how Amanda got herself in this dangerous situation - and what happens next!



Mystery Maynard

Have a look at these outfits for ideas: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/528539706274830980/ https://www.pinterest.it/pin/811844270310368354/ https://www.pinterest.it/pin/341569952973871918/

Tim Organo

Would it be wrong for me to make a comment about an unconscious Amanda's butt?