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Converting Daz3/3Delight characters into iRay is a real joy for me and has taught me a lot about shaders and lighting.  I wouldn't say I know everything yet (and the number of tutorials online is not high) but I am getting better.

Sorry if I am going a little slow, and I know it would be great to jump into an awesome adventure, but I don't yet have the skills to make it look as good as I know you want it to be.  Right now everything I am doing is character focused.  I am working a dual track between trailblazing with my Genesis 8 Amanda and also converting my Daz 3 / Victoria 4 girls.  This allows be the best of both worlds - I can make use of all the great new Genesis 8 clothes and the Dforce technology, but it means I haven't wasted 10 years of work and I can still get value from all my very many saved poses etc.  Let me know what you think of the converted Teen Rebel Amanda and whether you'd like to see more of her.  Have a good day!




Very nice indeed. I do like the hairstyle and the mesh undershirt.

Tim Organo

Damn sexy. I wish I'd known her when I was that age. That said, I was a fat ugly bastard then, so it's probably good I didn't know her, haha