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Hi, patient patrons.  I feel like I owe you an update on the CYOA project that has consumed my creative time this month.  

I am sorry that I didn't meet my original goal to have this ready for you by the end of this month, and so now the writing will definitely spill over into September.  Current word count as of this evening is exactly 37,158 with one section completely finished and signed off by playtesters, and a second one largely complete.  As with everything, this is going to end up bigger than planned, and I probably won't be attempting anything similar for quite a while once it's finished.  Thanks to 122 of you for not cancelling your pledges while I get this done.  Work is going in most days, but launch date is now TBC.  I will not be stopping until this is finished, however, as a partial CYOA is useless.  An unfinished picture set at least has some value, but this writing has to be completed!

Please see above a rough spoiler pic.  This kind of thing happens a lot in the story.  I took a break and did a few poses to inspire myself.  There's only so many times you can describe something before you want to see it....



Mena R.

No problem at all. As they say, slow and steady wins the race. Or in this case, slow and steady completes an excellent CYOA game! I'm looking forward to the artwork as well.


I feel your pain dude. Sometimes you just want to let it out and see it. :3 Sexy image! Be kind to yourself though. A bit of waiting on our end is worth it. Just don't burn out. We are cheering for you!