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Hello cool people!

I just wanted to keep you all up to date.

You may have noticed I didn't post anything in the last couple of weeks (and thanks all for NOT leaving at the end of the month to save $4.15).

I've actually been away on a short break.  I didn't want to post in advance on social media that I was going away on holiday because we all know how foolish that is...

Anyhow, the good news is that I took my laptop and did some *actual writing* for you.

I am 14,500 words into an Amanda Jones CYOA which I hope to release to you soon.  This will be intended for patrons only, and is hosted on www.inklewriter.com. The link will be public (nothing I can do about that) but I will be sharing it here only and not on deviantART.  I know that the previous CYOA's that I co-authored with PerilsOfDawn, UltimateClash and MosbyRedux were very well-received and I hope this one will top the lot.  It will be the first one I have produced entirely by myself and it will be very indulgent to the girl-detective/peril genres.

Now I just have to finish it.  I am hoping to keep the motivation and discipline to add a couple of thousand words per day as August progresses.  3D Art postings will continue but WILL be slower for a few weeks while I work on this.  Following that I will be seeking to illustrate some of the more popular scenes as chosen by you, the players.

At this point I want to say thanks in particular to those of you who are not English-first-language speakers and/or don't have an interest in written adventures.  Thank you for you patience during this time and please be assured that both myself and the other patrons will be most grateful for your continued support while I seek to produce something a little different for a short time.

Thanks once again, as always, to every one of you for your $4.15 a month, which I never take for granted and which has been a blessing in these uncertain financial times.


PS If you have specific questions or requests for the CYOA please feel welcome to send me Direct Messages here on Patreon.


Mena R.

Enjoyed the previous CYOA stories. Looking forward to this one as well!


I am stoked! Thank you for letting us know what was happening Torqual. This is good news indeed!