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Hello once again dear patrons!

Please see above the second half of my voyage into extremely old unfinished and cast-aside pics that I have recently rediscovered.  As mentioned in my previous posts, I moved over to Windows 10 and, in the process, dug through my old files.  I mean really old files.  All of the attached is from 2014 or earlier.  I have literally thousands of unfinshed pics or sketches and here I picked out the top 20 that have never been seen.  They are rough and ready but I have spent the last week postworking them a bit with updated techniques I didn't have back then, thus fixing some of the problems with those images.

We start off with a bunch of Amanda 1.0 pics, back from the days of her very first outfit.  As you'll see in the second image, there's plenty to appreciate underneath that outfit too.  Amanda has been through multiple versions and updates over the last 9 years but there's clearly something about this original version who got her all the fans and garnered all the interest back on deviantART in the day.  She gets into a bit of trouble here in some unpublished scenes, with a dose of light bondage and a guest appearance from Boris my pet python.  He's very gentle really! There's a look at a few discontinued outfits and a whiff or two of sleep gas.

Next of all we have three oldies of Penelope including one in her *original* Black Arrow outfit. Once again, I have long since updated her look and given her more interesting hair, but I have to say that the original had something about it.  A lot of the flaws in it I can now correct with post work now I have the techniques.  Maybe I should see if she still fits in it?  I am sure she does...

We finish with an appearance of 'Summer Sleuth' Amanda and her friends Hannah and Kat.  This was Hannah's original outfit and very first shoot that I did with her.  She is just bursting with hotness and I can see why she has a devoted following.  We finish with Kat in yet another gas trap.

Sorry for not posting anything brand new in the last couple of weeks but I thought it was a worthwhile idea letting some of these see the light of day.  I have a couple of ideas for pics this weekend and I just hope they are not too ambitious to get done in the time available.

If you have enjoyed this trip down memory lane then please let me know as I would be happy to do a review of the year 2015 and then 2016 to see what they bring up in unused stuff.  As always, comments are much appreciated and your continues patronage is appreciated most of all!




Nice collection. Also have to add I completely agree with Duck-Bot about that shoot with the snake.

Tim Organo

Very awesome collection. I do like Amanda in the purple sweater and plaid skirt. Also, topless Amanda <3