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Hello again.  As mentioned, I just went through the tortuous ordeal of moving to Windows 10.  In the process, I reorganised my many thousands of renders and had cause to look in some folders I hadn't seen for years - many years.  Some of what I found was quite nice or noteworthy, so here are 16 of those images.  All date from the period 2011-2015.

Included is Nicole who is something of an abadoned character and, at the end, Mai Shiranui (from Fatal Fury) my first attempt at a video game character, followed by Princess Collette and someone who is only called 'Smart New Girl'(!)  I couldn't decide whether she was a goodie or a baddie and, in the end, I never finished her.  It's a bit of a shame as she kinda had something.  But I honestly have more abandoned characters than maintained ones over the last 9 years.

Hope you find something you like.  I have included some very mild peril within the site guidelines.  

I can't update this page before Friday but I will then be posting the second part of this treasure trove including some Amanda and Penelope stuff.

See you then and thanks in the meantime for your continued patronage.



Mena R.

Great series of photos. Am glad you were able to find them and share them with us.


Hmm Penelope, always no1 for mine :love