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Dear Patrons, I have become aware that viewing pictures and downloading them full size (which was difficult anyway) has now become harder or impossible for some or all users.  I am using Chrome and the experience has changed several times in the last few days for me - it now seems possible to 'zoom in' again but not to save(?)  The 'Open image in a New Tab' trick no longer seems to open a full resolution version.

Please can anyone with a bit of time let me know, in comments below, what it's currently like on your computer?  Are you managing to view full size and download or not?  Please state your OS (Win10, Win7, MacOS) and browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox) so I can better understand the problem.

This is not the first time we have had such an issue in the 2.5 years I have been using this platform.  Something similar happened for a week or so before it went back to normal.  If they have REALLY screwed it up this time (and it will be affecting way more people than just me) then we may need to raise trouble tickets.  If possible I would rather that a few of you might do it than I have to - I prefer not to contact Patreon support at all given previous experiences.  In my experience, Patreon cares a lot more about policing and censoring creators than providing them with a good, reliable, friendly service.

If this new low res 'feature' becomes permanent I will have to look at posting full size images off-platform and linking them.  Although (guess what) I think that's against Patreon policy and will potentially have them checking what I am doing all over again.

Please note that all the Night Investigation pics are Full HD (1920x1080) and the studio portraits I tend to do in 4k (1528x2160) so it matters a lot to me if Patreon shrinks such a pic down to what is effectively a preview.



An hour ago I couldn't save from any of 3 different browers (Firefox, Palemoon, Slimjet, all the latest versions) on my Win 7 Pro computer. Tested Firefox on my Win 10 laptop and I couldn't save from there either. Came back to my Win 7 Pro machine and suddenly saving works again.


Windows 10, using Chrome. I was able to expand the image on Pateron, then right-clicked to 'Open Image in a New Tab.' The image which opened was 1528x2160.


Thanks - looks like they have 'fixed' this (since breaking it) and it actually seems to work quite well. It opens a full res version of each image that you can zoom (using mouse wheel) and also download full size. Thanks for your response. Let me know if it changes again please.


Thanks for the response - it seems they fixed it. I hoped they would, but it seemed wrong not to make an explanatory post and gather info in the meantime.