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This is a 4k picture (resolution 1528 x 2160) however I am aware of a new problem with Patreon where it's not possible to view images full resolution or download them.  Until this problem is fixed, I will be posting backups of hi-res images in deviantART stash so that you can get them full size.  Link to this pic is here:  https://sta.sh/020d55of80ck 

So I meant for this to be a quick pic on Sunday but it ended up taking me five days.  Every single aspect of the pic is custom built (not least Hannah herself! though don't let her hear me say that) - the shirt texture and styling was really a labour of love, as was finding the right boots and adapting/texturing them.  The pose was custom-made... it seems that every time I do one of these I go through the same routine: look through dozens of pose packs by i13, DM, VZ and the better pose makers looking for the right sort of pose to convey the attitude I wanted, not find anything appropriate (leaning on wall poses are rare, good ones are even rarer) then end up wishing I had saved time, then just go and make the right pose myself from scratch.  Just a warning to anyone trying to make a pose with a character's arms crossed over her chest - don't!  It took around an hour of delicately moving the collars, shoulders, forearms and hands to get it looking exactly right without the bones clashing or cutting into the boobs.  You need them to delicately lift the boobs but not obscure them.  Difficult, difficult, difficult.

How did I do?

Hannah's look was inspired by a girl that served me a cocktail last week.  She wasn't a redhead but she had a long grungy plaid shirt, hanging out, really short shorts (so the shirt overhangs them) then nylons with a clumpy pair of boots.  It's totally the "I'm not trying to look sexy, why the hell are you staring at my legs, are you weird?" look.

Hannah is making eye contact here and you have to see how long you can hold it for.

Anyway this is the definitive Hannah pic so far, perhaps the best one I have made, so I think I will leave this miniseries here (the other outfit ideas can wait).  I do have some people coming to stay until the weekend is over, so I will be eagerly getting back to Night Investigation after that.  Find out what Amanda has discovered in the 'Keep Out - This Means You' room!



Tim Organo

No-nonsense Hannah. Very cool. Get the feeling she's not in the mood for any bullshit


Love the semi tomboy look :)