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I quite literally got up today and worked on this until now.  OK, well, I had something to eat, but you get the idea.

OK so I started from New Outfit #3 and just kept messing around.  The first task was to find some boots, and I had a shortlist of around 6 pairs.  I changed my mind several times.  But these are definitely the best.  Not worn by anyone else in anything.  Then I thought about Penelope's new spy outfit and it just seemed incomplete.... she didn't have any equipment dammit!  I then wrestled for several hours with the idea of whether I would give her a gun or not.  Then I decided to.  But I had to find one that wasn't just from the same old Tomb Raider set that everyone uses. And I did find one, as well as - at last - a utility belt with bags and a harness!

There's now just so much yummy detail to enjoy I had to make this an FHD (f***ing high definition) picture.

Oh yes. I fought hard.  I was determined not to give her tights.  Time to break free of course.  Her bare legs are wonderful.  Come on, no need for nylon.  Be original.  Then I thought, I will just check what it looks like and rule it out.  An hour later and I had finished making the new pantyhose shader.  It's just impossible not to put this woman in tights.  Her legs are just so good anyway.... why not make them even better.  I failed.  I caved in.

I think I will upload a bare leg version a bit later so you can see what it looks like.

Anyhow, I have no idea whether anything will come of this.  I find that I really cannot plan my ideas or work to order.  But when something sparks my imagination I cannot STOP working on it.  It would be nice to have an adventure in this outfit.  Is it as sexy as her normal Black Arrow outfit? Maybe, maybe not.  Is it a lot more practical and believable that she could wear this on a mission... definitely.  Is she still Black Arrow if/when she wears this?  Let me know what you think please.  I might even post a 25% resolution version on dA to get some feedback and direction.  Not sure what to do with this.  Was fun making it though. Hope you guys realise that things like this don't just come out of some $14.00 'Daz3d Spy Outfit for V4/Genesis' package and that I am trying to create something unique and distinctive. I am using bits from SIX different clothing/outfit products here and EVERYTHING has custom textures. This is even more complicated than something Gwen would wear...




Perfect, time for action now Pen.

Mad Man with a Pen

It's a great action outfit for Penelope. Not sure it's a Black Arrow outfit, I'm very partial to her leotard and tights. Love the tights you gave her, I agree Penelope can work with bare legs but, yeah always going to love seeing the pantyhose/tights. Great work T3D on this new look!