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Amanda should chill, Salvos has the mental capacity of a child. If Daniel found Salvos attractive despite knowing she’s for all intents and purposes a child, he’d have to be behind bars

Alexey Gladkich

Seems like I guessed that it will be a lvl150+ wild demon but not a [Hellabomination].

Rd Zg

I wonder how big the [Archarachne - Lvl. 165] is?

Spade ♠️ Dragon

Well she doesn't know that. There are like 2 Humans who know that salvos is less then what 2 or 3 years old? Hells I'm not sure how old salvos is supposed to be. How long was she in the human world?

Alexey Gladkich

He finds her attractive for her appearance and likeable eccentric personality. He doesn't act on it as he doesn't find her ready for any kind of relationship. The age restriction is a very modern human stuff.

Alexey Gladkich

It smashes houses with its legs. Medieval era city houses were around 4 stores high and that's like 12 meters. It should be like 25+ meters high for it to appear menacing I think.

Rd Zg

I can imagine the Archarachne pouncing on the army like a wolf spider. How many are going to shit their pants and run? It is kinda ironic but how many are going to get squished by a spider?


Right but from her interactions with salvos it should be obvious that she acts like a child


Daniel is a modern man and frankly if a girl im with acts like a child it’d kill any sexual tension, he likes her platonically and Amanda just confused that

Alexey Gladkich

I think the powerful are going to engage it before it starts trampling on the army.

Rd Zg

I think you need to up the size because "That knocked down houses, sending earthquakes out across the city with a single step." so a single leg can knock down houses and cause earthquakes. That thing has to be 100 meters tall at the bare minimum.

Alexey Gladkich

It's a fairly normal behaviour to be attracted to someone but not attempting to form a relationship because one find the other one to be not ready for the relationship. It's not necessarily age related, sometimes happens between adults.

Rd Zg

Or it could not give a crap, see a literal army worth of experience and jump on the army.


Does Daniel know she is still the age of a child by human standards. She could just be normal or eccentric for her type of Demon.


Considering how they compare her to a child more than once he has some idea where shes at


There’s being attracted to someone not ready for a relationship and then theres being attracted to somone who is a child


Like Daniel and edithe have compared her to kids multiple times

Alexey Gladkich

The earthquake was exaggeration regardless of the size. If it was just earthshake then even regular elephants running cause it. And it is fairly simple to topple houses with system enhanced strength.




good chappie


Îts also fairly simple to assume that people can build higher than four storeys with the help of Skills, Stats, and Magic. Especially if they have a specialized "housebuilder" job.

Alexey Gladkich

@Jenean Palace? Government Buildings? Yes, they can definitely be higher. But expect normal houses to have like 2-3 stories.

Sean Hibbitt

Thanks for the chapter!


Oh fuck, a wild Primeval Demon? That can't be good, good xp though. Ngl as I was reading I think that the Demons are quite wasteful in their resources management, they used so much humans as sacrifice for the ritual. But there isn't one Demon that is a necromancer? And we had one that was like a Beast Tamer? Imagine how much bigger their horde of defenders would be for the ritual but alas. Or maybe they need to leave the corpses there for the ritual? but I doubt that.


“You so obviously like him. Everyone with half a brain can see that." This does not, unfortunately, include Daniel. You're going to have to explain things very specifically, and use small words.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.