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Rd Zg

Kaiju-sized 500ft+ Hellabomination is going to kill half the people there isn't it? Anyway WHY cliff hanger?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Damn I love this series. Thanks!


I wonder myself if salvos gets to be a hellprinces or something better because she has a connection with the devil

Alexey Gladkich

I doubt they have something that big and powerful. But indeed, it is likely a [Hellabomination].


good chappie


Well it has been stated by the devil and by the draconic apprentice class that Salvos will likely ascend to divinity during her evolution which was only supposed to happen when someone had divine essence and reaches lvl 200.

Rd Zg

A level 180 Hellabomination is around 700ft so if it's a lower level that it is probable 500ft or more.


She will probably become one, the title of the series on RoyalRoad is: The Hellprinces (Salvos: A Monster Evolution LitRPG)


That title is likely referring to the demons that are already Hellprinces, so Belzu and company. It does not really tell us anything about Salvos' next evolution. I personally doubt she'll become a Hellprincess. It just seems like a bit too obvious of a path that ignores the whole Divine Essence and divine ascension thing she's got going on. From what we know, none of the Hellprinces have Divine Essence, after all.

Alexey Gladkich

@Nagido there are many kinds of Hellprinces. Belzu is a [Hellprince of Desolation]. Salvos might get 3 options of Hellprincesses to choose from.


@Alexey Sure. But she'd just be one Hellprince among many. Remember the beginning of the story, when she was freaking out about not wanting to be like all the other stones? If she became a Hellprince(ss), she'd be just be one of many, save some small details. What's more, you'd think that reaching some form of divinity would open new evolution paths that are not available otherwise. Still, you're not wrong, she might just become a Divine Hellprincess of Heavenly Pride, or whatever. I just kind of doubt it.

Alexey Gladkich

@Nagido there are very few Hellprinces in general. Most lvl150+ intelligent demons aren't Hellprinces. Both Ira and Gula stalled their upgrade just to get a Hellprince as an option. Besides, Salvos always wanted to be a princess. It's quite likely that most lvl150+ wild demons aren't Hellabominations either. Just Fiends and whatnot.


@Alexey You're missing the point. What matters is Salvos' perspective on this. Not general statistics. Other than the Hellabomination and the Devil, all evolved level 150+ Demons she's met are Hellprinces. As far as she is concerned, Hellprince might be the norm, even though we as readers know it's a special evolution. Salvos wanting to be a princess is the equivalent of a little girl going crazy over a Disney princess. It doesn't really mean much.

Alexey Gladkich

I don't think levels and size are related here. Hellabomination could be even a small demon. It's not the size that really matters. Also, it is quite likely to be just a lvl150+ wild demon, not even a [Hellabomination]. As those are very difficult to handle.

Alexey Gladkich

@Nagido Salvos gets direct intuitive information from the system. So it's a pointless argument. Her desire to be a princess is rather extreme and she's still a child. Even if she's offered a slightly better class she'd go for a princess. And as we were told, Hellprinces are top tier subspecies demons can get. And I don't see any point in the argument "she got divinity". So what? Can't a Hellprincess be divine? What's even the argument is about? It is was implied that quite a few Hellprinces achieved divinity.


@Alexey Maybe, maybe not. I am not trying to convince anyone. I doubt that she'll become a Hellprincess, and that's really all I meant to convey. Feel free to agree or disagree with individual arguments. It's all the same to me. I am just curious to see what the author comes up with.


@Petropan The title says nothing about Salvos herself. It says "Hellprinces" (with one "s") which is the plural of "Hellprince". If it refered to Salvos, it would be "Hellprincess" with two "s". However, I bet she gets to choose between being a Hellprincess or something even better, which isn't a princess. The question then would be, would Salvos be willing to give up being a princess for the sake of power?


I see a clown with a red balloon coming.


I enjoyed the infi and debil conversation didn't think Salvos would show up, rip


Are they going to release the Kraken?? I hope they release the Kraken. And poor Infi and Debil, they are like a lesser version of Salvos and Haec huh. But they were able to stay be the other side from birth to death.... So I guess Salvos and Haec are luckier than them, since they are both alive, lived less than one Advent and are both above level 100, maybe above 120.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.