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Thanks for the chapter






Ya did confirm good shit showing how changelings usually fight


Interesting to see a more stereotypical changeling fight. You did definitely convey that he would normally not be so ridiculously fast

Adrian Gorgey

Hmmm, not sure what the demons get out of this, besides the boots, I guess. Like, the humans were picking themselves apart already. Those who could lie to themselves that they were safe sought to avoid war. Giving them a shared enemy is the best way to unite humanity. If you were gonna ambush them, you really gotta kill a bunch of the leaders for it to be worthwhile.

Alexey Gladkich

Did it seem to you that these demons understood anything about human politics or cared to?

Chris Lewis

Did the demons know they were picking themselves apart though. From their perspective there is this big conference all about beating demons going on, with all the highest level people from humanity there. So they decide to try and pick off some stragglers and take some artifacts of alexander before humanity can finish uniting.

Adrian Gorgey

Like, the demons themselves, definitely not. But they were sent on this mission by the big evil lieutenant of the demon king, right? He seemed to have a strategic goal in mind to keep the human s from uniting, or... something like that, I think? Honestly, I was just surprised they ran away so quickly before doing more damage. Maybe the human elites shook them up a bit. I kind of imagine this scene like Sasuke breaking into the four kage summit in shippudin, where he ends up throwing down w all of the kage. That was epic.

Alexey Gladkich

Levithus certainly has a strategic goal in mind but he isn't micromanaging them as far as I understand. While they are too arrogant and overconfident due to their power and contempt towards mortals. Besides, quite a few of the members present in the meeting could be secretly working for demons and sowing confusion and mistrust.


More relevant to previous chapter since I read it late: The levels of incompetence and lack of self preservation among the human rules are getting a bit unrealistic, at least in my opinion. An entire nation has already been destroyed and so many famous elites died it boggles the mind that such a big % of the concerned is not seeing the bigger picture. I would expect 10% unwilling to admit how bad things actually are, not the vocal majority. Like, how do people this incompetent not get overgrown/assassinated by the nearest elite vigilante?

Alexey Gladkich

As far as I understand they want other nations to face the threat while they themselves prosper. It is easy to find excuses and avoid seeing the uncomfortable truth if they don't want to. Current politics isn't much different and about as dumb.


In current politics the politicians have nothing actually at stake from benefiting. No real risk for profiting. They will have died of old age before the consequences catch up. They are not dumb, they just don't care. Here they are gambling on immediate extinction in a time frame of years.

Alexey Gladkich

Say, at WW2 when was it that countries united to fight Nazis? Oh, right that didn't really happen. It was barely an alliance of convenience concocted mostly due to Germany and its allies attacking them.


'that didn't really happen' 'it was an alliance' Dude, wdym. You literally contradicted yourself the next sentence. The reason Hitler got through France before an alliance against him was formed was because the peak politicians misjudged completely the extend of his ambition of conquest and though he could be appeased for a frankly dumb amount of time. When a major county (France) fell to him people realised that there is a problem and did, in fact, unite against him

Alexey Gladkich

United after conquering France? Nah. Whole Europe was surrendered with barely any resistance. Some countries were literaly given as gift. US was just selling stuff until Japan attacked them and drawned them into war. Soviet Union was also attacked by Nazis. Until then they were technically in non-aggression pact. They didn't unite through logic and understanding that a serious war is coming. They were straight up forced into the war and then the ruling "enemy of an enemy is a friend, right?" and they still competed and fought independently from each other. I don't call something like this an alliance.


Good chappie


On a different note how realistic a position seems from outside can be pretty deceiving. To them the threat probably just seems to be one primeval demon and that's it and they think they already killed one of those. They are down playing the threat to both themselves and others so it seems more manageable so they don't have to get involved. Something people have done with climate change for decades since the effect became clearly noticeable in the 80s or 90s if I'm not mistaken and we still 'debate' this. Humans will just try to ignore a problem if they think they can get away with it. The couple years is a time frame only we know about anyways they probably thought they have decades at least, until they were attacked that is.


you say that but you look at human history in the real world and it doesn't look much different. Even now you look at stuff like climate change, it's a real mess.

Alexey Gladkich

Before Climate Change there was global lead poisoning due to its content in fuel. It took decades until it was proven to cause serius problems and countries banned the practice. It was hard to ban despite everybody knowing that lead is poisonous to one's brain and that fuel has it.

Sean Hibbitt

I agree very good chappie! Thank you for the spurt of chapters I really enjoyed them!!!

John Pratt

When you say that it took decades to proves lead poisoning was a serious problem, what you mean to say is that all the relevant people in power knew almost immediately that is was a serious problem and still mostly ignored it until enough of the general population knew about it to threaten their personal power.

Alexey Gladkich

@JohnPratt kinda yeah, but not exactly. For a while nobody noticed increased content of lead in the atmosphere and ignored scientific warning that the fuel could cause problems. Then they argued that lead is natural and is everywhere until it was shown that the amount in the atmosphere increased dramatically in the last 100 years via some research of snow layers in Antarctica. Then they argued that it's not enough to cause problems. But decades of statistics showed that kids started getting significantly dumbed the more lead there was in the atmosphere and surroundings. It took decades to prove that damage exists and gets worse despite it being well known that lead is poisonous.


I thought otgaf went to go fetch salvos, was that my misunderstanding?

David Brims

They said there were 2 groups of 3 demons, so maybe Salvos is currently occupied with the other group, and we'll see that next chapter?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I think it was quite clear that was what happened. Imagine being a changeling and not doing magic and speed. Salvos would be disappointed.