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(Removed for KU)



It was a great chapter, though I don't quite understand why the treasures were being held else where. I mean its not like any treasury or safe could be safer than that conference room. Either way great chapter.


Salvos is going to need to get off her mountain and interfere with the conference


humans be stupid. could give them ideas like, well just give me the treasures and ill kill the demon myself. its obvious theyre not safe with you. or some such bullshit


Whiplash but things looking good

Sean Hibbitt

Damn that was a quick change of pace, but i think it showed off how unprepared the humans were


4ft tall? smh.




Holup how tf did this guy manage to stay an Imp? I thought u had to evolve past that at some point, or at least be a variation of Imp thats stronger or smth

Alexey Gladkich

Identify doesn't return much info. For almost all sorts of mages it simply returns [Mage]. The Imp's subspecies is surely some [Dreadful Imp Overlord of Hellspawn] or something.


Very good chapter. I really like the scene setting

Alexey Gladkich

"as soon as he opened *her* mouth, it happened" -> "as soon as he opened *his* mouth, it happened" It's kinda weird and lewd sounding otherwise.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Huh, level 147 Imp? not that impressive tbh. Since he is a imp.... Should be good to make some trouble for them all though.