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Bunny Waffles

Aight. I'll admit. I have no idea how this is gonna play out.


I bet Daniel and Edithe are gonna follow Salvos in and tell Amanda to go back herself since she's the fastest. Edithe has the ability to break Belzu's illusions, and Daniel is a Hero, so they could absolutely help if they join the fight.

Rd Zg

So dragon class since she now have a portal to the netherworld

Alexey Gladkich

Hmm... just last chapter I had thoughts that the Salvos-Belzu fight might end up with them being transported into Netherworld... and here we have portal being opened right off the bat.


Oh my god I can’t get enough of it!!!

Jericho Drakane

Belzu sounds like he expects to die very soon. Maybe the portal is meant to be a permanent one. A huge number of sacrifices to induce a bridge between worlds that never fades away.

Melting Sky

Yeah, I think he intends to bridge the two realms. It removes the demon king's control over who gets to pass back and forth. The wild demons could just pour through on their own along with anyone else that wishes it. All of it, beyond the demon king's control.


Yeah worst case they just help with the army and the humans on Belzu's side and keep out of the main fight.


I think it's almost certain that Belzu intendeds to bring the beast over. I mean the slight for shadowing from the illusion. Plus he says that he is going to bring chaos to the mortal realm, suggests he's going to do something pretty big.

Tragic Hysteria

So Alix and the other slaves are just going to willingly cause t a small demon apocalypse. What happened to her being upset about having to kill innocents? #KillAlix


Oh my, that last part was nice. I really thought that Belzu would kill them to sacrifice humans to be able to open the portal but I guess it was just a mislead people did. You only need powerful beings huh, no matter if they are monsters or mortals.... I like that Sal do want Salvos to will and kill Belzu but at the same time he have no idea if she will manage to do it or not...


I don't understand Belzu's actions, especially when it comes to sacrificing more powerful monsters rather than the humans. It seems out of character for him to have affection for them

Alexey Gladkich

I think it is about keeping the promise rather than affection. Being true to his word.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

bob barker (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 05:40:51 “I glanced back > (remove quote)
2022-06-01 09:46:28 “I glanced back > (remove quote)

“I glanced back > (remove quote)