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(Removed for KU)







Great as always!

Spencer Herold

Please, I made it in 12s. Seriously though, good job. These are good chapters, they deserve to be read as quickly as possible.


Oh my the clash will happen soon it seems. This will be delightful to say the least. Kind of sad that Belzu didn’t end up winning against Levithus.

Fervent Fiend

It’s always nice to see our favourite characters putting boot to backside, but the other players on the scene seem to be popping out of no where. There’s Belzu and his army, Edithe and the adventurer assault brigades. Daniel with some princesses and rebels. Potentially the teaching staff of Mavos Academy. As well as some vampires and their bargain bin poison ivy bear Druid. All this is fine, but a chapter or two (maybe five) where at least some of these elements come together for some collaboration wouldn't be amiss, especially if Salvos shows up with Sal spectating.


Could you, uh, explain because I’m getting mixed messages

Lowe K. Lyesmith

"The Sword of Alexander. It had been enough to repel Levithus’ assault. But not at the cost of many of Belzu’s Mindreapers." should be "The Sword of Alexander. It had been enough to repel Levithus’ assault. But at the cost of many of Belzu’s Mindreapers." Otherwise awesome as always


I assume that City Belzu was talking about is important?


Just had a thought that I wanted to share. But what if now that Salvos has a father she also gets a mother. I was thinks the Fairy Queen, but this time it is Salvos that insist on calling her mother because then that would make her a princess. Eventually she does warm up to Salvos, then Sal and the Queen are constantly fighting for Salvos attention sometimes literally, also called custody battles.

Fervent Fiend

Sorry, I commented from my phone and it automatically ‘corrected’ some of my inputs


Sorry, did you edit it? I’m still not sure what you mean >.>

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Aaaaaand that's how fanfiction comes into existence. And no, not now. It has to be an organic development, not a throwaway gag.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Author - sama, they seem to be confused as to the developments in the back of the stage, away from the readers view. How is it, that people are where they are and some such. They seem to want to have their metaphorical hand held more. Which would, quite frankly, take away from the flow of the story.


"So how's things going with you Salvos?" "I got adopted!" "By who?" "The Devil!"

Fervent Fiend

When I'm describing the characters coming out of no where I'm mostly alluding to them doing stuff outside the information presented to us the readers. Take Belzu for instance. The last we really saw of him was when Salvos teleported away with the breastplate. He was left with a diminished monster army, severe injuries, and a demolished on-fire capital city. Since then he's... healed... maybe. Also his army is bigger... but also diminished again from a fight with the Hellprince, who also injured him... again. And all this happed while he was off... maybe invading Shedos aiming for one of the Alexander relics, but was somehow pushed into Inoria.... You can kind of see the repeated uncertainty of some of these events. This is kind of true with all the interludes.


That’s the point of the narrative style? We are experiencing the story of Salvos, meaning this is the perspective of Salvos. The fact that we don’t know some things happening around them is going to be a given, and a lot of things must be inferred from the effects they have instead


Please focus more on the main story (and story progression necessary interludes). I agree with @Lowe K. Lyesmith, that sometimes you need the vagueness. And in my opinion, what you are currently doing is good, you have already given good enough hints at future directions withouth additional explanations.

Fervent Fiend

not necessarily. At the moment, the interludes gloss over information that would tie them together better, while focusing more on the drama of the moment. Not entirely a bad thing, but it's too disjointed making people want to skip the interludes entirely to get to the "good stuff"


I LOVE this idea !! And also i kind of ship the thing Amanda and Daniel have xD they would be a cute couple. BTW just wait till Daniel meets the new ”papa” —> proceeds to wet himself xD


Everytime i see a new chapter is out i kind of get a little sad because i know after i finish i end up craving for more xD


I'm not sure what your talking about, Belzu wasn't injured much after attacking the the capital trying to get the breastplate, and his army only got bigger. I'm not sure the chapter numbers but Belzu having trouble moving through Inoria have been mentioned in multiple chapters. So far almost all the events that are happening were mentioned beforehand. So long as you haven't been skimming chapters you shouldn't have had any surprises beyond what's happened directly in a POV.


typo "Beluz’s bulbous eyes flickered." should be Belzu's

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I think the current pace of interludes is fine. At some point, we'll need more background about how things are coming together, but rather than interludes I think it should be when Salovs meets up with the others (Edithe, etc). After all, Salvos doesn't really care for the fine details, so we shouldn't get the whole picture.


Salvos hugging Daniel, healing Faith's arm, ... she's the best :)


Yes!!! Amanda and Daniel, very cute and I love how much Amanda teases him it’s hilarious