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Oh, did you guys see what I did there? Salvos went back in time at the start of the chapter, before metaphorically going back in time at the end. Whaddaya thonk?


I clicked so fucking fast. Dont even test me bruv. Hahaha. Lets goooooo!!


2mins I’m late


Hell yeah, so that’s what grace does huh


Daaamn it went full circle


And so it comes full circle


Thanks for the chapter


I am really looking forward to Salvos getting outed as a demon on a wider scale


what an insane pop off.

Dion Crump

I remember, I was there, I recall the dear and terror and longing when she first witnessed how strong a non wild demon could be. I am so happy she crested that mountain and crushed it under her

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


The gang is getting back together XD


Could have been the self reflection on recognizing Simag, or a result of seeing how her new title skill works

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Should happen when stomping the overdemon dude at the latest, then nobody can really say she just wants to kill all humies.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Well, you're clearly wrong. But that is OK. You are forgiven for clearly not knowing that Salvos is the answer to every question.


I kinda feel like that will make us loose some of the more fun elements of the story. I’ve always found her interactions while pretending to be human to be some of the more amusing ones.

Paul Barron

That was an amazing flashback sequence.


Wow! What a chapter for me to hit the end of the published chapters! Beautiful!


Hi I would like to thank you for all the work you put into your chapters they are genuinely the highlights of my week I look forward to every word I read and would just like to tell you that your story is amazing thank you

MelasD (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 12:15:22 Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it <3
2022-03-06 04:46:23 Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it <3

Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it <3

Melting Sky

At this point, her shape-shifting racial skill has elevated her ability to change forms to a literally almost Godlike level. It would take something incredible to forcibly see through her form at this point. Her mortal form isn't some cheap half-measure. Shapeshifting is core to her being. She has chosen the path of the shapeshifter over all others, even when it has meant forgoing those evolutions that potentially offered more direct power in the short term. It is by far her most used skill, and thus it is her most advanced and evolved one. The only other skill she has at this level of power is her other Grand Skill which is similarly tied to the very core of her being. She is fundamentally changing herself into whatever type of creature she shifts into. For those with sharp enough senses to detect her true essence, her grand racial skill: Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion likely makes her appear more like a demi-god than a demon.