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(Removed for KU)



The Devil trickery, poor Salvos. I can't see her winning in wits against a very very old Demon. I think he likes to mess around with every person business.

Sam Beasley

This chapter left a bad taste in my mouth. I hope we get past this soon. I was really enjoying this arc before it got invaded by a character from psuedo-christian folklore.


I think if Salvos is absolutely sure that he's on the precipice of killing her at any given moment and now knows even what he demands of her can't be trusted---I think that leaves getting rid of him somehow as her only option. I think one thing you can do when fighting someone impossibly powerful is find someone else impossibly powerful and have them go at it. In any case, I get she's scared, but every time she has been scared previously it hasn't stopped her from making plans...


Hmm, I don't know, fantasy is often drawn from folklore of all kinds. Just because this time it's Christian folklore doesn't make it special, maybe a bit close to home but I don't think it's literally the Christian devil (recall that Salvos is a demon and what we know about her...). I think Salvos has been stomping enemies too easily lately, and she was in need of an antagonist that she couldn't explode or run from so easily.


Yeah she only needs to have the spirit lord or the fairy queen fight the devil for her. No big deal


Haha I said "impossibly" but I'm not actually sure if his power scales up to them. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of creatures still on this plane that would show up as "???" to Salvos. I was thinking more she would go back to the Adventurer's guild and be like "what's the most powerful thing you know about?" But in any case, I don't care about any particular plan; I just want her to be proactive like she's always been before!


Well it was said that the devil was stronger then the demon king Regnorax. and the demon king is likely equal in power to the spirit lord so anything on their level of power or less is useless against the devil the only being in the Nexeus that can fight him as an equal is the Fairy queen. So it makes sense for someone like Salvos to not plot anything against him as she knows that it would only lead to her death.

Melting Sky

I'm sure there must be an Elder God hiding under a rock around here somewhere. Salvos just needs to go flip some rocks over then bribe It with a piece of taffy. Mmmmm, taffy.


"Salvos has been stomping enemies too easily lately" mmm, when? The Plaguelands were tough, they barely defeated the Litch more due to chance than everything else. Same for the Kobold duel. And they got their ass wooped by Belzu and barely escaped with their life. Of course she seems strong now that she's among lv 50 kids, but there have been very few cases that mattered where she just won easily. The Devil is a real trickster. It's fun to have him appear every once a while, though I don't think he'll stay for long. He's too strong for now. But Salvos might learn something useful, who knows.


Now you know how I, a denizen of the Mojave, felt about F:NV.


@Precursor I don't remember anyone saying the Devil is stronger than the Demon King. Only that the Fairy Queen is stronger than the Devil (Lily statement so it might be biased).

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


XD the classic prank, I didn't even think about that for a second! The whitest being they you can't even get revenge on him or you die :p


You've never faced near death. I can tell you that no matter what, it sucks. Much more so when that person understands the world better than you


Also, when it comes to the hierarchy, there is no doubt the devil is on top. He lives in a place where the gravity crushes other people. Our sense of reality is a joke, and I love that!