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Hello, everybody! It's time to make public the survey we talked about last week! Feel free to fill it out here if you want:


DISCLAIMER: All information is anonymous and ALL QUESTIONS ARE OPTIONAL. The survey is not intended to be invasive and none of the data can be used in an exploitative way. This is information for information's sake.

This is different from the non-patron survey, which I link here:


We already have a decent number of responses so far, but I'll be curious if the demographics change over time as larger groups of people get involved.  Anyway, I hope this will be both interesting and fun!

TLS Progress: Though I didn't drive as hard this week, I still got stuff done! All the equipment and stores, for one, and there's more of that than usual. Also wrote a bunch of conversations, which will be a major part of the next update. Only combat party members went to Zirantia, but in Eustrin it'll be the non-combat harem members taking the center stage. Not that there won't be combat, but I'm having fun giving some other characters a time to shine.



Ok, done it. Could you perhaps post the top rated later? I am kinda curious about other people answers. (It's anonymous anyway)


Thanks for filling it out! I'll definitely make a post featuring any interesting info. For example, right now it seems like I seriously underestimated the geographic spread of both patrons and fans. Traffic to the blog may drop to almost zero after the top 10 countries, but I'm getting a lot of diversity in countries!

Secular Reason

Did you see the post I made about the bug in the current version?


Regarding Robin's leftmost trial? It can be completed, she just finishes it offscreen if you choose that research option.


Phew, we have passed 250 responses total. I'm going to turn in soon, so I'm half-awaiting and half-dreading the number of responses that will be waiting for me when I wake up... Grateful to everyone who has responded, though!


Haha, 136 new responses. Sierra = dead. XP Notably, we've passed 400 total and the non-patron poll has finally surpassed the patron poll despite its head start.


All done, that was pretty quick lol. ~Morningfrost


I was forced to take my time on it. Partially due to the time spent reflecting on how much more fulfilling, and just plain better TLS is than the rest. One of the few projects I can honestly say I'm totally behind. Best wishes all.


Dang, I missed the bit on the blog about patrons having a separate survey and filled out the general one. Serves me right for clicking the link without finishing the post.


i filled out the survey a second time, felt good to put my thoughts to words a little more thought through... however i wanted to share s.th. else, i just had the time to play the update, got until zirantia and had to experience, that rel with robin is not player choice!!!!!!!! now i fear for everything... cant imagine an end without the poetics of the introbackground, aaaaaah! there is no salvation! everything is going to pieces! this is the end. may ginastra take it all... ...wouldnt be epic if it wasnt a drama, would it? ;-)

Lord Forte

Glad to hear the survey is going so well! I must saym the total number of responses you reported on the blog is surprising and impressive, though I definitely don't envy you for sorting qualitative data on that order of magnitude... An aside, this is belated, and I know you've probably solved the issue by better means since then--though I haven't checked--but I realized the script I offered you for the Ordeal of the Claw party swap last time had a glaring flaw that it wouldn't keep data between saves. So, in case it's still any use to you, I did an updated version that corrects this problem, makes it much more userfriendly, and should support switching between an arbitrary number of parties. <a href="https://pastebin.com/eg3yPWup" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/eg3yPWup</a>


It's definitely eating up some of my time every day, but hopefully it'll be worth it. Responses are slowing, but I have my fingers crossed for reaching 1000. As for the new script, thanks for your work! I'm sorry to say I have adopted a different method since last update, though. Sorry about that.


I doubt too many people are reading, but... we passed 1000, whee!




Glad to hear!