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Here is the survey that I'm planning to send: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf63yFVahKwDtfrmzwPNnvB_vqf6suoWmNR-h6Ix62eoBuisA/viewform?usp=sf_link 

DISCLAIMER: All information is anonymous and ALL QUESTIONS ARE OPTIONAL. The survey is not intended to be invasive and none of the data can be used in an exploitative way. This is information for information's sake.

Notice any obvious errors? Have any thoughts about methodology? I tried to set everything up in order to produce useful answers, but I definitely became more conscious of the fact that you have to be careful in framing these things. Some thoughts of my own:

 - I went with Google Forms instead of SurveyMonkey, because it turns out one of SM's premium paid features is "having more than ten questions."

 - I decided to break down the younger decades of ages to get that data in better detail. Considered doing it for every decade, but I feel reasonably confident we won't need to differentiate between the tastes of the huge numbers of septuagenarians and octogenarians taking this survey.

 - For the country question, I listed the top countries in terms of blog visits, then a fill-in option. I think this will likely be sufficient, because once you get below the top eight or so the numbers are quite small.

 - This is the religion question I think will be more interesting, but I gave a fill-in space if we do have religious people playing. I'm not sure if this is actually a good methodology.

 - Wasn't entirely sure how to divide up the income brackets either. Still feels awkward - I did have two people contact me to say the inclusion of this question made them uncomfortable.

 - I did add some qualitative questions about TLS, but decided not to get too into the weeds in terms of specific parts of the game. Not sure what a good balance is here, I'm open to potentially adding more.

Anyway, that's my general plan for the survey. If we finalize the details, that link will be the real one, but maybe don't fill it out just yet. I'll also make a copy for non-patron fans and distribute it at the same time. Hopefully people will respond and we'll get some interesting data!

EDIT: I have a few dozens responses already, so this ball is rolling. Criticisms of the questions or methodology are still welcome, but feel free to fill out the survey at your leisure. I'll make another post and a public version by this weekend.


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