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I put out a patch. I previously branched the project such that it wouldn't take that much extra time and this seemed to work well, aside from a late bug report. With no fanfare and minimal announcements, this actually wasn't that bad.

One other thing hopefully completed is the above image. How does everyone feel about that as a title screen? There's still time to ask for tweaks, but I hope to have all of this wrapped up soon.

Work on TLS 0.66.0 content continues. It's supposed to be the big Ardford update, which I have long intended to do. Hopefully with this other stuff complete there will be nothing to distract me.



Edward Culham

The art does look amazing and look forward to the next section as well. Hopefully will be able to get at during the opening weekend. Could not the last few times.

Johnny Bragas

I agree, this really is an amazing take on the title screen! There is only one minor thing I'd suggest changing: Slightly lean back the head of the person. In the current version (the one in the current build) I always have the feeling the ominous character is looking slighly upward, as if being in that very state of despair and exhaustion this whole image conveys. I like this impression as it mirrors the course of the story of the game, as well as the fights Simon and his friends have to fight – literally and metaphorically. In the current draft, the head of the person does not seem to be leaned back this way, thus lacking this impression. I think this artwork would benefit from this adjustment.


I cannot express how much more I enjoy this new title card over the old one. And I cannot express how excited that you're finally working on the resolution to the Ardford Succession. As someone who found the game right as chapter 4 was starting development, this has been on the edge of my mind for years. I can't wait to see how this plotthread finally concludes. Feeling hyped!


For what it's worth, if you find yourself deciding whether to go for a faster release date, or more Succession-related content and polishing, I would urge the slow route. Following various forums and the discord, this might be the most anticipated event left in development by a conciderable margin, barring the ending. This is big, and people are sure to make an unreasonably big deal out of it. I think your average player will be happier waiting some extra weeks or a month, and get something truly memorable and micro-manageable... Said the plumber to Picasso on the art of painting. I'm sure you have it all well in hand, and I look forward to it 😉


Love the title screen!


Thanks for offering feedback. While I'm not sure, this is a change worth considering!


I can't say whether the Succession will live up to expectations, but I'm working toward the conclusion I've had planned! I'm nowhere near close enough to even think about rushing or taking time on this update, just advancing forward.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Just for the record, I also saw the figure in the original as looking up at the sky and felt that added to the mood of the body language. Didn't have a strong enough opinion to leave a dedicated comment about it myself, but thought I'd chime in to support this one.


I definitely like the title screen. The only part that looks slightly weird to me is the column of smoke originating behind the humanoid and rising to the top right, since it appears as though it originates from the same fire as the smoke pillar going straight up, yet it blows in a different direction.


I agree, I think the upturned head fits well with the philosophical flavor of the game, since it evokes a sense of despair and exhaustion, but also possibly a notion of addressing the heavens, a "Why, God?" sort of feeling. Even if, as is revealed over the course of the plot, TLS doesn't really have anyone in the role of "God" as such, there are still figures to whom this question can be addressed, and their answers weighed.


Sorry you ran into an issue! However, this section hasn't been altered in a long time and it includes a lot of tricky pieces, so the most likely explanation is that there's another way to advance the story. Please check with other fans about what you have and haven't done.

Rattapoom Kotchapong

I like this new card better than the previous. The fog on the wagon is a nice touch. Now the image has a much better organization.