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I don't intend to switch to Saturdays or anything, but it worked okay last week and this time I have art that I'd like to get feedback on. Please look above for a draft of a potential new title screen for TLS! The artist said there were a few "errors" he wanted to correct, but this is good enough for a WIP and this is the time to request any changes.

In other news, sometimes I miss the early TLS updates. I actually got a week off between private and public releases, or got to jump-start the next update. But now the content is more complex, the feedback is more extensive, and there are a lot more people playing.

There are some bugs in TLS 0.65.2. Nothing catastrophic, but they'll cause problems in certain scenarios. With the number of people playing TLS now, some fraction of them won't keep multiple saves and they'll complain, or at least report the problem repeatedly.

Which means I face a choice. Do I put out a version 0.65.3, with the uploading time and announcements that go along with it? The time cost isn't so high, but I do need to make a new version, remove new content that would spoil 0.66.x, and spend a while posting and replacing links. That eats into the time I can spend working on the next update; less than I'd spend fielding bug reports, but less invested players can be extremely touchy and I want to maintain a good experience for everyone.

Just sucks to be trying to stay on top of everything when I know that for some vocal people the last update was already a month ago and they want the next one. Thanks for letting me vent. All I can say I what I always do: I'm doing the best I can. Please look forward to the next update. ^-^



Nobu Nobu

Take as much time as you need mate.

Edward Culham

I would say that it would depend on the bug, is it a calculation error in some cases or is it a bug where people cannot backtrack or progress until it is fixed. Or is it something minor like a quick reload and make sure are not somewhere could fix it. Also I think it would depend on how much work has been done to the new version, that it might be better to wait until everything is done in that case and release it all together. Especially if only going to be a week or 2.


Depending on the bugs, I'd probably say just keep going. The balance of everything past the end of the Incubus War will be in constant flux until the section is finished anyway. And even if the main issue is continuity breaking with Janine's quest being available in Chapter 4, I'm not sure it really merits grinding things to a halt to address if it doesn't actually break the game or lock someone out of progression


Oh also I like the look of the new title art! The simpler style of the original one didn't really fit the overall style of the rest of the art once that started getting refined. Though if there's one thing I think could be changed in this new version, it would be to make Simon's posture look more tired. The original just has a silhouette, but it still manages to look just *done* with a slight slouch and limper looking arms. The new one looks more like he's surveying the damage. Those are tiny details though and overall I dig this piece. It also manages to maintain the fact that you can't really tell it's Simon, which I feel is important to deliver the full impact of the diegetic appearance of this piece


Glad you like the title art (and I hope I get more feedback). You make a good point about him looking tired. I was primarily focused on other elements, such as the ambiguity you mention.


I can't think of too many cases where someone regretted fixing bugs sooner rather than later. I recommend you do it now while it's fresher in your mind; new content appearing a week or two one way or the other is going to be forgotten in a couple months, but bugs tend to cause pain forever. You've been releasing like clockwork for years, you have earned plenty of trust and can afford a little slippage in the name of quality. New title card-- It seems to be a somewhat generic battle aftermath; I'd be happier if it was a scene that actually appeared somewhere in the game. That being said it is definitely an improvement over the old one, which really didn't seem particularly game-related at all IMHO.


Adore the new title art. If there is one minute detail to critique, I'd agree with The Dude, in that Simon could look more worn down, from the maddening experience he suffered there. Beyond that, it's a wonderful improvement! It's great that it's not obviously Simon




I really like the new art! Especially love the contained color-range and the foggy athmophere~ the details of everything just look more polished, great work! Is this a different artist than the original one or did they level up their skill that much since? :o


Haha, I take it you still haven't caught up. All your opinions are welcome, but one of those may change once you reach current content.


Is it the one that does the TBS covers? I thought the style looked very familiar


Jeffrey beat me too it, I was thinking the same thing before I opened the chain o replies.


Art looks awesome. Is the plan to have it have 'The Last Sovereign' on it like the other title card? Also, is the symbol on the flag something specific?

Runcible Technician

Considering the scale of the project its a miracle you've kept up the schedule as is. Compounding permutations in a game 100+ hours long must involve exponentially longer dev time to account for. Anyone rational would get that as a game like this nears its end, the releases will take longer to polish. Art looks good btw, the only question is the attitude of the figure portrayed by stance. Is he swaying listlessly a shellshocked soldier? Exultant like in V for Vendetta? Confused? Or just a guy looking at a wagon?


I have no useful feedback on whether you should spend time putting out a new build to fix those bugs. I will say that if people ask in Discord, I'll help them fix their save files. This art definitely looks a lot more polished to me. I like it. I have a bunch of framed video game artwork in my basement. In particular, I prefer images that aren't clearly from a video game unless you've actually played the game. This newer version would fit perfectly. I would love to get the final version of this on a wall. I'll look forward to the final version! This makes me wonder how succesful other TLS (or DoW, OEA, etc.) merch would be. I have no idea how difficult or cost intensive it is to look into this sort of thing. I'm unsure if this is the sort of area you dislike dealing with. There are so many quotes I think would be great to get on a t-shirt though, if nothing else.


Yes, we'll add the text once finished. The flag is meant to be an Incubus King symbol, but it's intentionally ambiguous.


Yeah, merch isn't my sort of thing. I know it's lucrative for general creators, but they're more internet celebrities and I suspect I'm too niche.


Oh interesting! I assumed it was randomly generated by the Tower.


It's likely due to my personality but I'd say the complainers will complain. Spending too much time thoroughly finely polishing updates for a game that is in progress seems unnecessary. Not sure if it already exists as it has been a while since I've played but maybe some in-game/patch file notification saying hey this game is in progress and there will be bugs so it is strongly recommended you keep multiple saves. It's likely a balance of fixing catastrophic bugs and making sure to keep moving forward. The title screen looks fantastic. It does make me wonder, with such a long game, would it be worth the time/investment to create multiple title screens that reflect the stage of the game/act that the save is in? It is entirely unnecessary since it is just a title screen something but you'd see in act 1 compared to events where the player is facing gods and Lovecraftian-like entities down in the fabrics of reality. As I said pretty unimportant but the thought came to mind so I thought I'd share. I always found it neat when game interfaces would change along with your progressions such as in Resident Evil Village or the menu in Tales of Arise. Not even sure if doing something like that would be in RPG Maker.


Not related to the update, but a quick question: if I were to post TLS fanfic in here, would you read it? I don't need in-depth feedback or anything, but it would motivate me to get back into writing knowing that someone I respect a lot would read it.


I like that idea in concept. However, I think that this specific title screen works best when it is seen from the very first time you boot up the game and assume it is just some generic battlefield illustrating the destruction of war, only to realize all the way in chapter 5 that is a depiction of a specific and bizarre/horrifying scene.


Don't know about any bugs that warrant squeezing out a new version, but maybe I missed something. As some other commenters have noted, there are probably going to be ongoing minor issues as nonlinear content is implemented to Chapter 5. The overall quality of the title screen is good but I have two major problems with it: 1: That guy doesn't look like Simon to me. In fact, having too much detail on the guy just seems like a mistake, because either he won't match some people's idea of Simon seen from behind, or he *will* match and people will realize from the beginning that the title art features Simon. Put him in smoke or shadow, whatever works, but his features should be obscured. 2: Why is there a random train car in the center? It's a large, detailed feature that draws the eye while having no actual significance - unlike the mountain, it doesn't even serve the purpose of making Simon look small and alone. Also, I'm fairly sure the TLS setting doesn't have trains. The current title art instead has what appears to be a large chariot or small carriage, and it's less prominent, a small flattened wreck.


Given the wooden wheel adjacent to it, I suspect that is a wagon cart, perhaps one designed to hold prisoners or animals. I see your point about it otherwise.


Something I didn't realize I wanted until seeing this new title screen is the idea that you could spend a lot of the game under the assumption that maybe this is Simon at a tragic moment in his past (until you see it in chapter 5). The idea of it reflecting both his past and future is really cool to me and how in many ways he's still fundamentally himself even during the darkest moments he's experienced.


I like the new cover a lot, and I have just realized what part of the game it refers too. Until now, my headcanon is that it was a nod to the sorry state of Arclent after the end of the hostilities of the Second Arclent War... I'm not really sure if you're asking about our opinion, but just in case: in your shoes, I wouldn't release 0.65.3. Instead, I will continue the work the next release.


I don't see a wooden wheel adjacent to it, only the one toward the right side of the picture. Wherever it is, it'll be even less visible at game resolution. I did consider that it might be intended as a horse-drawn carriage or some kind, but it looks too large, and it raises the question of why there would be a giant carriage on the battlefield.


While I'm happy people care enough to write fanfic, given my schedule and obligations, I don't know how much I can promise. I can say I'd take a look!

Rattapoom Kotchapong

I like most things about that art except that vagon which is competing against the main protagonist in the prime spot of the frame. Removing that would have improve the art tremendously.