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Could have put out a TLS update this weekend, but I decided to try for a somewhat larger update next weekend instead. This wasn't a decision made this week, of course. Some weeks ago, I realized that TLS 0.64.0 was going to be out in November instead of October even at max speed, and I felt that given the lagging time, everyone should get a more substantial chunk of playtime.

There will be three harem quests in this one. One running around, one with a brand new mechanic, and one simpler character-based quest. No Ardoheim, Lilith, or other non-harem quests, sorry. Those will be a high priority after this update, at least if everything goes reasonably well.

Meanwhile, I'd like to ask for the help of anyone with time to spare. Annikath has nearly finished the current round of art as well as the paintings. The next stage will be trying to illustrate every scene accessible in Chapter 3 of the story. I could run through and figure out which plot and affection scenes are included and haven't been drawn yet, but that would take time. Does anyone want to make a list?

This was worked out pretty quick in the comments for Chapter 2, so I hope it can happen again. But meanwhile, I will have my head down focusing on the TLS release.

I'd hoped that I could promise an update this one, but this week has been difficult. One of the quests is demanding from a balance perspective while another is proving to have more dialogue than originally planned. I would need to have an above average (but not extraordinary) week to finish by Friday. I hope to see everyone then.


Jeffrey Lebowski

If you don't mind, I actually do have a game question I've been lingering on for a little while. Copying Princess Reletima has the most negative consequences of (or at least some of the most interesting consequences) of any duplicate Trin can make. It alienates practically every goddess and increases Lilith's opinion of Simon. Now I know those calculations are under the hood and people way overanalyzed why collecting the IK gear set impeded Tanurak during the Erosian war when they were just supposed to represent the players thoroughness and dedication to being cool at the game. But I did want to ask if there was a specific reason that copy has such wide reaching impacts. Is it because it represents that Simon has grown way too comfortable with letting Trin make copies even when there is no real tactical advantage and no significant moral justification (as much as any moral justification for her magic can be made)? Or is there a different reason?


It's an opportunity for players to abuse their power. There have been negative consequences to some of Simon's morally gray decisions, but as those have been built into the plot, they don't have a mechanical impact and thus might not be felt by all players. I expect players to be kind to cute children and funny orcs; Reletima is a chance to see how they'll use their power with a character written as thoroughly unsympathetic.


So I don't want to disrupt any potential upcoming updates, but here are some bugs/quirks/oddities that I've found. None of them are critical, but should probably get looked at/cleaned up at some point. I did these on 0.62.1, so sorry if I list anything that has already been addressed. ******* Dialogue ******* - Megail line in Chapter 2, in camp scene after defeating the Rockhounds, she says: - 'No the wastelands extend into Aram. But it's the fastest path, and I figured it would be safe with so many of the Incubus King's forces focused toward Ardoheim.' - Text overflows dialogue box - Chapter 5, Incubus War Aftermath, Aram Vineyard, soldier near barrels has an overflow line of text when Trin is dead and rapest soldiers were copied: - 'There was a group of soldiers at Captain Palina's fort that just...collapsed. When the healers tried to help, they said that their souls felt fake or something, and had been for a long time.' - Text overflows dialogue box - Chapter 5, Incubus War Aftermath, Ardoheim, nun where copied priestess would be: - 'It might be some of both. Things got bad when this priestess just... collapsed. They said there was something magically wrong with her and security got way worse.' - Text overflows dialogue box - Chapter 5, Incubus War Aftermath, Ardoheim, Sarai says: - 'Actually, the new succubus religion is disorganized enough, I don't they've been taken seriously as a major threat. Security is relatively lax.' - Seems to be missing the word 'think' - In Chapter 5, 2nd Gathering, Day 6, Culinary Competition, there is a funny line disconnect where, if you've done very bad, Iris will say 'But in terms of advancing our agenda in the world, I'm afraid it was a failure.' And then the succubus she's talking to will respond 'That's good! I think I'm going to sleep for a long time now, though...' - Not sure when/why exactly this triggers, but I found an orc soldier next to an orc corpse in the Tak'Kan Wilds, saying 'Another one dead. Just threw himself into the monsters...' But in this save the wilds are empty because I killed all the monsters there at the first chance in Chapter 4. ******* Incorrect Sprites ******* - In Chapter 2, Return to Stineford, when you go to Devil's Pass and choose 'Return to strange passage', then leave passage, you return as full sprite Simon instead of head and arrow overworld map Simon - Chapter 2, first gathering, courtyard outside between building, new Rodak symbol stones do not have collision - In Chapter 2 reunion, post sex scene, it looks like there is a naked Altina sprite (between and below Aka and Qum) when Simon talk to Robin, just before upgrading to black suit Simon; however sprite is there even when Altina was not recruited - In Chapter 3, if elven ghetto is 'a burning mess' and locked off, when you come with Lynine/Orilise, you can see the Lynine sprite inside the ghetto (even though it's blocked off). Also a little odd, but not an issue, that neither Lynine/Orilise make a comment on the state of the ghetto if it's locked off. - If you never open the chest with the collar in the cave in the Eastern Forest in Feroholm, then it will play Aka/Simon dialogue even in Chapter 4/5 where they should both have their updated sprites. Same thing with the potions chest in the same area. - A really weird thing happens where, if you never trigger the Wynn/Wendis scene by entering the area with Qum/Balia/Wendis in the HQ, and you trigger the scene AFTER Ulrissa joins the HQ, the Wynn/Wendis scene plays with Ulrissa moving around instead of Wynn. ******* Bugs ******* - In Chapter 3, Govern Yhilin IV (After Eustrin), if the court is still damaged from the Battle of Yhilin and the player travels to the court via the transport, they will end up in the House of Petitions again even though it should be closed, and leaving will take the player to the Robin research area. Investing in anything or selecting a research here will cause it to update instantly, same way the post Eustrin update cycle works. However leaving the Robin research area without selecting a research will cause the game to soft-lock. - I think just preventing to the player from travelling to the House of Petitions in the case where courtyard is damaged and it's the Govern Yhilin IV (After Eustrin) section fixes this problem. - Related to above, and not really a bug, but it seems like at the Start of Chapter 4 the court is automatically rebuilt even if it was destroyed and never repaired (Outskirts too). However the Merchant Quarter, Square, Slums, and Elven Ghetto remained destroyed, with (as far as I can tell) no way to repair them. - In the divine shard selection room, some of the character's titles are displayed as a '0' instead of their title, sometimes. For instance Lynine is 'Succubus Wannabe' and 37 RP, but Orilise is '0' at 37 RP (should be 'Cautious Scholar'). Other characters I've seen impacted: Carina, Nalili, Varia, Balia, Dari, Uyae, Iris. It seems that talking to the characters on the outside, sometimes triggering dialogue scenes and sometimes not, is causing their titles to then update in the projection. I have no idea what is going on, what is triggering it, or what is causing it to go away. But it is, as far as I can tell, completely harmless. ******* Quirks, Oddities, and Other ******* - Council of Gawnfall quirk, if you have 0 influence for Sarai, and are prompted if Simon would like to speak, and choose 'Yes', the game rejects it because you do not have enough influence, but then you also do not get the +1 influence you would get for choosing 'No' and not speaking. - Also, if you end up with a negative Sarai influence, say from the Unification Fail-Safe, then if you go in to the projection and check Sarai's influence it will be reset to 0. It also seems to reset between days 3 and 4. - This is purely cosmetic, but the Chapter 2 'Preparation' Quest is possible to remain white instead of green if the 'Talk to Orcent' and 'Talk to succubi' quests are not met during that section of the game. - How did I miss the hall of illusions being a thing? - More sex scenes that can trigger even if Simon is in post-prison no fun-time mode: - Wendis/Hilstara/Simon scene (triggers by talking to Hilstara) - Hilstara/Simon 'massage' scene (triggers by talking to Hilstara) - Uyae/Simon becoming 'mates' scene (triggers by talking to Uyae) - Simon/Qum in the Feroholm church (triggers by shining spot in upper left)


I appreciate your attention to detail, but phew... this is going to take me a lot of time and energy to work through! Expect reactions to this in the .1 update at the earliest.