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Three new scenes in this set! Nalili, Neranda, and an elven threesome. This is another small set because some of Annikath's time is still being dedicated to portraits.

Patreon keeps redesigning the UI. -_- I seriously wonder how these redesigns come about. I understand that innovation requires experimentation and users tend to dislike all change, but I can't understand what logic would lead to simple/effective features disappearing. It makes me ponder if there's some kind of dysfunction in the industry. I would read a book on this subject if I had one.

(This ramble brought to you by the amount of time I spent annoyed at Patreon while trying to get this post made.)




https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/13/patreon-lays-off-17-of-staff-affecting-80-employees/ It's quite possible the internal organization of Patreon is quite messy at the moment, hence a certain lack of focus in what they're doing.


So we've got a fairly minor TLS "pseudo-exploit" from the start of Ch 4. Basically it's possible to buy certain investments during the free roam party gathering quest before meeting with Megail at the Blue Rose, and therefore get investment returns for these investments immediately. Everafter reported the problem and found 6 investments that you can do this with, (mostly around Stineford), I found another 1 (Theltiar Flowhouse), but I'm deferring digging more fully around the game code until next weekend. The first question is "Do we even care?" The cases we've identified don't seem to benefit the player because withholding ProN for this is either revenue neutral or a losing proposition. If we do care, the fix is a combination of: 1) Purging Ch4 investments from the Blue Rose returns. 2) Gating all investments available in the first free roam behind 2309 Megail Back 3) Some other jiggery pokery for odd cases where it's needed. (For the Flowhouse, need to code around 2301 Lynine Back already being used as the 2nd switch.) If you think this is worth looking at, I'll post a full list of affected investments by 10/3.


Even if this doesn't benefit the player, I think option #2 is neatest.