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This week was busy, and not in a good way. There are so many little things involved with a commercial release across multiple stores, it has sapped my time and energy. The good news it that I shouldn't have to do a fair bit of this a second time.

Anyway, one of the things I did accomplish was fixing the mapper situation. After giving the old person a final chance, I contacted a bunch of mappers asking for estimates. I picked the fastest one who seemed to have the necessary quality and... I got the completed map today! It needs a few fixes, but still!

If people are curious about how Ouroboros is selling, the answer is... that it would be premature to draw any conclusions from limited data. Some stores provide more information than others, but none of them give real time data like Steam. This will keep selling and I'll keep doing some promotion and such, especially mid-month when the non-exclusive releases happen. But for now, I hope I can focus more attention on other things.

One of those things will be TLS. I can't say exactly when the update will be, since as much as I've done there are always a host of things necessary to finish a release. It'll depend on how many business items come up and how much I push myself over the coming several days. But look forward to it!



Yeah, that you got the map with a day if Im reading this right and a week if im not, either way you evidently found someone a *lot* more competent. Good luck on making money on Oroborus and hope it sells well.

Can't Wait

Well, I'm no expert on anything, but when I looked up Oroborus on nutaku it was listed as #1 top selling so hopefully that's good. Though nutaku didn't let me buy the exact amount of "gold" I'd need to buy the game and I had to overspend to buy it, but it's not like it was just wasted. I'm sure I'll get something else with the leftovers later. A devious little strategy for that site, but I digress. I hope everything works out and you can continue making a decent living out of this kind of thing, because you're the best at what you do. Considering the the type of games steam allows these days, this should totally get greenlit. Now THAT would be exposure. I guess they probably look at it and see just another RPG maker game, but with adult themes so it's harder to put through. A shame because this is better than most of the nonsense that gets put out there. It's terrible, what AAA studios put out as "good writing" or "character developement" these days.


Hooray for maps, and yes, Good Luck with Orobous!


I don't think Steam is allowing outright porn games yet...?


Just finished the commercial cut of Ouroborus - ten cycles to finish, but I may have missed something along the way. Love the extra content! I can't imagine when you found the time to create all that, with all the other work (and other situations) you've been dealing with!


Glad you enjoyed it! I'm... kind of throwing myself into work right now.