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Got Covid. -_- Being a hermit, the chances were low, but I guess that's how probability curves work.

Anyway, nobody needs to worry about me. I was fully vaccinated and seem to have gotten a less serious variant. Because I'm unaccustomed to being physically unwell, I didn't realize for several days and just powered through, but now that I'm taking better care of myself, I think my immune system is dealing with things.

This is actually a bit of a relief, because I have a good reason for feeling shitty and not accomplishing much this week. I'm hopeful that next week's update will be more exciting.



I think I speak for all of us when I say, take whatever time you need to feel better. Don't rush back on our account. Your health is far more important. Secondly, I'm a Doctor and I have been treating patients with COVID since early 2020. The current common strains, and given trends the likely endemic strains, are significantly less dangerous than the earlier forms. Even my unvaccinated (I know, but they do still exist) patients are rarely seriously affected. The most important thing is to get plenty of rest and fluids, take the meds that were prescribed, and don't rush back to work. Most that take the time to get better, fully recover in about a week. Otherwise, stay safe and take care.


Well, I for one hope your update next week is less "exciting" for a given definition of "exciting". That definition being the one implied from the alleged old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times.".

Markus S.

I agree on your appeal on the importance of health and a sufficient water supply for that. However as a doctor you might want to read about more about the vaccines to properly attend to your patients. Current data is devastating. Fortunately we can threat COVID like a flu in most cases. Therefore simple rest for the body and mind can do miracles.

Markus S.

There is a saying from a German philosopher: "Health is not everything, but without heatlth everything is nothing."


My home remedy for everything: Eat as much food, drink as much water, and get as much exercise as you can manage then get lots of rest in between. Get better soon.


I hope you start feeling better soon.


Strength to you.


Because I'm unaccustomed to being physically unwell, I didn't realize for several days and just powered through -It reminds me of my grandma who always used to say ,,I don't have time to be sick''

Nathan Phoenix

Everyone needs an excuse to be lazy now and then :)


Minor bug reported in the forums. In the Incubus War/Sylvan Regional Map, the Potion Hermit (014,015) will not talk to Riala's party if Simon didn't help the hermit ignore Grynyth and they don't have the Amulet of Alchemy. But since the latest build Tim the Enchanter can upgrade the amulet to an enhanced version and this can take place at any time after the party can access Ghenalon, so people who got the amulet in Ch3 but missed talking to the hermit by either minmaxing the Synod minor issues or not having a guide will be turned away. So there needs to be a third conditional on the first page on this event for the improved amulet.


Always the unforeseen interactions. =/ But an easy one to fix, thanks.


You'd be doing a pretty bad job if most of the TLS bugs were caused by foreseen interactions. ;/


Hey man, get better, love your games


Hope you feel better soon!


Be like me and get well. I made it through surgery and am recovering now.


I'm glad to hear you made it through! Hope your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.